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Posted on 28 Dec 2009 @ 5:44pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

922 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M3: Shore Leave
Location: USS Freedom - Ready Room

Da'nal sat in his ready room while the Freedom headed towards Star Base 47 for some much needed repairs. As he sat he recalled the events of the past few hours. The IRW Mosaram had provided escort as had the IKV Hed'Not but once they had reached the Federation border they had rendezvoused with the Engineering vessel USS Angora to get things started on the internal systems. With the Federastion vessel seeing to the Freedom's needs the Warbird headed back into Romulan space but the Hed'Not stayed with then, and would for the time being.

He found himself staring out of window for several moment contemplating if he should tell his father what had happened concerning Garath. ~No~ he thought to himself, that knowledge would be his burden to bare. To everone else his brother had died in battle against the Dominion. The fact that he had been captured by Romulan's and held all these years wuld only destroy the fragile peace that Da`nal had created. His father begrudgingly agreed with the terms of the long as the Illialhlae kept up their end of the agreement so would the House of Varal.

So much had changed in a short amont of time. The sounding of the comm brought him out of his memories and back to the here and now. =^=Commander, Admiral Thelek Uvar for you sir.=^=

~Well that was sooner than expected.~ Da`nal thought to himself. He knew he would have to report to the TFCO eventually but he hadn't even writen his report on everything that had happened. No doubt their were a few people that haddn't liked hearing about the Freedom's destruction only to find out later that they were allive and well...for the most part at least.

"Put him through."

=^= Aye, sir.=^=

Da`nal watched as the monitor rose from his desk and come to life; the Federation emblem being replaced by the Andorian Admiral. "Hello sir."

"Commander." Thel said giving Da'nal a curtesy nod. "On the contrary to what I have heard it's good to see you made it back in one peace."

"Thank you sir. With everything that has happened lately. The attack on DS5 and our run in on the way to Romulus the Freedom has definitely had her trial by fire. I hope I didn't ruffle too many feathers with the staging of our destruction?"

"You do know that ship didn't come cheap right?" Thel said with a slight grin.

Returning the Admiral's grin with one of his own he nodded at the memory as he spoke. "Having seen my Grandfather's reaction at the loss of one of My House's vessel's I know first hand how pricey these ships can be. Especially being the first of her line. All the more reason to fake her death and buy the time we needed so we could ensure our victorious return. She has her scars, but every true warrior does."

"Good." Thel said. "They will sing for you in the Halls of Sto-vo-Kor, however, singing isn't everything Commander."

"Very true sir, but Honor is." He said with a sharp nod. Andorians to were a warrior race and he would know of what Da'nal spoke. However getting back to business. "We're on course to SB 47 for repairs. While there I will be granting shore leave to the crew. They've more than earned it. My Chief engineer estimates 2 to 3 weeks to complete the repairs."

"When you arrive at the station a special envoy will be waiting and will hand you a package." Thel held up a small black box. "I wished I could give it to you myself but we will be on a special mission during that time. "

~An envoy?~ he thought. But as Thel lifted the package he knew what he was referring to and his chest pounded with pride. Not only would his father be able to share the moment, but Aryen would be there too.

Thel opened it. "Let the records state that as per my powers I hereby grand Commander Da'nal from the House of Varal, all the responsibilities and duties which belong to the rank of Captain."

As the Admiral spoke the word one of his main goals had now been accomplished. Da'nal looked at the Captain's pips in the box that Thel held and he quickly clamped down on his emotions. Ayren was a betaziod and would sense his pride and he wanted it to be a surprise.

"Congratulations Captain"

"I am Honored. Thank you Admiral."

"You have earned it Captain." Thel stated simply. "Wear them with pride
and remember, you are part of a fine select group.. so don't let them

Even though he had held the position of a Captain he hadn't yet a member
of that particular club. Now he was. Da`nal sat straighter his chair and
nodded sharply. "That will never happen. Honor will not allow it."

Thel nodded. "Untill we meet...Uvar out."

As the screen went back to the Federation emblem. Da`nal stood, he was curious as to the nature of the 'special mission' the Admiral mantioned, but if he needed to know he would have been told. He silently with the Admiral and the crew of the London success. Reaching up Da'nal was about to tap his commbadge to hail the Hed'Not then grinned. No he would wait until they arrived.


Captain Da`nal of the House of Varal
Commanding Officer
USS Freedom

Vadm Thelek Uvar
CO - USS London


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