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Welcome Aboard???

Posted on 09 Feb 2010 @ 12:28pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

609 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M3: Shore Leave
Timeline: Backpost to just after - Reporting for duty...The casual way

Immediately after the channel was severed, Commander James Wilson scowled. Glancing around at the officers and crewman manning their stations, he realized that all eyes were on him. Showtime, He thought to himself grimly, realizing that most of the Starbase's population was still unaware of the Romulans aboard, or their mission into the Neutral Zone. He could only imagine what somebody looking out one of the ports to see a Romulan warship might think.

With a tone that resembled more of a growl than a spoken order, he barked: "Yellow Alert, keep our shields down but be prepared for anything!"

Making way for the turbolift, he didn't even notice that the lights to Main Operations had dimmed and taken on a golden hue in response to his order. While Wilson stood infront of the turbolift, waiting for its arrival, he slapped his communicator.

"Lieutenants Toril and Harper meet me at Docking Hatch 201." He ordered just as the lift arrived, parting to greet him with a hiss.

Da`nal was in the lift as the call for yellow alert came over the comm. He felt helpless in the turbolift on a station he had no place in the command structure. He would have voluneered his ship but the yard crew and his own people were stripping the hull plating already. There was nothing the Freedom could do.

The doors to the lift parted as a Commander collided with him. His body naturally alert and ready for battle his grabbed the man and spun. The momentum would have flung the Commander into the back wall of the lift; had he let him go. He released the Commander as he regained his balance, "Greeting Commander. I take it you have a situation on your hands."

Startled from the impact of the collision, Commander Wilson had to lower his guard before responding to the man. "And just who the hell are you?!" He barked, angry with the man not only for getting in his way, but for presuming to be privy to critical and sensitive information concerning the state of being aboard the Starbase.

Waiting for a response, Commander Wilson manually input directions for the turbo-lift to take him down to the docking port. As lift began accelerating downward, he noticed the other man's rank and stiffened for a moment. Relaxing his shoulders, he raised his chin and stared at the Captain silently.

"I'm a Captain....Commander; Captain Da`nal of the House of Varal Commanding the USS Freedom. However you seem to have a situation on your hands, is there any assistance my crew or myself can offer?"

Wilson scowled, angry that he had either missed or forgotten about approving the Freedom's docking request. It was probably still in the mountain of PADDs looming on his desk: Still a Security Officer at heart, he was certainly not cut out for paperwork or administration.

Tired, cranky, and ready to start a fight with anybody; he quipped back in a sharp low shout. "Well, Sir, you could start by staying outta the way!"

Da`nal knew there was something urgent to be handled abourd the station, or else the alert would never have been called. However he could not let a challenge to his authority pass. "Computer Halt turbo lift and open!"

He didn't care what level he was on but if he stayed in that lift he would most likely injure the man. "Commander you deal with whatever caused the alert that was sounded... but consider yourself on charges for insubordination. Computer close lift and resume."


Commander James Wilson
CO - SB47
(played by Ross)

Captain Da`nal
CO - USS Freedom


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