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Captain's Log

Posted on 21 Dec 2009 @ 9:41am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

330 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M3: Shore Leave
Location: Ready room
Timeline: Shortly after leaving Romulus

"Captain's Log Stardate - 64577.5

We have broken orbit from Romulus and are Heading towards Federation space. Through it all the Freedom has preformed admirably and her crew once a collection of officers thrown together in the heat of battle, are now coming together as a family. Several key posts remain open and I hop e fill them while as Star base 47.

The Romulan Warbird Morsaran is providing escort as is the Klingon vessel Hed'not. Of course the Hed'Not has remained cloaked the entire time and while we are under escort of a Romulan vessel the Hed'Not will be maintaining radio silence.

My XO has been called from command for other duties and took a diplomatic courier bound for Federation space. I wish him the best of luck at his new assignment. Aside from hunting down a new XO and trying to fill a few other key positions I look forward to a little time off myself."

Ayren Kellan arrived aboard the IKV Hed'Not after resigning her position at Deep Space 5. At my request she has been reactivated and has assumed the role of Chief Diplomaic Officer aboard the Freedom. Her arrival couldn't have been better time given the events that took place on Romulus. She will make a welcome member to the crew.

I have asked our chef to prepare a memorial crew dinner for the to honor those who fell, but more importantly I want to give the crew a breather from the near constant strain they have been operating under. To that end I will be granting shore leave upon our arrival at Star Base 47 while the ship under goes repairs. Though I assume Mr. Flaherty will be keeping a close eye on things the entire time even if he has shore leave available to him.

Star Base 47 aware of our situation and is anticipating our arrival. Engineering estimates our repairs will take between 5 to 6 weeks. During that time the crew will have some well deserved time off."


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