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A Challenge - the planning

Posted on 06 Mar 2010 @ 7:49pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,714 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: M3: Shore Leave

OOC - Hey there is a tag for ya just before the begining of the booze list

[USS Freedom]

Wandella wandered into Da`nal's office after hearing something about a challenge issued on her behalf on the starbase. She wasn't mad or anything, far from it, but she was kind of curious about the whole thing, "Hi, like to tell me who I'm racing and where?" She laughed, "I mean, I wouldn't want to miss it or anything."

Turning away from the list he was creating for Mok, he looked up at his Helmsman..woman. "Ah yes the race. Well the chance presented itself to get you back in a Razor so I spoke for you. From your comment I take it the there is no objection. Good. I plan for this to be more than a mere race but a test of piloting skills., with targets and all." He added with a smirk.

"Objection?" Wandella laughed, "Why would I object? Seriously! I've been flying console for months now, the boredom was killing me! And I'm down for any challenge. So, how much are you hustling SB-47's CO for?"

"To be honest I haven't spoken to him as to a wager as yet, but out new bar will be fully stocked by the Ferengi I have plotting the course. Care to join me on the station I was just about to check on his progress?"

"Let's go." Wandella smiled, this was a welcome change from the first time she came into his office in handcuffs, ~Starting to enjoy this place.~

Downloading the list to a PADD the two headed out.

[SB 47 - Promenade]

It wasn't long before the two officers entered the Gaming Lounge. Da`nal's eyes searching for Mok.

Seemingly out of nowhere, four Nausicaans appeared, two on either side of the duo. The grim, very muscular, foursome moved to completely surround them, but were unarmed. What could only be the ad hoc leader of this little posse snorted and flipped his hair back as he took a single step forward. In a sharp, halting tone, he said, "Mok expect you...Klingon mutt." He said that last word in apparent disgust, as he let some spittle fly out of his mouth and land on Da'nal's uniform.

Before the spit had time to soak into the fabric Da`nal was already moving. In the blink of an eye he surged forward. First a blow to the chin...followed by a kick to the knee, shattering the joint. His actions were second nature and he relished in the rush of combat. As the 'leader' fell to his knees the other began to move. But Da`nal was prepared for that contingency. The small blade he had kept for years in the hem of his jacket was now in his hand, its tip at their boss's neck. These Nausican had become to used to the fear of others.

"You can either take him to the Infirmary... or join him in the Morgue."

Before any of the Nausicaans had time to respond, Mok came out from the not-so-secret entrance to his office behind the bar. Rather than be shocked or dismayed at the ease with which the officer took down his men, he was actually clapping...slowly clapping as he approached Da'nal and Wandella. "Well, well, well. You've returned already...and you've brought a pretty hew-mon."

A devilish grin crossed his face as he licked his lips and rubbed his hands together at the thought of all the nasty things he'd do if he was alone with her. "It's too bad you're Starfleet, Miss Hew-mon. If you ever consider leaving, remember that my doors are always open." He grasped her hand and gave it a disgustingly sloppy kiss before being pushed back by her, eliciting a hiss on his part.

"Do that again and I will make what my Captain did to your servant boy look like a nice, warm hug." Wandella snarled softly, fully intent on making it happen if he did so. She loved attention, don't get it wrong, but Ferengi and their habit of taking liberties with her had long ago gotten old.

"Bah! You're not my type anyway! So, what do you want...[i]Captain[/i]." The disgust in his voice would have been evident to even a Pakled.

Da`nal literally tossed the Nausican to the floor as his lip curled slightly. Again he felt pride in the tenacity of his crew. "Mok. I'd be careful. She is a member of MY crew, and to dishonor her is to dishonor me. Be warned.

Putting his blade away he looked to the Ferengi. "Now, we have business. Have you plotted a course?"

Mok rubbed his hands together and let out a slight chortle, "Oh, that I have, Captain, that I have. It'll take your pilots across three star systems, requiring them to reach twelve beacons in order, each of which will detect their craft and relay that information back here to me and my customers. That would include you as well. Would you like a more detailed summation of the course?" He asked, eager to explain the dangers they would face and the skills tested.

Da`nal nodded. "By all means." Hoping he had developed a significantly challenging course.

A human walked up and handed Mok a padd, then quickly walked away, presumably back to work. "Ah, here it is. The first beacon lays at the far reaches of the star system we are currently located in. No dangers there, it's just a start. But, from there, the pilots will traverse 3 lightyears of interstellar space to the Ghormak system. Three beacons are located there. One is in the systems huge asteroid field. That should provide for a test of your pilots manueverability. Many lives have been claimed by that field...but they weren't Starfleet officers."

Mok smiled and looked up at Wandella, laughed to himself, then looked back at the padd. "The second beacon in that system is is further in, located within the orbit of the only gas giant in that system. Hopefully your pilots' can handle ion storms as they are frequent in that area. The third and final one is very close to Ghormak itself, a red giant star. Fly too close to the sun and you will be burned. From there, our pilots will travel to a neighboring system 2.5 lightyears away. There are four beacons in the Hrompot system. The first, as expected, is within the outer reaches of the star system. But, it's location is not fixed. It is on a comet, and after that the next beacon is located within the upper atmosphere of one of the two of the habitable planets in the system. This is to test your pilots' ability to fly somewhere other than the vacuum of space. The third is located within the asteroid, within an asteroid. They will need to carve it out with phasers, or torpedors, or however they want without destroying it. The fourth and final one in this system...well, I shouldn't say it's in the system, since it is not. It is located in a nebula, which will force your pilots to slow down to find the beacon."

"The next three beacons are scattered throughout interstellar space between the nebula and Starbase 47. These are not as obvious as the others. You will need to locate the plasma trail that each is deliberately leaving in its wake. The final one being located at the same spot as the first beacon. Is that diffcult enough for you, Captain?"

Da`nal had to admit is was more imaginative than he had expected. "I think that will be just the thing. Lieutenant, what do you think?"

Da`nal nodded as he grinned, "Well it wasn't supposed to easy Lieutenant." Handing Mok a padd. "Here is the list of stock I will be needing. In varying quantities of each."

-- PADD Reads --

Terran Beverages:

Absinth *
Archers Schnapps (various flavors) *
Beer (Dark, European) *
Belgan Lager (keg) *
Chateau Picard (various vintages - older the better) *
Dom Perignon
Everclear *
Famous Grouse *
Goldschläger *
Irish Whiskey
Jack Daniels
Jaggermeister *
Jamacan Rum (black) *
Kentucky Bourbon
Run (spiced and white)
Schreech *
Scottich Pine Ale *
Single Malt Whiskey
Whelan Bitters
Vodka (Absolut, regular and flavors) *
Vodka (Russian) *
Tennessee Whiskey
Wild Turkey *


Acamarian Brandy
Aldebaran Whiskey
Altairian Brandy
Alvarian Brandy
Andorian Ale
Baqghol (Bahgol)
Bajoran Ale
Bajoran Spring Wine
Breshtanti Ale
Calaman Sherry
Cardassian Ale
Cardassian Sunrise
Draylaxian Whiskey
Ennanian Ale
Enolian Spice Wine
Gamzian Wine
‘Im gharghHiq (boiling worm wine)
Ktarian Merlot
Maraltian Seev-ale
Risan Wine
Romulan Ale *
Samarian Sunset
Sapphire Wine
Saurian Brandy *
Takarian Mead
Talaxian Champagne
Vulcan Port
Yridian Ale
Yridian Brandy

* - Special request

-- End of List --

Mok looked over the list, gristling at the chance to rip the Klingon mutt off. For the most part, getting everything would be easy, but a few things were completely foreign even to Mok. "What in the name of profit is Tennessee Whiskey?"

"A Whiskey originating from the Tennessee region of Earth. I think a case of each would be sufficient; to start. I would have supplies the Blood wine myself, from my own House's stock, but not everyone can handle such an....honorable vintage." Danal look to his officer then back to the Ferengi, "If there is nothing else I will leave you to make whatever arrangements you need to make."

Mok snorted up at the officer, "Good, you've bothered me enough today and I've yet to see any latinum. Now leave me to finances, the both of you!" He threw up his arms and snarled before storming behind the bar to his office.

~Always the showman,~ Da`nal thought. "Very well, look to your 'Finances' Ferengi. But see to it that that list is filled...and soon. You stand to profit well above any investment you need to make. So you can complain all you want; as long as I don't have to hear it. Lets go Lieutenant."



Captain Da`nal
Commanding Officer - USS Freedom

Lieutenant JG Wandella Kristere
Flight Control Officer - USS Freedom

Cadet Senior Grade Tzotlnico Mixhaxshi
Cadet-in-Charge - Starbase 47


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