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Butting Heads

Posted on 31 Dec 2009 @ 2:38pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,675 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M3: Shore Leave
Location: Ready room

Approx 24 hours after docking

Da`nal had a list off officers that he had selected as those he felt where the right choice for his First Officer. Though the crew was on shore leave the bridge was manned as were other key areas of the ship, though only minimally so. As he stepped onto the bridge the Officer of the Day called the skeleton bridge crew to attention. "Captain on the Bridge!"

"As you were. I just have some work to do in my ready room."

"Aye sir."

Da`nal entered his office and activated the terminal as he made his way to the replicatior. After calling up some breakfast he sat and began to open up the latest messeges that had come in for him. One in particular caught his attention. It had seemed that Starfleet Command, in their infinate wisdom had assigned him an XO. Checking his list, he raised a brow then started the process to block the transfer, after all a Captain had the right to choose his XO.


[18 hours later]

"What?" Don exclaimed out loud, when he read the message on the PaDD. "I don't believe this?" Anyone who stared at him, got a glare in retrun. Don was furious. He stormed out of the bar he was at and made his way to the nearest transporter room

He marched to the pad and stepped onto it. "Transport me to the USS Freedom" he instructed.

The young woman and the console looked up. "I need indetification, Sir," she said respectfully but firmly.

Irritated Don pursed his lips and stepped off the pad and with exaggerated compliance pressed his thumb on the side of the console. "There. happy?" he asked sarcastically.

The officer nodded. "Sorry Sir," she said and initiated the transport, glad to get the good looking but rude officer out of the way.

The tranport did nothing to better Don's mood and when he materialoized, his face looked like a thunder storm. "I am Lieutenant Commander Donovan Killian," he said as she walked off the pad. His black T'Shirt and jeans would not exactly tell them that he was a SF Officer.

After confirming his identity, he was showed to the bridge and the Captain's ready room.

The chime to his door sounded as he was just wrapping things up and getting ready to head out to meet Ayren aboard the station for dinner. His back to the door, he looked over his shoulder and called out, "Enter," the turned back to what he was doing.

Don stepped through the door, seeing the large hybrid Klingon bend forward. he knew that Klinogns weren;t much for small talk, so he wasnlt goin to dbeat around the bush. "Captain Da'nal. I am Lieutenant Commander Donovan Killian," he said waiting for D'anal to acknowledge his presence.

Da`nal turned as he placed the name. ~Ah yes the XO transfer I blocked.~ Sitting on the edge of his desk he addressed the officer. "What can I do for you Commander?"

"I am assigned to be the Executive Officer of this ship, but it seenms you are attempting to block my transfer. I want to know why," Dononvan stated, looking at Da'nal fearless and directly.

Da`nal took on a very stern expression as his crossed his arms over his chest. "First off, Mr. Killian I do not answer to you, nor do I have to justify my decisions to you either. I take it that you think I made the wrong decision in blocking your transfer?"

"Yes you did Captain," Don said confidently, standing his ground. Not because he knew what you had to with a Klingon, this was who he wa;s and frankly the Captain was wrong.

He was slightly impressed. It took guts to tell a Captain that you thought he was wrong....even more with a klingon Captain, but he was going to tell him what he thought. Instead Da`nal rose with a start and closed the distance between them. "Just who the hell do you think you are?!" He began to circle the man as he continued to chew him out. "You think you can just come on my ship, demand answers and question my authority?! Fortunately for you this is not a Klingon ship. If it'd be dead! Commander."

Don straightened and remained still as he watched the warrior.

Da`nal stopped his circling and moved behind his desk, though he remained standing. "Being a Captain has certain privilages. One of those being able to select his XO. I've seen XO's assigned to ships and I've had XO's assigned here previously. Most of the time it does't work out. I reviewed your file while narrowing down my choices and even though you have held this post before on another ship, I thought you needed more...seasoning."

He left the man standing there. Killian had assumed a position of attention as he had been ripped into and had the good sense to keep his mouth shut. Da`nal st down into his chair, brought his left leg up as he crosses his ankle over his knee and leaned back. "Well you're here, impress me." Spreading his arms out, "Why should I let you on my ship?" He laced his fingers together at his waist as he now allowed the man to speak.

Don took a few moments having listened to Da'nal, taking his time to measure the Klingon. He relaxed, but remained standing. He knew how to behave. "Seasoning." He said pointedly, but kept his tone neatral. "With all due respect, Captian, you are not so seasoned yourself, Sir," he said. "As far as I remember, DS5 was attacked and you were given command. Some would see it as a field promotion, even as command by default. Obviously you were the most deserving, and I don't flatter, I had studied your file. But frankly, I have had more time in my position, than you had in yours, None of the men on your list would challenge you the way I do. I am not afraid of you, nor am I intimidated. You place this crew in danger, I will put you in the brig myself. Or if we were on a Klingon ship, you will be the one that is dead," Don said calmly. "Sir"

Da`nal hand came up and slapped his desk as he bolted from his chair. "EXCELLENT!! I was hoping for this reaction when I began the process of slowing your transfer. If you had not defended yourself I would have gone to my other candidates. Officers with similar records and temperment as yourself. Have a seat Commander."

"Thank you , Captain," he sat as he sat down, one eyebrow in pleasant surprise. Not about being invited to sit down, but at the cunningness of the Klingon. He did think he was subjected to a test, but not that calculated. he liked that. "You had me fooled there, and that takes some doing," he commented.

As they each seated themselves Da`nal continued. "I don't want a XO that will blindly follow orders. And will I expect my order to be carried out, there are time when a Captain's orders need to be questioned. Of course I trust you are 'seasoned' enough to know that there is a proper time and place to do that."

"Personally I think that some Captains need that discernment. And some Captains don't like to be challenged and I end up demoted, court martialed or worse, brigged. As you can see, Captain, I speak my mind. And I wil continue to do so, it will be up to you to decide whether I am wrong or right. However, I will follow you through fire too," he stated.

"Good. As far as the method I gained this command. I was informed of the threat to the station and in a matter of hours planned, coordinated, and then led the exterior defense of the station to buy time for the Guardian Platforms to be repaired and reinforcements to arrive. Command must have felt that those actions, combined with my experience in the 14th Fleet merited a Command. Now if the fact that I have risen through the ranks faster than you is a problem for you...frankly I don't care. But like I said I don't want a yes man, and you obviously fit that bill."

"Don't misunderstand me, Captain, I am not envious of you, there are a lot of younger Captains than me. Some people are made to give the orders, orthers are made to execute them and I like getting my hands dirty," he said. ~Too dirty sometimes...~ he thought with a smirk. "Is there anything I should know right now?"

"So let me bring you up to speed. The ship is under repair and the crew is on shore leave. Even so I want you to make yourself known to the department heads. Our new Chief Science Officer is due to report in the next day of so, so keep an eye out. We should also have a new Chief Security/Tactical Officer shortly as well. And while you aren't off enjoying yourself, make yourself familiar with the ship. Any questions?"

"Will do, Captain," he said. "How long will we be here?"

"Repairs are estimated at 5 to 6 weeks, but I plan to speak with the yard master and our Chief Engineer to see what they need to accelerate that time line...or is that something you would care to do? In order to get your 'hands dirty", so to speak?"

Don grinned. "I think you might have a bit more *clout* with the yardmaster, but whAtever, I will definetely speak to the Chief," he said.

"Very well. That'll be all Commander." His new XO nodded and headed out. ~This is going to be interesting,~ he thought. Glancing at the teminal he Rose quickly and headed out.

He was late.


Captain Da`nal
Commanding Officer

Lt. Commander Donovan Killian
Executive Officer


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