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T'Pal to be stopped.

Posted on 27 Dec 2009 @ 8:16pm by

1,781 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: M3: Shore Leave
Location: IKS' D'ama
Timeline: Current


"Stay right where you are," Kretorg heard himself say, his voice strained. Under normal circumstances he would have activated a coded alert and that would have sent a message to the computer and the officers on duty for prepare for a very specific enemy. One not fought in the traditional way.

That enemy was the Borg.

However, none of those special tactics covered the situation when that drone was your brother.


"Kre... I *am* Karagh of the House of Torath," he said calmly. "I will not harm you, I am no longer part of the collective." He just stood there, not moving. He also knew his brother and he would not hesitate to fire and that weapon would be set tp kill. No one should take chances with the Borg.

Kre wanted to believe him, but was very suspicious. To call for reinforcements would worsen the situation and if his brother had manage to get onto his ship, then he could certainly manage to evade them as well. "Why are you here?" Kre asked, cutting straight to the chace. He was still ready to fire. One shot could kill Karagh as he would not have had the chance to adapt yet.

"I want to clear my name, Kretorg. The information I had was lost when I was assimilated, but I saved a copy of the files in X'aedy's DNA," karagh answered immediately. Kre was never one for small talk and seeing his brother the way he remembered him, brought a small smile to his lips, almost in contrast with the Borg implant on the side of his face.

Two things stirred Kre. A Borg would not call X'aedell by her pet name, even if the knew it, nor will they smile like that. "X'aedell was assimilated," he stated plainly.

"No. Kre, she was not," Karagh said with a frown. "And neither was her mother. I killed her myself before the collective took me," he said, his face hardening. 'They didn't get X'aedy," he stated firmly.

Kretorg was shocked, as he was certain the person Lieutenant Charg had mentioned was an imposter. But even if she was the real X'aedell, without proof to the contrary, their House could be ruined.

Karagh had started to work on Archanis as a MD, but with the purpose to stay on top of Federation activity in the sector. He met Yexanna Kelan, a Betazoid Anthropologist where Karagh was doing relief work at a hospital in the same city. They got married and X’aedell was born in 2359 in a time of relative peace with the between the Empire and the Federation.

The House of Torath was in support of Gowron and in 2369, Karagh stayed on Archanis, fighting an ongoing battle against warriors in support of Duras, including members of an arch enemy, the House of Restach.

Time and time again, they failed to kill him until Korth came, a grandson of the aging Drangor, head of the House of Restach. In a long dual, Karagh killed him. Before Drangor could send Drexx, his son, to avenge Korth's death, the civil war ended, leaving Gowron as the new chancellor.

During the war of 2371 , his mission became crucial and he distinguished himself as an excellent Klingon Intelligence officer. However, D'thar of the House of Restach accused him of passing incorrect information, and according to him, which played a role in the Empire's defeat.

In apparent disgrace Karagh fled with his wife and daughter and sought refuge with the Federation forces. However, he managed to pass a message to Kretorg in which him know that he was still working for the Empire and that he had proof of his innocence. It was only after the Dominion war that the House of Restach wanted to raise the issue of Karagh's dishonor again, but by that time, word of his and his family's assimilation had already been received, and the matter was dropped. There was not enough proof either way. Furthermore, X'aedell, his only descendant at the time, was assimilated too, leaving no one to bear his disgrace if needed.

Kre stared at his *brother*, trying to absorb what he had just said. "I know of a X'aedell Kelan who was posted on the USS Da Vinci, she is now on the USS Merlin," Kre started, watching the man opposite him wearily. "You need to get to her before T'Pal does," he warned

Karagh knew who T'Pal was and what she did best. There was something in Kre's eyes that alerted him and he felt a deep rage building up in him. He lurched forward and pinned Kre against the wall, his arm across the big man's throat. "Tell me you didn't...." he seethed, his strong fingers breaking the disruptor from Kre's fingers with his other hand. The shot Kre fired did nothing to stop him. Karagh's superior reflexes saved him fom a full blast.

Kre was an exceptional combatant, but the ex-drone was too fast even for him. Karagh's arm seemingly effortless cut his air off. In a attempt to free himself, he reached for his knife and drove iit upward into his brother's torso, not sure what good it would do. The ex-drone reacted to the pain, but more violently than Kre had expected.

He felt a blow to his side, felt his lattice ribs gave a break from the immense power behind it. Kre ducked low, but felt himself flung across the room, as a powerful kick nearly broke his neck. With a thump he landed against a table. Before he could even react Karagh was there again, planted a kick to Kre already bruised rib cage. This time Kre grabbed the foot and lunched forward, catching his opponent off guard.

Karagh stumbled backwards, but then kicked Kre backwards, landing both men on the floor. He had been free from the collective for 12 years and had regained most of his own identity and though he had more control than most men had, the Klingon rage had been rearing it's head from time to time and this was such a time.

"Ha'DIbaH!" Karagh roared in anger. "Qu'vatlh! How dare you, you bastard!" he exclaimed, his eyes murderous. "T'Pal!?..." he growled. "You didn't want a mistake!" he continued and got up with slow deliberate movements.

Kre knew then that his life was in real danger and he matched his brother’s movements, he would hardly be a match for the ex Drone. Not only did he have Borg superiority, but he was also a man now 10 years younger than Kre. "Alright Karagh.... "Kre started, but Karagh flew towards him again, the sheer momentum knocking Kre sideways, which was what Karagh wanted. His arm went around Kre''s throat, the other immobilizing Kre'e right arm upwards against his back.

Kretorg gasped for air, already feeling dizzy, but he was aware of the fact that Karagh could have killed him by now, so he was still open to be convinced otherwise.

"In retrospect," he gasped. "I shouldn't have ordered it... But hear me out." Kre was not apologetic. He had reasons and didn't doubt the conclusions that had lead to his decision.

Karagh relaxed is arm enough for Kre to speak, but not his painful hold on his arm.

"Days after I had heard that X'aedell was alive, I had received intel that Drexx was planning to ambush and kill me. If he was on my tail, he would find her quickly and then it would be over for our whole House. I wsn't even sure that she *was* X'aedell. The last news we had received was that she was assimilated and nothing more.," he informed Karagh.

Slowly Karagh relaxed his hold and stood still, watching Kre intently, not expecting a lie, but he remembered Kre as ruthless in carrying out what he thought he had to do. "Why an assassin?" Karagh asked. "Isn't that the way of a bIHnuch [coward]?"

His question was fair and Kre was not surprised. He rubbed his throat and turned to meet his Brother face to face. "Two reasons. I t had to be done and I wasn't sure I could take leave to do it myself... and secondly," he said a paused. meeting Karagh's gaze. "I wouldn't have been able to do it," Kre admitted softly. He walked to the viewport staring into teh black space. "I loved X'aedy Karagh, you know that..." Kre said slowly turned to Karagh.

Nothing in his body language showed signs that Kre was speaking contrary to the truth. "How can I stop T'Pal?"

"Wait a bit Karagh," Kre asked clearing his throat. "Why didn't you go to X'ae first?"

Karagh paused at the question and dropped his eyes. For a moment Kre looked past the implant in the side of his face and saw Karagh, his brother.

"I wanted to see you first, hoped you could tell me about X'aedy, about her life, before I met her," he said, the pain and uncertainly of a father in his eyes.

Regretfully Kre nodded. "Go save her Karagh...her husband will do all her can, of that I am sure. He is an honorable man," Kre said with conviction. "e is going to a bat’leth tournament on Onat, T'Pal will attempt the assassination there. She will use a straight line rifle, like the Type III HD Marine Corps sniper rifle, or a Sacgher tyoe. She doesn't use search and destroy or seeker type weaponry," Kre related information to help Karagh.

"I will go..." he said and stepped forward, taking Kre's arm in Klingon grip, seeing that Kre, despite the emmence risk, gave him what he had to save his daughter "You don't want to know about the evidence I had...?" Karagh asked.

Kre blinked. "The evidence... " he answered. "Right," he gathered his thoughts. He had not even thought of that. "I had killed Drexx and his eldest son, but there are still those who would accuse you," he answered

"I placed a copy in X'aedy's DNA," he reassured Kre. "My brother, may your enemies run with fear!" he said, a smile on his face.

Everything happened so fast that Kre had barely absorbed that his long lost brother was back. He didn't even know how he managed to escape, but all that was of less importance now. Time was of the essence. "And yours..... Qapla' batlh je, Brother!" he said

"Qapla' batlh je," came the word of Karagh as he stepped back and activated a transport device and disappeared as silently and undetected as he came.

Cmdr Kretorg of the House of Torath

And Karagh of the House of Torath
Kretorg’s brother
Both NPC by Sharon


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