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Replacements part 1

Posted on 31 Jan 2010 @ 6:19pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,202 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M3: Shore Leave
Location: Ready Room

Jason Kage appeared as ordered at the Captain's ready room. Hitting the door chime he said, "Lt. Kage, reporting as ordered, sir."

Da`nal looked up from the mountain of PADD on his desk. With all the repairs, crew replacements, reports, and other requests he was certainly missing out on the shore leave he had given everyone else, but then again so was his yeoman. "Yess..Lieutenant...Jason come in, sit. With all the changes going on right now I wanted to let you know that there is a new tactical officer due to report soon. And to be honest it gives me a chance to get away from all this paperwork. He will be replacing Ens. Webb who was killed while we were on our way to Romulus."

"I could use another officer. The tactical department is in good shape but must not be allowed to weaken in any way. What rank, sir?" Kage asked, taking a seat. His uniform was Starfleet issue, with several pieces of Marine issue.

"Ensign. This would only be his second assignment. So he's still pretty green." Remembering how replacement were looked down on during combat situataions. A new member regardles of experience was seen as an outsider until he..or she proved themselves. While there wasn't a war going on this crew was battle tested and there could be some similar attitudes among the members of security. It didn't help that he was filling the hole left by a well liked member of the crew that had died in action. "How is you department taking to the idea of a new face coming in? I know you haven't had much time to get to know people and to establish a rapport, but I thought you might have heard something."

"They tested me a little, but then learned I have ways of keeping the peace. The last CO created an effective team. Very little to do there at the moment." Kage explained, "Okay, wet behind the ears. We'll take care of that. He won't recognize himself in a month or so..."

"There has been no previous CO for this crew," Da`nal corrected. "This crew was thrown together form transient personnel, or officers from DS5 just before an attack on the station. Hell construction hadn't even been completed on many of the ships sytems when we had to launch. Howerve it is good to have a newcomer compliment a units efficiency. Or where you referring to the previous department head?

"The previous department head, sir."

"I thought as much, I'm sure T'Pal would appreciate yor compliment as much as I do." Returning to the new tactical officer, "Good, being a former CSEC myself I tend to watch the security department closer than others....just so you know."

"I already knew that, Captain." Kage said and smiled slowly, "I always examine those I work with when I need to trust them in the field."

"A wise practice...." Da`nal was going to expand on his compliment when his monitor beeped letting him know a new message had arrived. Glancing over he saw the subject, 'Crew Transfer - Security'

"Well whats this..." he commented. Opening the file he began to scan the order. "Looks like we have another body for your department. An Ensign Hannah Dawson. Lets see here, 24, Human, High mark...Here's is something interesting. Looks like she had to repeat her final year at the Academy for fighting no less. 2 years on the USS Galindo, no disciplinary actions." Turning the moniton to his Security Chief so he could look it over as well he posed a question to him. "Would you like to break them in first or shall I summon them now. Kill two birds with one stone as it were?"

"Bring them in now. Let's give them the way things will be on this ship from the start." Kage replied, smiling again. "I once was on a ship where the Marine Colonel introduced himself by telling you if you didn't listen to his rules, you could walk back to Earth. Unique man..."

"A walk without an EV suit too I bet," he said grinning. He had run into similar men...and women during his time as an instructor. At time he shared the training technique. Similar methods had been used in training military recruits for centuries. Breaking down individuals and then building them back up. While the additions to his crew had graduated from the acedemy and proven themselves to Starfleet they had yet to prove themselves to their new department head.

Tapping the comm on his desk Starship USS FReed to Ensigns Phillip Roi and Hannah Dawson report to the USS Freedom." Da`nal closed teh channel before there could be a response.

Summoning his Yeoman Da`nal issued him an order. Meet Roi and Dawson in the transporter room. Bring them here together, and let us know once they arrive."

Lance knew what was going to happen and a devilsh grin formed. "Aye sir."

[SB 47]

Philip was at the starbase when he got the summons. He tapped his combadge. =/= Roi to Freedom One to beam over.=/= A familiar shimmer fell upon him and in a few seconds, he was in a transporter room he had never seen. He said a man waiting for him. "You are?"

[USS Freedom]

Lance watched as one of the newest members to the crew materialized. "I'm Petty Officer Nelson, I'm Captain Da`nal's Yeoman. If you step down sir we can wait on Ens. Dawson and then I'll take you to the Captain."

Hannah set down her half finished cup of coffee and straightened her uniform before hitting her com badge. She winced. *Really need to remember to stop hitting that so hard...* "Ensign Dawson to Freedom, ready to beam over." She rematerialised in the transporter room and stepped down. "Ensign Dawson reporting."

Lance grinned and shook his head. "No need to report to me Ensign. I'll be taking you to the Captain." Turning to the transporter operator, "Inform the Captain that they are aboard and we are on our way."

The transporter operator merely nodded as Lance turned to once again face the two new officers. "If you'll come with me."

The transporter operator watched as the trio left. After the doors had closed behind them he activated the comm. =^= Transporter room 2 to the Captain. =^=

Tapping his badge in responce. =^=This is the Captain, go ahead.=^=

=^= Sir, that order of fresh fish is on the way. =^= As soon as the words left his mouth he knew he had made a mistake...a big mistake

Da`nal knew who he was referring to, but new officers or not they were officers. In a stern voice he warned the man on the other end. =^=Those are Starfleet officers Crewman...Be very carefull you don't become fryed fish yourself. I trust I've made myself clear? =^=

=^= Aye, Sir. My Apologies Sir. =^=

Da`nal closed the channel. ~I really need to get a Department Heap over Operations. They are getting lacks,~ he thought to himself.



Captain Da`nal
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant JG Jason Kage
Chief of Security

Ensign Philli Roi
Tactical Officer

Ensign Hannah Dawson
Security Officer


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