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Opportunities vs. Loyalty

Posted on 31 Jan 2010 @ 6:37pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

241 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: M3: Shore Leave
Location: Bridge

Casiday arrived on the bridge, =^= Captain do you have a moment? =^=

Da`nal looked up from the console that had just been installed at the rqust from his medical officer. "Certainly Doctor, what can I do for you?"

Casiday looked at the captain and smiled "I was offered a place at Starfleet Medical but I turned it down."

His surprise was obvious. Not that she had been offered to position, but that se had turned it down. "A tourof duty at Starfleet Medical is a great honor. It must have been a difficult decision for you."

"It was but my home is here they have asked me to more research into ways the nanites for medical use."

It was good to hear that she considered the Freedom her home. You cna do that research here of course. Although the facilities at Starfleet medical would be considerably more extensive."

"I'd rather be no where else this where I belong sir."

"We are honored. If you like you can see Lt. Skykin and conduct your research, I'm sure she could find you a spare lab."

"I wouldn't have it any other way. If you'll excuse me sir. " Casiday said as she waited to be dismissed.

"Carry on then Lieutenant. I look forward to seeing the Freedom's name under yours when you publish you work."

With that she turned on her heal and left the bridge.


Capt. Da`nal

Ltjg. Casiday Taylor


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