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Bar Plans

Posted on 31 Jan 2010 @ 10:46pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

620 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M3: Shore Leave
Location: Soon to be bar....across from the mess hall

Rhys was wandering, walking backwards as she thought and looked at the area that was to be 'hers'. Ideas were spinning in her head and she wasn't sure which way to go first. Did she want a smokey jazz club feel or disco or dance club or old fashioned bar and billiard club? She worried her lower lip with eyes narrowed as she imagined each scenario, finally deciding on a smokey jazz club with some colored strobe lighting. It would be perfect with the haze she was picturing.

Da`nal had just read the resignation form Mr. Vixen. After locating his new bartender, he made his way to her location. The doors parted to reveal her standing there looking about, no doubt envisioning her establishment. "Evening Ms. Rhys, are your plans proceeding?"

"Now that I know what I'd like to do, I'm sure they will be," Rhys responded vaguely with a small smile that was 'just cordial enough' without being too familiar or too inviting.

"Good. What is it you would like to set up?"

"A jazz club, I believe," Rhys responded thoughtfully, "A bit of smoke for atmosphere, some nice music, and a lot of alcohol...or synthehol rather..."

He grinned as she corrected herself. "I don't see a problem with a the real thing...being kept 'behind' the counter. As to the Jazz theme...not personally to my taste. Perhaps a mixture of themes; jazz one night, and so on. That way everyone can not only have a regular dose of what they enjoy, as well as being able to try something new."

"'s a possibility," Rhys said, "I'll keep it in mind."

"Good. Have you thought of any names yet?"

"Not yet," Rhys responded before asking, "Do you have any suggestions, Captain?"

"Not a one," he grinned "That is a task I leave to you. However, there is one thing I wanted to discuss with you."

"And that is?" Rhys prompted.

"Well our current Chef and Morale officer has resigned his position and moved on..." Unknown to anyone was the fact that Aki had been a Cardassian Spy assigned to assasinate the Romulan Ambassador that had been aboard. No doubt his departure had something to do with her return to DS5. "...I was wondering if you would like to take on the Morale Officer role?"

A single brow arched critically as Rhys responded, "My father may be an admiral, Captain, but *I* am definitely NOT Starfleet."

"That's not a problem. Mr. Vixen was a civilian, no reason you can't fill that role as well. Beside people tend to tell things to a bartender that they wouldn't to anyone else. You are in a unique position. You have the ability keep a finger on the pulse of the crew like no other could. That would be an incalculable asset to me."

Rhys was thoughtful for a few moments and then nodded, "Alright, I'll do it. As long as you don't expect TOO much."

"Just keep your eyes and ears peeled, attend meetings of the senior staff, and let me know if there are any issues to address or suggestions you may have."

"Indeed, Captain, I will keep a lookout," Rhys said with a hint of amusement.

"Excellent. Well continue with your planning. Once ready we can get together with Engineering and get things started."

"Shall I let you know or them when I have things together?" Rhys asked.

"Just inform my Yeoman and he will set everything up."

"Will do," Rhys said, a slight smile on her face.

"Perfect, then I will leave you to your planning." Da`nal bowed his head politely,
'Good nite Miss Rhys."


Captain Da`nal
Commanding Officer

Morale Officer / Bartender


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