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A Challenge

Posted on 05 Feb 2010 @ 6:58pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

874 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M3: Shore Leave
Location: Promenade SB 47

Da`nal and Ayren had taken most of the day looking over the various shops and facilities the station had to offer. It was a good thing the shops here all agreed to send there purchases to the ship directly of Da`nal would be carrying a small mountain of bags and packages. As Ayren examined some particular item or another, Da`nal spotted a shop with martial arts equipment. Making his way over he began to browse the racks of various pads, uniforms, weapons, and other equipment.

As he was about to leave he noticed a set of staffs and a Lieutenant examining other items nearby. Da`nal lifted on of the heavier staffs...~too light.~ Returning it to the rack hne turned to the officer. "Excuse me Lieutenant, can you tell me where I can find a real weapon on this station?"

"You talking to me?" Eli asked as he turned to see who had spoken to him. "Oh, Captain. If you want a real weapon then there's nothing like the Razor. I'm not sure if that's what you meant though."

"No...that is not what I meant Lieutenant. However I think there is a member of my crew that would agree with you."

Ayren really like books, real ones, and when she saw a small outlet having a few shelves, she went to have a look. Keeping track of him was easy enough as his presence was in her mind, so when she got what she wanted, she saw went over to where she saw him talking to someone else.

Da`nal heard her approach...even throught the noise of the station. He turned as she drew near, "Lt. this is Ayren Kelan my Chief Diplomatic Officer. Ayren this is Lieutenat....I'm sorry your name?"

"Bell," Eli said to him. "Elijah Bell, Wing Commander and Second Officer of this fine Starbase. A pleasure to meet you."

Ayren smiled warmly and leaned slightly forward stretching out her hand to greet him. "Same here," she said. "It is nice to meet you too. I used to be station on a Starbase as well, and had only been on a ship for a couple of weeks. I enjoyed it..." she said

"So Mr. Bell, how long have you been a pilot?"

"Piloting has been in my family for years," Eli replied. "I grew up wanting to be a pilot."

"You sound like a member of my crew. That gives me an idea, would you be interested in a challenge?"

For a split second Ayren's mind went back to the last time she was flying a shuttle on DS5 with Rianni, but she suppressed the memory quickly, fingering the ring on her right hand. ~I need to make this into a pendant~ she thought.

"What kind of challenge?" Eli asked.

"Well a race of sorts. I'm sure I could chart a challenging enough course to put both of you to the test."

"That could be fun," Eli said. "What exactly did you have in mind?"

Something that would combine speed, obsticales, spacial anomalies...something to put a pilots skills to the test. My CFC Officer was fighter pilot, and frankly I think she finds piloting a starship boring. This would be just the thing I think to break the monotony. Of course the winner would have their bragging would the Commanding Officer." He said smiliing confidently.

"Sounds good to me," Eli replied. "How soon can you get it set up?"

"Let me speak with her and see, but I'm sure she'll be up to the task."

"I'm looking forward to it," Eli said with a smile. "What are the terms?"

Da`nal Looked to Ayren with a grin. Nothing like a little challenge to get the blood pumping. "Like with any race...first to finish wins. And to keep things fair I will find a neutral party to plot the course, I wouldn't want anyone to think we had chosen the couse to our advantage after we win."

"You sound awfully confident," Eli said with a sly grin. "Care to place a wager on the outcome?"

"What do you have in mind."

"I don't want to take all your money when I win so I'll let you decide what you consider interesting," Eli said with a smile.

Da'nal thought for a moment. "Would you be interested in several bottles of Chechtlhutlh and a barrel of Blood wine...of my own Houses vintage.?"

"I'm not familiar with your house's vintage," Eli said thoughtfuly. "I do enjoy a good glass of bloodwine. What would interest you on the off chance that you happen to win?"

"What do you have to offer?"

"Perhaps a rare bottle of Draylaxian whiskey," Eli suggested.

Da`nal thought for a moment. "Done. Let me make a few arrangements then we can offically announce the 'event'."

"I'll be waiting," Eli said, smiling broadly at the idea of his own personal barrel of Bloodwine.

Da`nal nodded and then turned and offered his arm to Ayren as the headed back to the ship.


Captain Da`nal
Commanding Officer - USS Freedom

Ayren Kelan
Chief Diplomatic Officer - USS Freedom
NPC - played by Sharon

Lieutenant Elijah Bell
CAG/Second Officer
Starbase 47


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