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Posted on 31 Jan 2010 @ 5:37pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

942 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M3: Shore Leave
Location: Ready Room

Once Rhys was really settled in and they had celebrated* her arrival on the ship, Don knew he had to see his boss and pursed is lips as he pressed the chime.

Da`nal was looking out into the cavernous repair and docking bay of the starbase. Their home port was a Starbase as well so the view was familiar. Turning as the chime sounded he called out. "Enter."

Seeing his XO walk in he turned and made his way to the step maintaining the high ground.

"Sir," he started. "You wanted to see me?" he asked, his voice neutral as he stood, his hand held behind his back.

"Yes, All the new additions to the crew all taken care of and to released to enjoy their time off?"

"Those I had managed to meet with yes," he answered. "But I had not met with everyone yet," he added.

Da`nal simply nodded. He was sure that he would get around to meeting with everyone he needed to. They were on shore leave after all, so some of they new joins may not be available. "Very well." He paused briefly then continued. "Tell me Commander do you often let your groin do your thinking?"

The direct question caught Don off guard for a moment, and Don inclined his head to allow Da'nal to see that. There was no reason to make as if he didn't know what he was talking about, he knew what his CO referred to. "Rhys," he admitted and looked beyond D'anal for a few seconds, before meeting his eyes again, unwavering, but not arrogant. "What can I say, Sir, she got to me," he responded. "And I don't regret that for one moment."

He raised a brow slightly. The fact that he had admitted his 'fault' was honorable, and she was attractive...he had to give him that. He was willing to let the matter drop, he had other matters to attend to. "Well Commander, for future reference. I would like to be consulted before position on my crew are offered. Especially offers that require redesigning portions of the ship."

"Fair enough... I guess waiting to be on the manifest would also help... I suppose.." Don added, his face completely serious. He knew Da'nal would have easily refused the *offer* had he not thought it was a good idea, but Don merely inclined his head in acknowdgement and that he was ready to take note and move on.

Motioning for him to take a seat. "Now, what are the status of the repairs?"

'Most systems are operational or near operational. There is a part from the environmental system that had to be manufactured by the Station's plant, but that should be ready day after tomorrow. The port nacell's lateral hull is being replaced as we speak and the bridge is nearly ready. They fixed your chair as well. Don't ask..." Don reported.

A small 'hmm' escaped from him as he decided it was better to just take his word for it than to add another thing to the list of replacements. "Very good. Overall ETA?"

"Four days at the most," he answered and continued quickly when he saw D'anal's face. "I know, that is generous. However, the weapon's system needs a full diagnostic still and Dr Metz isn't here yet. His transport was delayed. So he might start only the day day after tomorrow, but I will twist some arms and move us up the waiting list..." Don said. "And enviromental can only start diagnostics once installation is complete and that takes a day, after receiving the part," he explained. "And we need stock for the bar," he grinned.

"Well our replicators can handle the furniture, supplies and most of the drinks. However I think I can allow a supply of the real thing that is kept for special occasions....don't you?"

A broad closed lipped grin of understanding spread across his face. "Absolutely," he said. "Rhys would know who to talk to for the best stock. For bloodwine, I heard a man with the name of Dragh'Iw is the man to talk to," Don said and thought a bit. "I could get the station to replicate what they can for the bar, then we don't use our resources, we can do the rest. That is if that is okay with you of course," he added forgetting it was not his call. "Sir."

He arched a brow as the corner of his mouth curled. "Actually I prefer my own House's vintage when it comes to Bloodwine but for now whatever she can arrange will be acceptable. Make sure she includes some Chechtlhutlh, and WarNog in"

"I will make sure of that," he said as he made notes of the names on his PaDD. When he had finished, he looked up. "Is there anything else, Commander?"

"No not right now. See to the ships resupply and I'll notify Command of our status. No doubt they will have orders for us to impliment as soon as repairs are complete. If not sooner."

"I will see to it, Sir," he said and bowed his head slightly, waiting for Da'nal to dismiss him.


Don walked towards the door, but halted a dn turned slightly. "By the way Sir, you're not as bad as I was told.." he said before he walked out a small smile around his mouth.

"...Thats because you haven't seen anything yet." Wondering slightly who had warned him.

Don heard that, and only turned his head with a *I am sure* expression on his face.


Captain Da`nal
Commanding Officer

LT Cmdr Donovan Killian


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