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And the fun keeps on rollen....

Posted on 09 Mar 2010 @ 8:15pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

2,726 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: M3: Shore Leave
Location: Sickbay / Brig


Rico had returned from his 'expidition' into the Romulan ship on SB-47. It would take time to analyze the readings and samples that had been taken. While that work was started he had another matter to deal with.

Before even leaving sickbay he tapped his commbadge, =^=Montoya to Killian, could you join me outside the brig sir?=^=

"Oh... happy days," Don mumbled, causing a crewman to give him confused look. =^= On my way=^= he answered wondering what the hell that could be about.

It didn't take long for either man to arrive outside the Freedoms brig. Briefly Montoya went over the details of what had happened in sickbay. When he had finished we waited the XO reaction.

A grim look appeared on Don's face and with a glace to Montoya he entered Security.

[Meanwhile in Security]

"Get your bloody hands off peasents!!" Lawrence yelled.

Kage stepped out of the weapons locker and sighed, "Oh this should be good. What's happening?"

"Your bloody doctor threw me in here after explained the basuc way request and reqsistion should be done and general overview of how I run my deapment." Lawrence bellowed

Kage nodded and turned away, "And this is my problem, why?"

"Becuase while my staff are all semi capable officers none of them including Stlies are cable of running Ops indifferently at this point." Lawrece spat

"Seems to be they'll have to try. Because at the moment you seem in need of a cooling down period. I'll talk to the doctor and see why you were placed here." Kage replied.

"I tell you why because the bloody moron has no respect for order that's why, on another note can I at least get some English tea?"

As Don walked into the security office, he heard a rather familiar voiced. obviously agitated. "Did I miss a party?" he asked dryly, more to himself than to anyone in particular. Now he could verbalize his earlier question. 'What the hell is going on here?"

"That damed fool doctor had me thrown in here after I explined how I ran requstions and such and how my depament handled such things!" Lawrence exclimed.

Rico who had followed the XO in fired back. "Like hell! You were directly insubordinate. I don't care what titles you have, no JUNIOR officer is going to tell me what I will or will not do. And I sure as hell won't let one tell me to watch my tone."

"I hope your sword is quick as your moth sir.!!" Lawrence yelled


Jessica had just returned from the station and had had a nice relaxing time at one of the spas. "Computer, Light." It was late and she was looking forward to a restfull nights sleep. However before she did she checked her messages. "Computer any messages?"

"Affirmative. Per your request; Notification of Lieutenant Commander Killian's return to the ship has been recorded."

She looked at the time. It was late....but not too late. What is the XO's current location?"

"Lt. Cmdr Killian is in Security."

She dropper her thing and head over in the direction of security. Depending on what mood she found him in she would then decide if she would inform him of her issues or not. If anything she could ask for time on his schedule.

[Security - Brig]

Rico looked at the arrogant prick behind the security field. "Not that I'd need one to deal with the likes of you. Though I'd be happy to add threating a superior officer to you growing list of charges."

"Not a threat barbus wretch a challenge, to in terms you obviously limit and unsophicated mind can comprehend a duel." Lawrence said with scowel that would a Klingons blood run cold.

"Actually what it is, is fiction. Not happening, not while I'm head of security. Which means one more word on the subject and you're headed for solitary, Lieutenant Lawrence. So shut it, now." Kage replied.

"I must be in hell noone but me seems know how to be a gentleman there is no honor on this ship!!" Lawrence yelled.

Rico looked to both the XO and the Security Chief, which he had yet to actually meet until now, with a look of suprise mixed with humor. ~Was this guy for real??~


Kage didn't seem to hear the prisoners screams, he merely continued his work. It was if the other man didn't exist.

"Lieutenant Kage," Rico extended his hand as he provided his name as well, "Montoya. How about we take this into your office where this can be discussed... without interuption?"

Kage took the other officer's hand and said, "Jason Kage, call me Kage. Follow me."

"Cowards" said Lawrence

Rico heard the man's comment, as did they others he was sure. He was temped to deactivate that security field and drive his pompus ass through the bulk head. However he kept his calm...there were other ways to deal with him.

"Enough!" Don said to Lawrence. "One more in word like that from you and the next time you speak will be in a court martial!" Don said standing close to the force field. "Now. You will speak only when spoken to. Is that understood?" he demanded.

"High might on the other side of that force feild aren't you." Lawrence said.

"No, Lieutenant, yo you have it wrong. It if were not for teh principles of Starfleet and the protocols I adhere to, you would find yourself unprotected by the force field and my fist would colour your face rather red," Don said slowly, making a formal charge on his PaDD. "You are charged Lieutenant!" and without waiting for a response, addressed the other tow officers.

"In your office!" Don said to the security chief, whom he had not met yet.

Kage gave a nod, that was something between a salute and an acknowledgement of an order.

"Doctor, I want a full report, what warranted an arrest" Don asked the CMO. He hoped that Rico acted according to protocol or he might be in trouble himself.

Kage touched a button as he passed a control panel, causing the prisoners words to be muffled to tiny squeaks. He walked into his office and sat behind his desk. The room was unadorned and unpacked as well.

Looking at the doctor, Kage waited to hear the full story. This was bound to be a unique one...

Rico took a calmimg breath to one ensure he wasn't coming across improperly and two to allow him to once again get his facts straight. "Well sir, as you know I'm new aboard so I was in sickbay going over a few things and getting settled in when the Lieutenant arrived. Everything was fine until he began telling me how things were to be done. In a very matter of fact tone he stated that he "expected" daily reports not only from my department but from all departments", casting a glance to the CSEC, "and that all equipment was to be logged and recorded with the quartermaster. He stated that business was to to be hadled through formal channels and with the proper form.

I don't have a problem doing things acording to procedure but he was overstepping his bounds. When I asked where the authority for him to tell me how to do thing came from he, very sternly stated that the equipment on this ship was his responsibility and that he was going to run this ship in a "controlled and orderly fashion". HE also said that he was a British Lord and that I was to watch my tone."

This was outrageous and Don added noted to his Padd. "Continue," he said, having trouble to control his rising temper.

"It was then that I called for security, told him that I didn't care what title he had or if he was the Queen herself; that I was a ranking office and that it was he who would be watching his tone. Security then arrived, took him into custody. I saw to an appointment the Dr. Vanya had on the station and upon my return asked you to meet me here.

"As you saw for yourself...rank mean little to him. He seem to think that everyone answers to his whims."

"Kage, I want you to recheck his file, see if you can see tampering. This man could not have passed the Academy requirements. It seems he truly has no idea how rank and protocols work," he said to Kage. "And by the way, pleased to meet you, Lieutenant," Don ssaid with a small smile.

"You too. Anyway, I already sent a request to Intell for a search on that subject." Kage replied.

"For my part," Kage added, "I found an man guilty open insubordination, barking threats to a superior officer and referring to the security officers as peasants. I found it best to leave him where he was for the time being."

"If you lay a formal charge, there will be a court martial and guilt will be decided there. I had already charged him, so you could add yours." Don turned to the Doctor. "Doctor, are you laying a formal charge?" Don asked. He was truly concerned now. As far as he could see, the man would need a full psychological evaluation as well. If he carried on like this, he might end up with a dishonorable discharge or worse, prison.

Even if the man was an arrogant prick Montoya didn't want to ruin his career.

[Back in the Brig]

Meanwhile in the holding cell Lawrence was beginning to scheme and plot, with his connections he could have the doctor and many others involved in this demoted tranferred and booted from starfleet.

[Outside Security]

The whole time Jessica had made her way to security she was wondering what path to take. She could claim discrimination, but that would open huge can of worms. She decided she would just request a transfer to another department.

Taking a deep breath she approached the door and they opened. When they did thre heads turned her way two she was familiar with, the other...the big, green eyes, dark haired....~ FOCUS GIRL!~ she scolded herself

Nodding to the trio, "Commanders, Lieutenant."

Rico smiled a warm and genuine smile and the your Trill. "Good evening."

Donovan turned to face the young voice and greeted with a wide smile. "What can we do for you?"

Turning to the XO. "Sir I know I should probably wait until the morning but I wanted to request a transfer out of Operations."

Don's eyebrows shot up in slight surprise, but in reality after what he had heard now, he couldn't really say that he was. "Why would you want to do that?" he asked wanting to hear what she had to say. He turned to fully face so she knew he really was interested.

She took a breath and explained. "Well sir, as you know I'm...well was the senior NCO in Ops, I'm a certified bridge officer, been here since the beginning, all that. But I can't work for that man. He replaces me as NCOIC of Ops with the quartermaster....apparently they worked together before. At least that was his justification. The man has no concept of reality sir. He wanted everyone in Ops to not only abide by Starfleet regs...thats a given, but to also follow the Articles of war written centuries ago by some King George. With all due respect to him as an officer sir he is certifiable. I looked up those articles, of the 35; violation of 22 of them were punishable by death."

"Not only is he turning Ops upside down but he wanted to tell both Security and Engineering how things were to be run." Clearly upset she looking to the Lieutenant to confirm her statement.

Don glanced at Rico and then back at the obviously upset young woman. "You are very unsettled. I will look into it, but I can't transfer you right now, I have logged your request though," he said warmly. "You seem to need to get a bit of proverbial fresh air," he said. "Take a few hours, and get it out of your system," he suggested with a friendly smile to match. Even if he fully agreed, it was not the time to voice his opinions, they needed to follow procedure.

"I'm sorry sir, I know I should have waited but I was upset and I just needed to vent."

Rico spoke up. "Don, clearly there has to be something wrong. I will hold off on charges until a full psychological analysis is done. And in light of my involvement in the current situation I will have one someone else conduct the analysis."

Now Jess was really confused...~Man he's cute...~. She had to bite her tongue to get herself back on track. "Situation, whats happened sir.?"

"This is not the time to discuss other issues now," Don answered Jess gently. It had nothing directly to do with her and he was not going to discuss her senior's behavior with her. "I will let you know my decision about your request, you are dismissed." It was inappropriate to continue to the discussion he had with Kage and Rico further while she was present.

Well that went better then expected. It was like a weight was off now that she had gotten that out. "Understood sir...Thank you." She nodded to the officers and turned to leave. As she did she cast a longer than normal glance to the dark stranger.

"As far the analysis is concerned, I fully agree with you. I do know that the diplomatic officer, Ms Kelan is a trained counselor. I will talk to her, we will need someone with professional training here," Don said. "I will talk to her."

"Agreed." With a wry grin Rico tossed a thumb in the direction they had come. "So do we let him know whats going to happen or do we let him simmer? I'm sure the Captain will want to know that he has a department head in the brig.

"I will inform him immediately and I don't expect that to go well," Don commented dryly as they exited the security office, walking into the brig area gain.

[Detention cell]

"Bloody hell can't a man get a decent cup of tea!!" Lawrence shouted.

"Oh yes one can," Don answered the yelling man. "Just not for you while you are inside there," he added sternly. To the brig officer he gave instructions to keep Lawrence there until further notice from either himself or the Captain. Don cast a glance in Rico's direction. "As for your other question... I think that answers it for you. He remains right here till the evaluation. I don't foresee that there is any behavioral change. He will just make his situation worse." Don said to Rico.

"Sounds fine to me." Rico agreed.

"Bloody ingrate barberians!!" Lawrence yelled.

Kage hit a button that caused Lawrence's screams to fade. They could be heard but were now slightly above a whisper. "The next meal is in three hours. You will receive standard rations, no extras. And if you're thinking that's creul, you've never had prison fare. Be grateful.:

"Greatful, listen here peaseant I will stand for I have frends in high place so your caree in starfleet is as good as over!!" Lawrence bellowed.

Shrugging, Kage said to a nearby officer, "Place him on prison food until further notice."

Looking at Lawrence, he tapped a badge on his chest. "Penal Battalion. There's nothing you or your friends can do to me. Been to Hell, you're just a loud fool to me. Just hope we never share a cell."

Lawrence turned his back to man.

Don stopped counting the offenses. He had been on the wrong side of protocols himself, but this was beyond even him. Lawrence's background needed to be checked thoroughly as no person with this behavior would pass the first week on the Academy. The man was ruining his career, with no reason to.


Lieuteant Sir James Lawrence 10th Lord of Oaksey
Chief Opertions Officer
USS Freedom

Lt. Jason Kage
Security Chief

Lt Comdr Don Killian

Lt Cmdr "Rico" Montoya - NPC
CMO (Played by Chris)

PO Jessica Logan - NPC
Operations (Played by Chris)


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