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Family matter - a new beginning

Posted on 30 Dec 2009 @ 5:26pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,497 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M3: Shore Leave
Location: CO's quarters
Timeline: Back post to before the Captain's Log


Ayren had heard that D'anal was going to be transported back to the Freedom, so Padd in the hand she made her way to the transporter room. She had been keeping herself busy, going over the reports of the events on the planet. Of course in her free time she had spend time with the twins and even took them to her new office and they were with her now, one on each side.

Walking into the room, both the transpoter chief and security guard stared at her, but Ayren merely shook her head inwardly, suppressing a smile. Relatively tall and slender, Ayren could wear anything and still look elegant and graceful. It was just part of who she was.

She was often underestimated in the diplomatic world of negatiations and treaties and used it when she had to, but was enerally warm and friendly, having an inherent deep respect for others. Nodding to the two gawking men, she stood to the side.

As D'anal materialized, her sensitive empathic senses picked up on his feelings, not grief and sadness as a human would have, but the felt his loss.

Da`nal could see his children even before the shimmering of the transporter had faded. Once it had his arms opened wide and scooped them up as they rbounded towards him. "How are my little warriors? Did you enjoy your time with your grandfather an a battleship?"

"Yes father." They said together. Garath then pulled a small blade. "Grandfather gave me this. He said it was my uncles first blade."

Da`nal 's pride in his son was tempered only by the fact that he could never tell his son the true fate of his uncle. "But you have earned this honor before him...or me." At the his son beamed a smile, even if he didn't understand the meaning.

From his children he looked to Ayren. Stepping down off the padd he approached her. "Getting all settled in Miss. Kelan?"

Ayren smiled at his formality and nodded. "Indeed Captain. Thank you for asking," she said.

He stifled a grin himself, "And thank you for these. Would you care to join us for dinner?"

With a slow formal nod, she accepted the dinner. "That would be nice, thank you Captain," she said and smiled, taking the little hand of Ariella, that probed hers. "The children had prepared you some dishes. Akhil and I assisted," she said with a wink.

"Well then then lead the way."

The small group made their way to Da'nal's quaters, where Akhil was preparing the last of the food and set the table for them. When they entered different aromas filled the room, inviting them to eat.

"There you are, all yours," she said with a grin.

Looking at are. "All mine???"

"Well I think that was the intention," she said giggling softly, looking the children, who had run ahead and stood waiting at the table. "You will have to eat.. .and they had added their own version of spices and flavours," she said with an closemouthed grin. She said nothing of the jelly babies in the gagh, chocolates in a Illingtah dish and various aother interesting additions.

Her could smell that things were a, but took a seat just the same. With a show of sensory delight he drew a deep breath in through his nose. "HMMMMM...where to start."

The glance from Ahkil was one of warning and humourous anticipation. It was clear that she couldn't wait to see his reaction.

Da`nal took his plate as it was handed to him, but stopped. "Where are our manners. We have a guest and guests always eat first."

Ayren grinned at him and took for herself some targ liver with marshmellows on top. They were easily removed, leaving the juicy liver relatively sugar free. "Why don't you try the Illingtah ? They went to so much trouble," she countered sweetly.

Da`nal helped himself to the concoction, then handed the platter to Ayren. "I won't be able to eat this all myself. Help yourself."

She mock glared at him and took a small helping passing the rest to Akhil and the children, She had to suffer too. Even though the mood was light and funny, Ayren was aware of the undercurrents in Da'nal's feelings. He caught her glance when she looked up at him.

Looking into her eyes as he took a healthy bite of the food his children had prepareed. Despite the excessive amount of sugar he ate with gusto. Reaching out he grabbed chunk of wamwI’ Ha’DIbaH covered in chocolate and sprinkles. Garath and Ariella laughed and dove in as well.

It all turned into a glorious mess. As klingons didn't eat with utensils, it wasn't long until Da`nal and his children a mess. Da`nal paused, looking to Aryen and here expression. "Come now, have been on the home world you know how to eat as a Klingon." With a wide grin he wiped his candy-coated hand across he cheek. "There....much better."

Ayren narrowed her eyes in a glare, but then smiled sweetly. "Wait," she said leaning forward to run something off his cheek, but then unexpectantly returned the favour, smearing half melted marshmellow on his cheek. "I always thought you needed a bit of pink on your cheeks," she giggled.

The children stiffled their laughter only to late. And Da`nal lifted his hand and ran two fingers down his cheek. Pulling his fingers away he looked at the sticky fluff then to his children, then to the culprit her self.

Both Ariella and Garath were sient wondering what was going to happen.

Cklicking his tongue ran his fingers through some chocolate and slowly lifted his hand again. The look on Ayren's face was that of a laughing 'don't you dare', but Da`nal did dare. Even as she slowly shock her head he flick the mess on to her.

Ayren squeeled and tried to avoid it, ending up having it all over her hair and face. She grabbed some mashmellows and returned the sweet assault, but missed him mostly, but involving Akhil in the *meal*.

Through the laughter Da`nal look at his 'farely' clean children, "I don't know what you two are laughing at," and smeared their faces as well.

It became a royal mess and Akhil then added her bit too. No that she liked it at all, but she knew she would fight a loosing battle. Besides it did remind her of Da'nal when he was small.

When everybody was thoroughly smeared, Ayren leaned baclk, exhausted from laughing, with Ariella on her lap. "I am hungry...." the little one complained.

She had too laugh No one really ate something and Akil got up to get them some unsweetened food. Garath was now hugry too and both children followed her into the kitchen.

Ayren grinned "Can I get you anything else?" she asked sweetly as she started to clean up. Akhil saw her and portested sternly, making Ayren draw back uncomfortably. She wanted to do her part, but she wasn't going to fight Akhil. "Can I use your bathroom?" she asked, deciding to get herself cleaned up at least.

A memory flashed into his mind at her request. "Wasn't this how it all got started? Remember what happened last time you used my bathroom."

"You are quite right," she chuckled, and remembered the incident. "Will it have the same effect," she asked innoscently.

"I doubt that. No doubt Akhil thinks her previous 'arrangements' complete." Waving towads the bathroom arae of his family quarters. "But by all means feel free to try again, there should be a towel available."

Getting up she chuckled. 'I think you might need a shower too, unless you want to stick to everyone you pass, " she giggled and made her way to the bathroom.

Turning in his chair he watched her walk of wondering if that was an invitation.

Sensing what Da'nal was wondering, she gave him a small smile. "Up to you..." she said and disapreared into the bathroom.

Da`nal watched the shape of her formas she walked off and her hand trail slowly over the door frame. He took a deep breath to check the air and what his senses told him was all he needed to know. Though a smirk spead over his face as he made her wait a bit.

Thinking to himself. Things were looking up for him. His House was secure, both from potential dishonor and a peace had been established with a very old enemy. And know his family was together once again. There was only one Family matter that needed to be finalized and that was looking more and more like it to was close to completion. Standing he began loosening his top as he head towards the bathroom....sealing the door behind him.


Captain Da'nal of the House of Varal

Ayren Kelan


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