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Settling in

Posted on 07 Feb 2010 @ 12:32am by

253 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: M3: Shore Leave
Location: Deck 3 Lawrence's Quarter
Timeline: Current


Lawrence's blood was boiling as entered his quarters were his belongings had been moved to hours ago he began unpacking he hung his uniforms in the closet His old British Navy ones that he used for his holodeck programs, his current British Navy uniforms keepsakes and not all that different from the old version and then his Starfleet uniforms. he also hung some his formal wear in the closet he was a British lord after all the rest of civilian clothe in the drawers of the dresser in far left corner of the room. All the clothes were ironed and neatly placed in the drawers and on the hungers and one hanging the close were all equaled spaced between hanger 2 inches exultantly between each hanger. His hats neatly and methodically placed in the top of the closet.

In the rear of the room he carefully hung a British naval jack a Union Jack and his family st5andard a flag bearing his family's coat of arms he careful hung the various pictures he had and hung the heirloom naval rapier in the wall opposite his bed and his personal rapier carefully displayed atop the dresser. He decided he would finish unpacking later and he sat at the desk and reviewed a list of the members of his staff and sent messages to several key personnel and told them to assemble in his office in in the morning.


Lieutenant Sir James Lawrence 10th Lord of Oaksey
Chief Opertions Officer
USS Freedom NCC-85359


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