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Memorial Dinner

Posted on 08 Jan 2010 @ 11:22am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,863 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: M3: Shore Leave
Location: Diplomatic Reception Room
Timeline: On route to SB 47

Fire shot up out of one pan, and a bluey greeny haze from another. "I need exact numbers please, Commander." He shouted out twoard the outside area of the kitchen in his thick and hardy Scandanavian accent.

Da`nal look over the preperations approavingly as the ship headed home. "Be prepared for everyone. While the senior staff will start things off, this is for the entire crew to mingle and say good by in their own way."

"How did I know you were going to say that... " Aki said, trying to be sorrowful. "Will the delightful Ambassador be joining us?"

With a smirk he looked to the chef and morale officer. "No. She has made other arrangements to return to DS5." With that he turned to leave so he could get ready.


Down on one of the lower decks Silonez was doing an inventory, he was going to have to replace some damaged and lost equipment, he also was going to have to eventually make an appearance at the dinner, he didn't exactly want to deal with any of the crew at the moment, infact there were a few he wanted to have arrested.

[Sick Bay]
Casiday had been on her rounds in sickbay when she stopped at Mel's bed. She took a scan of her brain and noticed a change and decide to contact the Captain.=^= Taylor to Da'nal =^=

Da`nal had returned to his quarters to get ready when his commbadge sounded. =^=Da`nal here.=^=

She paused then spoke "The injury to Mel's brain is healed. The brain activity is near normal, just her body will take longer to heal." she said with confidence

=^= That's excellent news. Is everything set to transfer her to the Starbase on our arrival? =^=

=^= Yes Sir it is... I maybe late for the start of the dinner please for give my tardiness =^=

=^= Understood. =^=

Ayren was preparing herself to go to the dinner and dressed in a deep purple ancle length dress. The shoulderless garment was fitting around her curves tightly and flowed softly outward as it fell towrds the floor. She remembered that the children wanted to see her so she took her purse and went to Da'nal's quarters first, and rang the chime.

[Captain's Quarters]

Da`nal was sealing the collar to his dress uniform as the chime sounded. Turning slightly he called out, "Enter."

Ayren walked in, slightly surprised to see that Da'nal was there still. Ariella came forwards and took Ayren's hand, admisrong her. "I thought you will be there already?" she asked.

"As did I...I had to put down a sibling revolt."

"Ohhh, " Ayren responded, with raised brows. "I take it you managed," she said, looking at the rather subdued children.

"Oh yes, they were 'informed' of what behavior was expected of them." Though he knew full well how children were. He remembered the trouble he and his brother had gotten into over the year. Finally getting his collar secureed he turned. His new pip for all to see.

Ayren's eyes fell on the pip. "Captain?" she said surprised, a wide smile forming on her lips as she stepped towards him. "Congratulations," she said and kissed him softly on his mouth, her eyes beaming with pride. "You hid this from me...." she chided lightly, still smiling.

"Well it was to be a surprise for when we reached the station. But with the Memorial it would be proper to be out of uniform. Oh my father doesn't know yet so don't say anything."

"It is a surprise and I am so proud of you," she said, "I think it is time we show the rest of the crew," she said indicating the door.

Nodding sharply, "You're right we'd better get going."

It didn't take long to arrive and luckily they were the first, other than Aki and the stewarts the were putting the final touches on thing, to arrive.

Da`nal surveyed the room, nodding approvingly. "Nicely done gentlemen."

"Why, thank you Captain. It was hard work but worth it. Are you sure that the delightful Romulan female isn't coming?" Aki said loudly.

Though curious as to is repaeated interest he assumed the Chef/Morale Officer was just being thorough. "Yes I'm quite sure. Once we crossed into Federation space our Romulan escort turned toward DS5 to return her to her Ambassadorial duties there."

Not really anyone yet, Ayren stepped forward to introduce herself. "I am Ayren Kelan, the Diplomatic Officer," she said smiling. "You must ne the morale officer and chef. It realy looks a feast," she remarked.

Aki stared at her. Then walked toward her. "Pleasure. I'm sure." He said, in a certain tone that made him seem almost... Cardassian. "I am Aki Vixen. And you are correct, I am cook and morale officer, please, help yourself to food. Try the Orion Champagne. It's to 'die' for." He said, smirking.

Ayren's smile widened and she nodded. "I will defnitely have some. And just make sure you do enjoy yourself too. You deserve it after all the hard work," Ayren said.

Silonez was back in the intel office, he wasn't in the mood to deal with the crew, as he filed his last report he looked up and saw Lita in the doorway, "Are you going to the dinner?"

Silonez looked down at his desk the back up at her, "maybe later on, I've got a small mountain of work to do."

[Diplomatic Reception Room]

Da`nal took a seat as he waited on more of his crew to arrive. Once there was a good amount he would get the official matters taken care of. For the time being he would allow people to arrive and mingle talking amongst themselves about the friends and crewmates that had been lost.

Lieutenant MacCallum Flaherty, in full dress whites complete to medals, strode into the room. He couldn't figure out whether he wanted to try and find some colleagues to visit with, or go straight to the food, something that weighed heavily on his mind.

In the end, the food won priority over all else, and he made a beeline for the buffet. 'I always have been a sucker for free food. . .' He thought to himself, grabbing a plate from the stack and moving his way through the line. Though that was the case, He hadn't eaten in nearly two days as they worked their way to Starbase 47, his engines being his only priority had taken his mind off of his stomach.

Now, he figured, was the time to remedy that.

He sat with his food, an odd assortment of traditional earth favorites, quickly glancing at his medals to make sure they hadn't misaligned themselves. There was a row of three, the Silver Palm, Legion of Honor, and the Cochrane Medal of Excellence made themselves known, but also hid in the shadow of the one that draped over them. A medal, suspended from two lengths of multi-colored ribbon from a metal bar inscribed with the word 'Valor', sat above the rest in a line all it's own. The Christopher Pike Medal of Valor, an award of some consequence, was Mac's pride and joy that came at a terrible price to him.

The price was similar to the one that had been paid with this last round of battle, costing the life of his former Chief Engineer, and rapidly promoting him to the rigors of command. He chewed at the food, enjoying it's flavor, but thinking of the past had left him with an utter lack of appetite.


Casi had left sickbay and gotten changed she went to the meroial dinner.

[Diplomatic Reception Room]

Lita walked in alone, she felt out of place in the gathering, an NCO walked by with a tray of what looked like champagne and grabbed a glass and walked over to the view port and started to look as if she was star gazing.

Da`nal had watched the Ensign and excused himself from the group of security officers he was speaking with. He approached her as she continued to stare out the viewport at nothing. "Hello Ensign. You don't seem to be interested in the view," glancing to het untouched glass, "or your drink."

Lita was a little embarassed, "I'm sorry sir, this is the first time I've been in a combat zone, this was insane, now I know why Lieutenant Ericson is so preficiant in sidearms and other ship operations, even now hes' taking a watch on the bridge while we're all down here."

"Really." It was important the department heads attend official functions. It helped show unity of the command structure. But everyone had been though a lot. He would make sure he set things straight at the next staff meeting. "The first time in combat can take a while to absorb. We had to deal with a lot of different adversaries. Some within, some without. It make things hard when you don't know who to trust."

Da`nal looked out to the assembled crew, deciding that it was time to get the formalities over with. Nodding to his yeoman Lance immediately made sure that the upcoming address would be broadcast thoughout the ship. Stepping over to the far end of the reception hall he took position to address those in attendance. Those he passed and guest his attention and ended their conversations watching him silently. For those that had not noticed Da`nal spoke out to get everyone's attention. "Crew of the USS Freedom, your attention please."

After speaking to a few people, Ayren started to move closer to the table. When D'anal spoke, she took the seat nearest to her and waited for everyone to settle down.

"This ship was designed to extend the hand of friendship; to fulfill the diplomatic needs of the Federation and its allies. For that task she was aptly named, Freedom. However before the ships construction was even completed she was called upon to defend that for which she was named. Throughout history men and women of all races have stepped forward to answer that call as well. And as before some have given their last full measure to defend not just themselves, but the rights and lives of others. It is for these men and women that we gather her today, not to mourn our lose but to celebrate their lives. It is only fitting that we honor those who have fallen. Attention to Orders!" The assembled crew smartly snapped to attention. Then Da`nal began to list the rank and name of all that had been killed, both during the battle at DS5 and during their journey to Romulus. He recited the complete list from memory.

Once complete Lance handed him a goblet which Da`nal raised in salute. "batlh Daqawlu'tah" (you will be remembered with Honor).

Ayren raised hers too and repeated the salute. Though she didn't know those who had died, she felt the sense of loss from those around her.


Captain Da`nal

Lt. Silonez Ericson

Aryen Kellan
CDO - NPC'd by Sharon

Lt. MacCallum Flaherty

Ltjg. Casiday Taylor
Acting CMO

Aki Vixen
Morale Officer / Chef


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