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T'Pal and Kretorg: sinister order

Posted on 26 Dec 2009 @ 4:02pm by

807 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M3: Shore Leave
Location: Unknown
Timeline: 6 months ago

USS Rapier, XO's quarters:

The screen in his quarters flickered for a split second until it was established. Kretorg expected it to be T'Pal, whom he needed for a rather sinister task. It had been a week since he had first started the process to get hold got of T'Pal, an old friend and someone he had trusted implicitely. In fact she was the only person he could trust with this.

When her face appeard, she didn't waste time on chit chat, not that she ever really did. After a greeting that implied that they didn't need to affirm their friendhip, even if they hadn't spoken for more than a year, T'Pal came straight to business. "You said you have a job for me?" she asked, addressing the message she had received from him.

"The counselor on the USS Merlin," he said and sent her the secured data he had gathered. "There is a complication, however. She seems to be involved with Lieutenant Charghwl'lH, the Chief of Intelligence. He contacted me and he is not be underestimated. He is going to compete in a bat'leth contest on Ogat. She is going to go with him, I suggest that is a viable option for you," he said, his eyes unreadable.

T'Pal's sharp eyes missed very little, and she looked at him sharply. "You sure you want to do this?" There was no doubt that she would be succesfull. She was pobably one of the most well trained and experienced assasins Section 31 had. But she was a warrior, who believed in what she did. She was not a murderer, she was a soldier, just a different kind.

He nodded almost imperceptably.

"This is personal Kre, I need to know why I will eliminate your niece." she demanded simply.

"If it comes out that my brother's daughter is alive, it will draw renewed attention to him." Kretorg had not spoken about this for a long time and the conversation with CharghwlIH had forced him to think about it again. He owed TPal motivation though. With a little sigh he continued. "I had an older brother .. Karagh. he was working as a spook for us during the war of 2371/2, but something went wrong. There were accusations later that he betrayed us, but he and he family was assimilated by the Borg before proof in either direction could be found. The matter was dropped. As a family we chose to believe him, but could do nothing without sufficient proof. All evidence pointed in his way. H said he had evidence to clear his name, but that was lost. Now suddenly it seems like his daughter did survive, but believed we have rejected her. She had tried to contact us, but the messages never reached us. Fact is, if it comes out that she is alive, our enemies will do all in their power to bring the matter before the High Council and have her discommendated .. and without proof to the contrary on our side, they might succeed. And you know the consequences of that, not only for her, but for our whole House. I'd rather see her dead and in Sto Vo Kor than alive and dishonoured, together with our whole House," he said firmly. "If our House and it's allies are no longer represented on the High Council, Martok looses one more House in support. It might shift the balance in teh High Council," he said to give her the bigger picture and to allow her to see his motivation for such a drasrtic step.

T'Pal listened and nodded. She could see that this was not an easy decision, but understanding where he was coming from, she agreed. He had given her enough time to prepare for the hit, which she preferred. It went without saying that he would compensate her and that this could never by tied to him in any way.

"I will do it," said the hybrid Vulcan/Klingon.

In turn he just looked at her. He wasn't going to involve her in this. When he saw what it contained his face darkened. "Thank you T'Pal.. I will be in contact"

She nodded and bent forward, cutting the transmission.

Kretorg leaned back in his chair. He didnt allow himself to think about X'aedell, whom he met a few times when she was young. He daren't let any personal memory surface or he would stop T'Pal. This was going to haunt him for the rest of his life, but it needed to be done. He was not going to allow the House of Restach to cause an investigation that would result in the discommendation of X'adell and the dishonour of their House.


Lt T'Pal
A Chief Sec
USS Freedom
Lt Cmdr Kretorg of the House of Torath
UUS Rapier, now CO IKS D'ama
(Npc's by Sharon)


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