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Replacements part 2

Posted on 04 Feb 2010 @ 5:12pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

470 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M3: Shore Leave
Location: Ready Room

It wasn't long til the chime to the ready room sounded and Kage took a position behind and to the left of Da`nal. "Enter."

"Ensign Philip Roi reporting for duty." he said at attention.

"And Ensign Hannah Dawson reporting as ordered, sir."

Da`nal's expression was typically Klingon. His eyes narrowed on the two officers as he looked them over. He knew that Ens Roi, being a Vulcan, wasn't prone to intimidation, but he maintained his expression none the less. With a wave over his left shoulder he indicated Lt Kage. "This is Lt Kage, your department head and immediate OIC. As you are no doubt aware, I am Captain Da`nal of the House of Varal. I am the son of the Head of my House so in addition to the Rank of Captain, I hold Ambassadorial status.

"Normally I would let new crew members report to their department before I meet them but in this case I made an exeption. This crew was thrown together in a time of crisis. Like the ingredients for a sword thrown into a furnace...individually unremarkable. However the furnace of combat has forged this crew into a impressive blade.

"I want you to know that you are joining a battle hardened department that lost key people, and while I maintain an open door for all my officers I expect the chain of command to be followed.

Hannah nodded. "Yes, sir."

Da`nal was curious as to Kage's silence, unless he was trying to intimidate them by his silence. But he continued"Good. Now the crew is currently on shore leave while repairs are completed. Complete your checkin, report to medical, get quarters assigned. Then report back to Lt. Kage for your duty assignments. Even during shore leave there are duties to perform, and unfortunately being the junior members some of those will fall to the two of you. However when not on duty you are free to familiarize your self with the ship and to make use of the stations facilities.

"Mr. Kage, do you have anything to add?"

"Nothing at this time, Captain." Kage said evenly, his voice low. He was studying the crewmen with expressionless eyes and seemed a little too relaxed. "I'm sure that will be the last time I utter those words aboard."

Inside Da`nal grinned but he kept his face blank as he continued, "Very well, Ensigns do either of you have any questions for us?"

"No, Captain."

"No, sir."

"Very well." Da`nal stood and extended a hand to each, " Welcome aboard." Once that was done he turned to his CSec, "Mr. Kage see to you new officers, you are all dismissed."


Captain Da`nal
Commanding Officer

Ltjg. Jason Kage
Chief of Security

Ens.Philip Roi
Tactical Officer

Ens. Hannah Dawson
Security Officer


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