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The new boss

Posted on 14 Mar 2010 @ 2:58am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

512 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M3: Shore Leave
Location: Doctors office
Timeline: Back post - prior to 'Open mouth- Insert foot'

Rico stepped of the shutte, said his fairwells to his new XO and his girfriend, wh had found out was the ships bartender and morale officer. He looked about and took ing the sounds and scents of the starship. It had been over a year since he had walked the corridors, of a Federation vessel and here he was on one of Starfleet newset ship. He had read up on this Majestic Class USS Freedom on the journey from Rudious 4...~a diplomatic ship commanded by a Klingon...Interesting combination to say the least.~

Realizing he must be looking like some kid fresh out of the Academy he decided to head straight for sickbay, to see what he had to work with. His things would remain with in the shuttle bay..or where ever the bay's crew staged them.

Stepping into the sick bay he was fairly impressed. ~Similar to an Intrepid Class.~ Everyone was going about there duties as they should. The appearance of a strange office while docked at a Starbase was not out of the ordinary after all.

He stepped into the office, currently empty, and took a seat.

Casiday made her way over to the CMO's office and knocked then waited.

Rico was reclining in the chair, his hands behind his neck. "Hello there...Lieutenant. What can I do for you?"

Casiday walked into the office "Just to bring the CMO up to date on the medical personnel aboard ship." Casiday said opened mouthed "By the way I'm Lieutenant Casiday "Cas" Taylor."

Rico stood to greet the woman, extending a hand to her. "Lt. Commander Rrricarrdo Montoya, how long have you been on board?"

"The pleasure is mine." she shook his hand and smiled "And in answer to your question since the beginning of the last mission serving under Dr Hemmingway Sir. Whom I miss her greatly."
She said with a sigh.

Seeing her regret. "What happened, was she transfered?"

She said that as fresh tears welled up "You see we were attacked inside Romulan space and she injured in the attack."

There was nothing but routine patients currently in the sickbay. From her reaction the injuries must have been fatal. "I'm sorry to hear that. However this is the life she chose and as much as it can hurt at times these things happen."

"She isn't dead I managed to save her life using modified nanites."

Rico raised a brow at that. "Really, that's a very interesting approach, what where thay programmed to do?"

"They were programmed to repair her brain injury that nearly caused her to die."

"This sounds like an interesting approach. You should do further research on that....perhaps even write a paper on the subject."

"I'm doing both already Sir if there is nothing else I'd like to get on with my duty shift?" she said.

"By all means, and if you want any help with that let me know."

She said "Thank you Sir."
as she walked out she smiled.


Lt Cmdr "Rico" Montoya - NPC

Ltjg Casiday Taylor
Medical Officer


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