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For Honor....for profit

Posted on 10 Feb 2010 @ 11:11pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,863 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: M3: Shore Leave
Location: SB 47
Timeline: Current

Da`nal walked into the Gaming House looking for the establishment owner. The place was crowded and loud with people of any number of species grouped around various table and monitors all cheering for their respective competitor. A Starfleet Captain in a Ferengi Gaming House was not something that was a frequent occurrance on the station so many of the staff and patron all stopped and looked in his direction.

Ignoring the glances he proceeded to a rather scantly clad Bajoran female to ask for the owner...a man by the name of Mok.

The ditzy Bajoran looked at the Captain, puzzingly. "What do you need with Mok, buddy?" She eyed the officer, expecting him to start arresting people or just cause trouble all around. "We don't want any problems, here, okay. So, if you got an issue with Mok, resolve it when he's not here." She began to turn back to the Dabo table she was working, angry that she was disturbed at all.

Da'nal shook his head as he took in the view...the Bajorian too. Then looked back at her as she finishe speaking. "Not to worry, I'm hear to speak with him about a....proposal."

The Bajoran mumbled something to her self about not needing this, then she walked off to fetch. Unbeknownst to her, however, was that Mok had clearly heard the conversation from behind the bar and briskly made his way over to the table. Rubbing his hands together hungrily, he grinned widely revealing his sharp greenish teeth, and spoke to the Captain, "Ah, Captain! Welcome, welcome! What can I do for you today? You say you have a proposal for me, hmmm?" The greed in his eyes was evident and clear, even though his eyes didn't even reach the Captain's chest.

Da`nal huffed, in not quite an irritated fashion but it was close, Typical Ferengi...counting his latinmun before he even knew what the 'proposal' was. Luckily for his that could work for what he wanted to accomplish. "Yes I do. The main purpose of this.....establishment is gambling. How would you like something for your patron to gamble on. Something other than the regular routine events that is?"

Mok was intrigued, and he certainly couldn't stop himself from showing that. He started to emit what could only be presumed to be a satisfied grunt. It sounded like someone trying to relieve themselves, but that definitely wasn't the case at this moment. But Mok also thought of the possibility that Starfleet was trying to finally get rid of him. "And why should I trust you, Captain. Starfleet has, in the past, been less than amicable towards my business interests. How do I know this isn't some sort of set up?" It was a fair question, if also a stupid one. Even Mok, the stupid Ferengi, should know Starfleet doesn't send undercover agents wearing Starfleet uniforms.

"I am not involved in this stations inner workings, my ship is under repair and once it is done we will be leaving. In the mean time my crew has extended shore leave. If the powers that be here on the station have issues with you I am unaware of what they are or why." No doubt they had their reasons, it was also likely that he already knew who he was and what had happened to bring his ship here so he would watch him closely. "A friendly challenge has developed between on of the officers from the station and on of my crew."

"I have come to you to help me facilitate that challenge....but if you are suspicious of my motives I'm sure I can find someone else to to share the profits with...." As he completed his comment he began to turn towards the door.

"Hold it!" Mok's voice was such that it made him seem a few feet taller, though that quickly faded when he saw the mongrel Klingon captain again. There was no way he was going to let someone else get all that latinum. Hell, no one else on the station would be able to even properly host such an event, though this Captain seemed like the type to rent out a four-by-four blank room simply to keep Mok from any profits, so he acquiesced. "I...will accept your offer, Captain. But, trust me, even Ferengi can do damage to a person when they're betrayed. Do not betray me, Captain."

He paused for a moment to give dramatic effect to what he had said, then his attitude changed to a more perky, though still money-hungry, expression. "Now, let's talk details. What were you looking for in my services?"

His threat was almost laughable, it took tremendous 'toDuj' for a man to do such a thing. Da`nal liked that. "So you want to discuss out arrangement out here in the open for all to here?"

Mok smirked at the officer, more at his way of thinking than anything else. Most Klingons are brutish and wouldn't think twice about blurting out confidential business information in a crowded room, but this one had some sense about him. "Very well. Follow me."

He led Da'nal to a back room, behind the bar and through a hidden door to his office. It was built just for such occasions and includes top-of-the-line dampeners to keep out snoops of various kinds. In the office was an elegant looking table made of a gilded metal and etched in what looked like historic battle scenes with individuals that looked to be of Romulan origin. Two chairs, very plain in comparison to the desk, also sat in the room with one behind and one in front of the desk. As he sat down behind the desk, Mok motioned for Da'nal to do likewise. "Now, details. How can my establishment profit from your little event?"

Da`nal raised a brow. "By assisting in the planning of the event to ensure that it provides both a challenge to the two contestants and by extention, give your gamblers something exciting to ensure their interest in parting with their latinum." Adding to remind him that he was will to go elsewhere. "In your establishment."

Mok sat there, as emotionless as a Vulcan, listening attentively and mentally taking notes. "If I am to plan an event, I must know something about it. Details?"

"Two pilots in Razor fighters. I am getting things squared away with the pilot. However I need a neutral party to assist in plotting the course for the race, and a venue for the event." He spred his hands, "what better place to sponsor a race than a gaming house? And my price for this exclusivity is small compared to the profit you can make."

What a joke. A Klingon demanding a price from a Ferengi. No, a Klingon in a Starfleet uniform was demanding a price from a Ferengi. Mok wasn't about to play that game, but he didn't want to give up on such a lucrative deal. Unlike a lot of Ferengi, Mok wasn't all that good with money, so any opportunity such as this needed to be jumped on. Still with a stoic look on his face, Mok held his hands together as he spoke, "A race, eh? And you need me to plot it? Hmmm, I think I can arrange for that...for a price. I'd be happy to reserve my establishment for your exclusive use...for a price. And, to top it off, I can even facilitate the taking of bets...for a price. All these are negotiable, but nothing is free, Captain. So, where do we start the negotiation? How about 150 bars of gold-pressed latinum?"

Da`nal grinned, he cared little for latinum so was willing to part with what would have been a profitable arrangement. Your...expenses in this venture will be virtually nothing compared to the proffit you stand to make as I'm sure you get a substantial percentage from the betting you handle. Plus I have no doubt that you will advertise the race to draw in betting from other sources other than the personnel here on the station. Plus since you are already perpared to 'facilitate' the betting...I will pay you nothing. I could have done this on my own, told you nothing. I could walk away and can hold our little race virtually in a holodeck somewhere. However I have some alterations about to begin on my ship. So I have a need to make some 'purchases'.

"This station is at a unique position in the galaxy. It sits on the border of the Federation, Klingon, and Romulan space so I gather you have business dealings within all three regions. I have influential friends in the Klingon and Romulan Empires. I could see you have transport rights on the vessels coming in and out of those Empires...a deal your competetors do not have; or I can tighten any transport restrictions you may be running into. So enough games...MY price is your supplying of those purchases, outside of that you can have 100% of the profits."

Mok leaned back in his chair and placed the tips of his fingers together as he made mental notes. "Hmmm, seems like an acceptable deal. But I'm agreeing because I want to, not because you intimidated me. Just so you know." He gave a devilish grin, almost as if showing the officer that he wasn't afraid. It was nearly a challenge, though Mok knew better than to go that far. Besides, he was already tabulating how much to overcharge refreshments at this little event. "So tell me, what are these purchases you are looking for?"

He was sure that intimidation wasn't, that much, of a factor; however he was sure greed was. "Nothing major I assure you. A bar is being planned and soon to be constructed on my ship; I need it stocked. As you know most beverages are replicated on a starship, I have nothing against having the real thing on hand. I can have a list to you in short order and the amount needed."

Mok's ears twinged as he could already hear the latinum pouring into his accounts. You could almost hear the cold-blooded side of him hiss as he spoke, "Bring the list and I can provide way or another...Of course, that doesn't mean it will be cheap, mind you."

Da`nal stood to leave. "Spend what you want, I don't care; but since I'm allowing you to have all the profits from the race I do expect my order to be filled. I'll be back tomorrow and we can go over the path of the race."

Mok nodded and led the Klingon abomination, at least that how he saw him, out towards the bar. All he could think of, however, is of the badly needed profits from this deal. His creditors where getting far too anxious, far too pushy, far too angry, and far too armed.


Captain Da`nal
Commanding Officer - USS Freedom

Mok (pNPC), Civilian
Owner, Mok's Gaming House
(played by Cadet Senior Grade Tzotlnico Mixhaxshi aka Niko)


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