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Posted on 09 Feb 2010 @ 12:32pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

905 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M3: Shore Leave
Location: USS Freedom, Captain's Readyroom
Timeline: Current

Nigel walked across the bridge of the Freedom without a single person stopping him. It was one of the things he'd have to get used to a starbase. Security wasn't lax though once cleared, an officer could go just about anywhere on a visiting starship. Of course, there were crews from both duty stations crawling all over the Freedom, so it wasn't really surprising either. Stepping up the readyroom door, Nigel straightened his duty jacket with a quick tug at the bottom and with another quick swipe of his hand he brushed back his hair. Depressing the annoucement chime, he waited for the Klingon CO's answer. This wasn't the first commanding officer he'd ever met, but he was certainly more nervous than usual.

The paperwork never seemed to end. Even with his Yeoman keeping things organized for him as soon as he endorced or repair request, requisition request, status report...2 more showed up. Here the crew was on shore leave and he was stuck ing his office. And here Ayren had just recently come onboard and he had barely an time to spend with her. At least the kids were having fun.

The combined paperwork, and personal frustrations wasn't helping his mood. He was a warrior not some clerk. The chime sounded at his door and he looked up thankfully. "Enter!"

Stepping inside, Nigel took in the massive Klingon sitting behind a pile of PaDDs, stacked high on his desk. Nigel supressed a smile as he considered the stack piling up on his own desk. "Captain Da'nal, I'm Ensign Nigel Roseman, Chief Strategic Operations Officer of Starbase 47. Commander Wilsson has assigned me as liaison to the USS Freedom. It is a pleasure to meet you, sir."

After his intial encounter with Commander Wilson it was a good thing the man had appointed a Liaison. The Commander maybe in command of this station but Da`nal still out ranked him. That reminded him, he needed to file those charges....he thought with a twinge of anger. Anyway there was no honor in taking his frustration with the stations commander out on the officer infront of him. Sliding the padds aside he welcome the distraction. "Come in Ensign, have a seat."

Nigel moved to the offered seat, taking up aposition directly across from the Klingon CO. He was surprised by the pleasant welcome he'd been offered, the Klingon reputation for ill-temper clearly overstated.

As the officer sat he commented, "An Ensign serving a Chief of Strat Ops....I'm impressed. You usually don't see that position filled by someone less than a Lt. Commander or at the very least a senior lieutenant on the verge of promotion."

Nigel smiled, his crisp British accent clear in his response. "Thank you, Captain. I assure you, the position is more a result of iron-willed stubborness and sheer force of will. I double majored at the academy, in Operations and Tactical, specifically to obtain the position. I'm gratified that the hard work paid off."

"Well an 'iron will' can get you ahead just as much as experience and have both is a definately an advantage. Wilson had better be careful, I might offer you a job."

Nigel chuckled. "I'm flattered, Captain, but to be hinest, I studied for the position I currently hold and seeing as I've just begun in that position, a transfer at this time would defeat four years of academy training. I do appreciate the offer, though." Nigel leaned back in his chair before asking, "Is their anything I can do to expedite repairs?"

"Well Lt. Blaire has already been assigned to act as "liaison" to coordinate the ships repair. But any assistance you can offer would be greatly appreciated."

"Well then," Nigel said. "I suppose I'll check with Lieutenant Blaire to see if she requires any additional personnel or parts. I'd also like to offer my services as guide on the Starbase. It's a big place and easy to get lost within. I can show some of your officers the Promenade and shopping facilities, or if they like, the operations centers of the base. If you'll extend the offer on my behalf, sir..."

The offer presented him with an avenue to get a question answered. "I do have a question for you about about one of the promenades...proprietors. The Ferengi Mok. What can you tell me about him?"

Nigel looked down, trying to remember the people he had met over the last few days. Coming to a decision, Nigel asnwered, "To be honest, sir, I've yet to have had any dealings with the man. If you'd like, I can look into his history, discreetly of course."

Da`nal waved off the offer. "No need I'm sure he's no different than anyother Ferengi...with his finger in everything and interested in only his cut."

Nigel nodded. Even with the changes made to Ferengi society over the last decade, their cultural norms hadn't changed that much. Still, the question alone had piqued Nigel's curiosity. He decided he would look into Mok anyway, even if Captain Da'nal's intuition proved wrong. "Well then, Captain, I'm sure you have plenty of things that require your attnation. I won't keep you. If there's nothing else, I'll begin in engineering."

Da'nal too nodded. "Very well, carry on Ensign."


Captain Da`nal
Commanding Officer - USS Freedom

Ensign Nigel Roseman
Chief Strategic Operations Officer - SB 47


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