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Vacation on SB 47 can be good after all...

Posted on 28 Dec 2009 @ 9:57am by

1,093 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M3: Shore Leave
Location: SB 47
Timeline: Before the Freedom's arrival at the base

Why on earth he decided to take leave on a station and that SB 47, was beyond Donovan. Okay, he could make stupid decisions, but this defnitely made it to the top 10. he needed to wait for the Freedom to arrive and in his wisdom, made the choice to spend his leave days waiting here. He grumbled as he walked down to the promenade to find somethng to do.

Rhys was generally a free-spirited type who went where the wind blew her. She'd been shopping on the station and had several bags thrown over her shoulder when she nearly ran into a man coming in her direction while she'd been smiling and waving to the last shop owner she'd just left.

"Whoa!" Don exclaimed as he grabbed whatever he could find to keep whoever and himself from tumbling down. Of couse it didn't help and both strangers went down. It was a woman and instead of shouting and swearing, He remembered his manners. 'You ok?' he asked.

"Think so," Rhys responded with an apologetic smile as she tried to rise and brush herself off, "Sorry about that..."

Donovan jumped up and took her hand to assist her. he couldn't help staring into those pools of green and flashed her a half clumsy grin. "No I should be the one to apologize," he said as he handed her her parcels, very aware of when their fingers touched.

Her brow arched, her raven locks swept up in a pony tail that she tossed back over her shoulder as a teasing smile edged the corners of her mouth, "You're apologizing for me not paying attention? Now that doesn't make sense!"

"I don't know, I will just anything right now. My brain stopped working," he said still string unashamedly. He just couldn't help himself.

"Hmmm, I think mine is working overtime..." Rhys grinned coquetishly.

"So what do I do to spend more time with you?" he asked.

"You hold my bags and join me on my shopping spree," the girl responded. She was really rather tall and wispy, smart and carefree all at the same time. She knew she'd snagged this man's interest but she also knew she might as well get him for what he was worth as well, string him along a bit...

"Not exactly what I had in mind... " he said, as if contemplating the idea. "But, if I get to see you try on things, I am willing," he countered.

"Hmmm...I think I could make that happen," Rhys said with a twinkle in her emerald eyes.

"Well, I always liked shopping," he joked. "Let's get going.... wait, don't you want to get rid of those packages first?" he asked looking at the load she was already carrying.

"I was just going to take them into the lobby at my hotel across the way and have the maitre'd send them to my room," Rhys responded, "Give me five minutes."

"I will come with you," he said and took a few of her shopping bags, letting his eyes linger over her form. "You could always show me what you have already bought....," he suggested as they started to walk.

Laughing, Rhys looked him over as if sizing him up and then gave a non-commital little nod and shrug saying, "Maybe. We'll see how much of a gentleman you are. You impress me and we just might go with that."

Don laughed and took all her packages and bags from her. "How am I doing so far?" he asked and flashed her his best grin. "Just need to know if I am on the right track," he explained, looking at her appreciatively. "I don't want to mess this up."

Rolling her eyes and grinning, Rhys said, "Mess up a one night stand? Please. You're *much* too smooth for that."

"Thank you for the compliment," Don said, extra smooth, and took her hand and pressed it against his lips as he looked into her eyes. "Andyou're much too beautiful and exciting to resist," he added.

"I bet you say that to all the girls," Rhys said, although she didn't particularly sound like she minded it, "Especially ones whose names you still don't know..." she grinned as they entered the hotel and headed toward the lift.

Once they were in the lift, occupied by another couple, he used the opportunity to stand real close to her. "And here we are going to yourhotel room instead of leaving everything for the maitre' d to send up," he whispered in her ear. "And you don't know my name, either.." he said, his lips touching the fine hair on her neck.

A shiver ran down her spine and a sudden bolt of heat shot straight to her loins, causing her to throb and forcing her to use her iron will to keep from squirming. She could feel his closeness acutely as ever fiber of her being told her it had been much too long since she'd been
touched by someone of his caliber. Of course, it had been much too long since she'd been touched period but that was beside the point. In a husky whisper, she turned her face slightly toward him and said, "Maybe it's better that way...could make things more exciting."

Without a further word and a clear mutual understanding, he followed her to her room. Her hair bounced gently as she walked, cascading down the soft blouse, thin enough to allow him to see her womanly curves, but secretly hiding enough for him to watch her every move. His eyes moved down her tight behind, which was swaying invitingly with every stride. The tight leggings emphasized her shapely long legs, the butterflies on her pumps forced his eyes to her ankles. He felt himself getting aroused as his eyes went upwards again. impatiently wishing to get to her room.

Down the corridor and around a corner, Rhys finally took out her key card and watched as the door to her suite slid open. She gave her companion a seductive half-smile, moving purposefully past him and into her chambers.

Don placed the stuff he had carried on the floor and followed her right in. He was not playing games now. He wanted her and it showed on his face as he closed the gap quickly between them and held her against him, letting her feel his arousal. After looking into her eyes for a few moments, he lowered his mouth to hers.



Lt Cmdr Don G Killian


(NPC as guest by Erica)


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