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Down to business

Posted on 10 Feb 2010 @ 10:05pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,014 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M3: Shore Leave
Location: Operations Officer's Office Deck 6
Timeline: Current


Lawrence heard a familar voice behind him "Pardon me sir would know were I could find a fomer british salior i used sail with.?" he lit up as he turned " Indeed I do Stilies, tell me how you manage to get here?"

The two continued to converse as Lawrence and Stiles entered his office, were he had instructed key members of staff to assemble, he waited as Jhon took his place with the others. "Most of you haven't served with me before for those of who haven't I expect all you to conduct yourselves as gentle persons and in accordance with Starfleet regulations and the articles of war as laid down by King George, if you fail to do and you WILL answer to me."

Jess looked around at the others to see confused expressions to match her own. ~Articles of war???...King George??? What the hell is he talking about?~ the young Trill thought to her self.

"Now on to business Quartermaster thats you Stiles , I want a detailed report of our stores all our stores from phasers to spare parts, and I expect an equipment condition report prior to and upon the return of every away team. The rest of you I expect daily reports Stiles make sure the department heads and their assistants are informed I also expect daily repot from them in regard to operations. T

The Quartermaster nodded, but inside he was grimacing. ~A full inventory was going to take forever. Not to mention the near impossiblity of the doing an inventory while the ship was under repair, what with parts and tools coming and going...~

"And stiles feel free to pull some of other opertions staff to help you." Lawrence said before turing his gaze back to others.

After passing a few more instruction he dismissed his staff. Before hand he had brushed up on some his staff, reading personnel files. One them cought his eye Jessica Logan, he pulled her aside "Miss Logan...."

Jessica paused as she waited to file out. I'm in for it,~ she thought as she was certain he was going to comment on her expression.

"I wan't you personally make sure engineering and tactical don't over complicate our job."

"How so sir?"

"Engineering and Tactical tends to think they don't need to file requests and other approapriatte forms, and paper work, for lack of a better term for some of the things they do. As Chief Operations Officer I need to know who is doing what and that they have the documtionation to justfy certain actions."

"I'm sorry sir but I'm still not sure what you are referring to. In Ops we oversee ships resources, power distribution, the bypassing of relays if needed, that type of thing. If Tactical needs, additional power, for example. That will either be part of a pre-approved project that we, and most likely Engineering, would already be involved in; or they are going to need that power immediately and wond have time for 'paperwork' sir. "

Plus as Operations and Engineering usually work so closely together to maintain the ships systems, most of the time everything is done jointly." She took a breath and continued. "Wouldn't it be better to work with the other department than to dictate porcedure to them Sir?"

Miss Logan you're thinking too much I know there are going times when things are just to be done, I'm speaking more side arms and equipment being taken and so on. Let me give you and example. Say engineering need divert power away from a certain deck to replace something and eps conduit or the like, and there new guy and forget to tell us and lets say it happen to the deck sickbays on. Because we weren’t informed several patients died because we didn't know power was going to be cut and therefore didn't make arrangements. Are you starting to see what I’m talking about. As far as working the other deparments I find this ship and this crew for the most part to entirely too undisplined and informal to allow that.

Un disciplined? Well he was right about that where Ops was concerned. The Operations Department had been without a Department Head for some time and things where getting a bit lacks. But having seen how thing happened on the Bridge she knew that the Captain wasn't one to let things slide.

"Sir, the armory is Securities area, requesitions for replacement weapons would come to us of course and I'll speak with Lt. Kage about making sure he is informed for your wishes." She knew his example was totally bogus...their was safeties and backups inplace to ensures sickbay wasn't effected by such a rerouting of power. She also knew better that to tell he boss that he was wrong.

"I will also speak with Engineering to ensure everything runs smoothly between our department and their."

"Good, dissmissed."

Jessica stepped out into the corridor and took a deep breath. ~This is not going to be fun,~ she thought. At any rate she headed to the nearest lift then to arrange a meeting with the department heads from Security and Engineering. ~And who the hell was King George anyway?~

After everyone had gone he began to write a few memos and announcements then began looking at stack PADDS on what was now his desk. Quarters assignments, equipment requisition requests and on and on. He began to make his schedule for next few days and organizing the entire stack of requests and such by priority, equipment requisitions and so on. After he had oganized the massive stack that had been in his office when he entered; he had condensed a good deal them. Everthing was now on 8 PADDS as oppsed to the 32 that were there when he entered, ~now to report to XO~ he thought to himself as exited his office.


Lieutenant Sir James Lawrence 10th Lord of Oaksey
Chief Operations Officer
USS Freedom NCC-85359

Petty Officer 1st Class Jessica Logan
Operations Officer - NPC played by Da`nal


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