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His lordship arrives

Posted on 06 Feb 2010 @ 9:03pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

2,734 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: M3: Shore Leave
Location: USS Freedom - Currently docked at Stabase 47
Timeline: Current


[USS Freedom]

Da`nal had used Captains privilage and delegated a portion of the constants stream of paperwork onto his first officer; as a result he was having a nice lunch with Ayren in his quarters. Ahkil had taken the children to the Station for the day so the two finally had some time together.

Don read though the new officer's arrival memo and then reread them as something caught his attention. Still reading he made a U-turn and made his way back to the bridge and Da'nal's ready room. When he got there, of course D'anal was not there. After locating him, he rather reluctantly made his way to Da`nal's private quarters

D'anal and Ayren had very little time alone, so they both enjoyed the conversation, which was distinctly *not* work related. In the middle af a bout of laughter, Ayren became aware of a presence at their door. Haaving not met him, but she had sensed him before, Ayren stopped laughing, "Your XO is at the door," she said as the chime went.

"I see there's no surprising you," he said with a grin. Da`nal turned towards the door to allow his XO entry, "Come in Commander."

~Crap!~ Don thought as he entered. "I apolgize for interrupting," he said and nodded politely to the dark haired diplomat. "However there is something that I would like to bring to your attention..." he said glancing apologetically at the beautiful diplomat.

Da`nal glanced at Ayren with a subtle grin, but the seriousness in his voice brought him back to business. "Have a seat Don, what is it?"

"Thank you," he said and half uncomfortably walked closer.

Ayren smiled and stretched her hand out. "Not to worry Don, business first," she said sensing hi dicomfort. "And I am Ayren," she introduced herself. she could feel that he was deeply disturbed and she glanced to Da'nal, concern in her eyes. This was not good.

He took the proffered hand lightly and then sat down. "Sir, it is about the new Operations Chief," Don said slowly. "Sir, You had better read this," he said, handing him a Padd with the areas of concern highlighted. The strain on Don' face become now evident, his own concern clear.

He looked over the padd not just looking at the highlighted areas but taking everything in context. The fact that he was getting a new senior officer without being consulted wasn't the issue, he was actually starting to get used to it. Neither was the fact that his record showed him to be a strict officer. That was something he was looking for in a Chief Operations Officer. The Operations department had been without a proper department head since they had left DS5.

What was a problem was that he was 'the' officer held responsible for the Norton incident. What could have been his moment of glory and led to his own command had ended in disaster. He had a service record that showed he was ready for leadership, but when the moment called for him to step up he fell short. According to the records he made all the wrong decisions and his ship and crew paid the price. He knew that there were times that things went wrong no matter what you do. It was unfortunate that in those cases someone had to shoulder that blame.

He was careful to keep his face even and he set the padd down and pulled once at his beard. The crew would find it difficult to follow an officer that had led people to their deaths, only to survive himself. Not only would the crew have difficulties, but the senior staff would have issues as well. He had his reservations...any man would, but he couldn't voice those anyone; to do so would immediately undermine any chance of redemption this man had. Looking to his XO as his hand left his chin he was acutely aware of Ayren's eyes upon him.

"Your thoughts Commander?"

Da'nal hadn't asked her to leave, so Ayren sat quietly, feeling Don's underlying anger and shock, but her expression remained neutral and open. She swung her attention to Don, being inwardly proud of Da'nal's reaction.

Don clenched his jaws as if chewing the words before he spoke. "We all make mistakes," he said tightly. "I know... but this was a serious misjudgment. I don't know all the circumstances yet, but I can tell you this much, if I feel like this, having been in leadership myself, I wonder how the rest of the crew will respond if they knew," he said, not only taking his own reaction into consideration, but the rest of the crew. "We base what we do on trusting each other, no matter how small your role. Even if we don't like a person the fabric that allows us to do what we need to is the crews trust in the senior officers, and that includes Department Heads, to make the call thatss best for the ship. In that very thing he failed. My opinion is that he should not be in leadership right now, and since we can't change that, it might take a long time before he will be trusted." Don paused. "Of course you know this," he said with some irony.

"His record as a department head, even though, he was noted for bring overly harsh at times, is otherwise without blemish. It was Command the allowed him to be placed as an XO. They share the blame as much as he for what happened." Da`nal stood and paced slightly. Would he have shared the same fate if he had failed at DS5?

Turning back to Don, his decision made. "He's on his way and we need a department head in Operations. The fact that he didn't quit Starfleet and has chosen to face his demons shows that there could be an officer worth saving...."

"That, Captain is what you know and I could understand, but as said my concern is the crew and the rest of the DH's. You cannot force people to trust him or even give him a chance. I will play my part, Sir, but he would have to patient with the crew.." he advised. "So would you have to be," Don said, doing his job as XO.

[Starbase 47 / USS Freedom]

Having arrived at the starbase some days ago and reeciving orders assigning him to the Freedom as Chief Opertion Officer Sir James made his way to the docking bay were the Freedom was docked. He made his way up the gang plank and on to the ship once aboard he stopped and said in his heavy British accent "Computer locate Captain Da'nal of the House of Varal."

"Captain Da`nal is in his quarters"

He made his to a tubo lift stepped inside and as door closed he said "Deck 2." the computer chiprd in response, and the lift began to ascend and few moments latter it stopped the doors opened and he made his to captain's quarters and pressed the chime. He waited out side the door his arms behind his back crossed near the wrist.

Da`nal's head turned at the sounding of the chime wondering who it was this time.

"I think it is the Operations Officer," she confirmed. She sensed a tight person, proud. Not what she had expected from someone with the record he had. This was going to be interesting.

"Well...interesting timing. "Enter"

Don's head turned sharply at the announcement and glanced at Da'nal "Indeed," don commented, trying to keep his face neutral.

Lawrence walked in he saw the Klingon and was speechless for a moment " My apologizes sir but I felt it necessary to report to you I am Lieutenant Sir James Lawrence 10th Lord of Oaksey, representative of Her Majesty's government, knight of the most sacred order, officer in the British Royal Navy and your new Operations officer." he said in cold calm voice and thick British accent and came to attention and saluted ~what the hell am I doing saluting a bloody savage~ he thought to himself.

Ayren didn't hear his thoughts, ethics prevented her form reading them, bu she felt his attitude and she glanced at D'anal and then back to Da'nal. ~Is he racist?~ she wondered.

"Again my apologizes for the interruption I trust the XO and I can handle the finer details, I shall leave you as I think you two have precious little time together as it is." Lawrence Said tipping his biocone hat tradtional worn by British naval officers

Da`nal was going to have his hands full.... "As you were Lieutenant. And I am not yet endorsing you as having reporting for duty. If I were you would be immediately on report. Computer seal the door."

Upon that order the 'stiff ass Brit' had little choice but to step quickly into the room, an act that closed much of the distance between them. Da`nal had his hands clasped behind him. "Tell me Lieutenant, where do your loyalties lie."

"I'm not sure I take you meaning sir, Her Majesty's government has representation on the federation council, and for being a commissioned officer in British I simply did not resign my commission when I joined Starfleet."

Da`nal's nostril's flared. "Wrong Lieutenant!, on both points. Earth as a whole is represented on the Federation Council, not any particular region. And as to you 'Commision'...You cannot serve two masters at once. Even in the old Earth military you could not be commissioned in more than once service at a time. Since you are currently commisions in Starfleet your naval commission was resigned by default.

"You are descendant of a prestigious family, you are titled as well. I have no problem with titles as I hold Ambassadorial status myself; but I serve Starfleet! The correct answer was 'My loyaly is to Starfleet and this Ship.' As such I have certain expectations. One, you will wear a Starfleet uniform and abide by Starfleet uniform regulations. Two, you will follow my orders and the orders of the officers I appoint over you. Just as I will expect the people below YOU in rank to follow your orders. Do I make myself clear Lieutenant?"

"YES sir and as you are my commanding officer I will let the suggestion that that I would jeopardize the lives of the crew of ship go."

"Good! and no one has suggested that you would Lieutenant. Once you are settled...and appropriately dress you can report for duty to Commander Killian. Dismissed."

Lawrence exited and headed to his quarters to unpack. ~Bloody savage I will set him straight~

Ayren nearly blinked at the repulsion she sensed from the officer and she bit her anger back. Not only was she upset because of principle, but it was the race of the man she loved, he seemed to despise. This was not the time or place to confront him, but she would. That was a given.

Da`nal nodded sharply in acknowlegdement while the man infront of him snapped to attention turned sharply and left. Once the door closed he turned back to both Don and Aryen.

"He is a racist!" she said immediately, venting her anger, her cheeks flushed. "I sensed it!"

Don was shocked at her sharp remark. He could see the man was arrogant, but that was an archaic notion. Although he had encountered people, even in SF, who only had the facade of being accepting of differences, but inside held *in Group* attitudes.

"I am serious!," Ayren said. "And don't even THINK of trying to talk me out of confronting it, I WILL," she said, vehemently. She had not been so angry for a long time.

Da`nal grin proudly at her fire and determination. "Well its clear that he needs seasoning."

"*Seasoning...." Ayren said. "He needs a little more than seasoning.." she said with sarcasm.

It was clear to everyone that the wheels were turning. "Commander, lets start a Command training course aboard ship. Open to all officers...and enlisted that wish to pursue command positions during their careers. The course wil be optional, but if Lt. Lawrence fails to 'volunteer'...make him an instructor."

Don thought that was crazy. "You really do want to pi...... upset the crew, well that would do it, Captain. I will execute your order, but I disagree with letting him be an instructor." He was sure Da'nal had a plan with that idea, but he didn't felt like seeing that.

It seemed his plan had escaped his XO. "Don...he'll be an instructor ONLY if he doesn't take the training himself." Da`nal took his seat again as he continued, "Establish a curriculum and teach the first session yourself, and we'll see what happens. If he doesn't take the course, he'll teach the next. Using the curriculum you establish."

"By doing it this way it potentially serves 3 goals. One, it givens him the chance to show us if he is willing to learn. If not, the other two milestones come into play. With him teaching the second class it gives the crew time to grow accustomed to him and finally if he won't learn by instruction...he will learn by instructing."

Don was not quite convinced, but then an idea formed in his mind, getting the cap0tain's drift. "IF he does not volunteer, I will let him instruct on Equality and Racism."

Da`nal grinned at that...have him cover a wide range of subjects."

"Interpersonal skills," Ayren said dryly. "Or *How to make friends and Influence People," she named a classic from earth, in the same tone.

He leaned back and shook his head. "Well I see that between the two of you he doesn't stand a chance does he?"

Ayren softened slightly. "I am so angry, but you are right," she said, half apologetically. "I shouldn't become exactly what I hate... judgmental and critical" she said and sighed slightly. She was upset and that didn't happen often. It took a lot for the Hybrid Betazoid to loose her cool.

Don merely grunted. "Yeah yeah," he said rolling his eyes and got up. "Please dismiss me so I can go and do all the work you load on me," he said to Da'nal, his sense of humor creeping reluctantly back. "Unless you have something else for me?" he asked with a tight lipped grin.

"Well now that you mention it...." not that he actually had something for him. "Oh never rmind it can wait. Have a good evening Don."

"Well thank you Captain," Don said. "Enjoy the rest of the evening as well," he said with a polite nod in the direction of Ayren, turned, and headed out of the door. He had plans to have a good evening indeed.

Ayren smiled and greeting the XO. He was a nice man, she thought musing at what she had sensed from him. He was very different from Da'nal, and they would either clash fiercely or get along well somehow. At the moment the latter seemed to be true. When he exited, she turned her attention again on Danal. "Now where were we..."

Da`nal and Aryen had finished their meal and had enjoyed the rest of the evening together. There was something buggung him, something at teh edge of his mind that he couldn't quite put a finger on.

Quite some time later Da`nal rose from his bed and padded to his desk, activating the terminal. Once it had risen from the desk he began his inquiry. "Computer, diplay the current members of the Federation Council, speciffically those delegates representing Earth." It was a matter of seconds and his monitor displayed the files on the individuals currently appointed to Represent Earth. Da'nal cursed softly under his breath at his surprise. He had been least partially. There was a delegate from the British Isles on the Federation Council. Never the less the person was there to represent the British Royalty. Earth was a untied planet but there, like on Qo'nos traditions died hard.


Capt. Da`nal
Commanding Officer
USS Freedom

Lt. Sir James Lawrence 10th Lord of Oaksey
Chief Opertions Officer
USS Freedom NCC-85359

Ayren Kelan
Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Freedom NCC-85359

Lt Cmdr Don Killian
USS Freedom NCC-85359


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