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Christmas with a Klingon Twist

Posted on 28 Dec 2009 @ 5:43pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,816 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: M3: Shore Leave
Location: Da`nal's quarters

Da`nal woke very early and began to make sure everything was ready. He had joined Starfleet to be exposed to those that represent those of his human side; it's habits, its traditions. It was now time to pass that knowledge onto his children.

He made his way to there rooms and stopped at the door frame, looking at them still sleeping there. Looking back at his arrangments there was something missing, or more accurately someone. Stepping back into the room his picked up his commbadge and tapped it. He was about to say 'Da`nal to Ayren', but a devilish grin formed on his face.

"Capt. Da`nal to Chief Diplomat Kelan."

Ayren was indeed still asleep and stirred when she heard the badge chirp. She had not slept well for a few nighs in a row, partially because of what was happening, and partially, adapting to the new background noise the new people with their emotions and thoughts made in her head. Even if she needed it, it was different. Of course she had also spent a night with the children, when even Akhip struggled with them.

The badge was within reach and she took it off the bedside table lazily and tapped it with a finger. "Hmm?" she responded and almost immediately fell asleep again.

"I apologize for the hour. Could you join me in my quarters, please."

It was only then that the voice and words registered and she satup with a start. Clearing her throat, she taped it again. "Of course.." she said, already thinking what emergency there could be. ~In his quarters?~

Ayren jumped in the shower quickly and grabbed a pair of black jeans and a a short sleaved black strappy top with a red grey jacket. She had no idea why he called her and who could be in his quaters. She pulled her hair up in a pony tail and put some color on her lips. Slipping sandals on her feet, she left her quarters and made her way to Da'nal's. When she got here she pressed the chime, waiting for him to open.

As the door opened Da`nal had his finger over his mouth to ensure she was quiet. Motioning her in he stepped bach and immediately grinned at her surprise.

Her mouth opened in a wordless "Ahhh wow!" as she saw the decorated tree and presents underneath. This was somethign she had so missed from her human mother and she turned to slip her arm around his waist in an appreciative hug, kissing him on his cheek. It was clear it was for the children, but she loved it too.

His are wrapped around her in return. "I thought it was only right that you be here."

"Thank you," she said softly. She turned to glance at the tree again, but staying in his embrace and then looked at him again. "Can I ask you *why* though.. this is not a very Klingon tradition..." she asked.

"Well they are partially human are are we. Its only fitting that human traditionsbe honored as well. But before I wake them there is one tradition I wanted to share with you first."

Quizzingly she looked at him. "Which one?"

Turning he reached over and picked up a small plant, holding it up over them. "I believe this is what they call mistletoe."

Her eyes folowed the plant and then settled back on his face "Really?" she grinned.

He shrugged innocently, "Yes...well that's what the replicator produced anyway..."

She nodded. "Are you going to continue to hold it up in the air like that?" she asked, her eyes dancing with mirth

His expression shifted to match hers as his arm wrapped around her an pulled her closer, kissing her as he held the mistletoe over their heads.

"I like this tradition," Ayren murmered againt his lips.


He woke the children and when he told them there was a surprise for them in the main room they botled into out of there room but both stopped dead in there tracks in surprise at what they saw. Of course they were delighted to see Ayren again but the questioningly look from her to the strange looking tree with oddly decorated boxes underneath. They turned back to their father. and Ariella spoke first. "Father...I don't understand."

"Both of you sit," he insrtucted and they both climbed into seats on either side of Aryen as Da`nal crossed the room and recovered a book from the shelf near his desk.

Taking his chair he look to his children. "You know that you are part human as well as part Klingon. Both of you have honored your Klingon hertitage, but to be complete you must know and honor the traditions for your human ancestors. This particular tradition was of importance to your mother and she would want you to know it as well.

"In Earth's ancient history a man was born a man of great power destine to free the race and bring them back into a relationship with their god, by dieing for them. His death was to wash away their dishonor for all time, until like Kahless, he returned to lead them in a life without suffering or death...a life of peace.

"This man's birth had been fore told by prophets and holy men for centuries. And his birth and the events of that time are chronicled in a book called the Holy Bilble." He opened the book in his hands and found the passage.

"'...In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be counted. This was the first census, when Quirin'i-us was governor of Syria. And all went to be counted, each to his own city. 4 And Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the city of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David, to be countled with Mary, his betrothed, who was with child. And while they were there, the time came for her to be delivered. And she gave birth to her first-born son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths, and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn. And in that region there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with fear. And the angel said to them, "Be not afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy which will come to all the people; for to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find a babe wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger." And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom he is pleased!'

"It is also told that Kings, wisemen, from distant lands traveled to pay homage to this newborn child and to worship him as the King of all Kings. When they arrive they presented his parent gifts of gold, for kingly rule; frankincense, to perfume the halls of the mighty, and Myrrh a bitter herb used to anoint the body.

"So over time humans have gathered to celebrate the day of his birth by exchanging gifts."

There young faces still unsure but excited non the less. "I know you don't understand but in time you will learn to appreciate both parts of your heritage..." With a sharp nod of his head, " open your gifts."

They both jumped down and like children over the many years dug to find their name and once found began ripping paper and packageing to see what awaited them.

Ayren was completely stunned at what Da'nal was doing and sat vert quietly as she listened to the reading. To her mother that was all real and Ayren remembered a time when it was true to her too. She had been without anything to believe in for soo long, that the words stirred her heart. With her hands folded in her lap, she watched the children as their excited squeals filled the room. "That was beautiful, Da'nal," she said quieltly.

"Thank you, but I doubt they gasped the meaning. How could they? But no matter they are a part of two worlds it is only right..only honorable that they come to know the histories of both. It is ironic with all the differences between human and Klingon, through all the long years of conflict; that both our cultures wait for a special man to come again."

Ayren nodded. "You know, I think the two cultures have more in common than we think," she said thoughtfully. "I remember my mother reading that very same passage. When I was very small, I didn't grasp everything, but felt the peace that went with it, like I do now," she said and looked away for a moment, but then continued. "I admire what you did, not many parents bother to expose their children to their heritage."

A Klingon's present and future is based on the past. Without our past..our heritage, we have nothing to guide us forward. I was raised as a Klingon, with little first hand exposure to my human ancestry. Save what I learned from my grandmother."

With an arm around her they watched the kids open gifts and played, "They are basically half human and while I will raise them the only way I know Klingon, but I will not keep them from their human heritage."

She snuggled against him, placing her hand in his. "I am half human too and after my mother had passed away, I had not been exposed to certain aspects again.. I miss that. If you want, I can bring some of that to them .. and you for that matter," she offered.

"I appreciate the offer, my intention was to give them a historical background on the holiday. I respect your beliefs in this area. But I am Klingon and those teachings aren't exactly.....compatable."

"I wasn't talking about teachings, I don't know much about it myself. I was talking about aspects or values of humaniity," she said slightly annoyed. "In any case, that aside, don't you think they should be able to make their own choices about their values and belief systems?"

"Of cource they will make their own choices. But I can raise them the only way I know a klingon."


Captain Da`nal
Commanding Officer

Aryen Kelan
Chief Diplomatic Officer
NPC'd by Sharon


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