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"Lead the way"

Posted on 07 Jan 2010 @ 5:49pm by Colonel Nelle Skykin

1,303 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M3: Shore Leave
Location: Holodeck suite

Skykin had hit yet another dead end. She had been looking for the holodecks for approximatly two hours but after taking directions from a so called local with questionable hygine, she was starting to get frustrated. Turning abruptly she was faced with a tall gentleman, "My apologies" She looked up and smiled awkwardly as she took a step back.

"Myfault," Jason Kage said, holding up a hand. "I was trying to find the holodecks and I've been sent all over the ship...this is why marines tend to stay in one place. Would you know where the suites, Lieutenant?"

"He wasn't by any chance a heavy set bolian man who smelt strongly of blood wine?" She asked with a slight smirk, "Oh and I'm Skykin, well Nelle really, fellow Lieutenant?" She smiled politely.

"I guess that's my rank, not really used to it. And yeah, Bolian who stunk bad. I'm Jason, though most call me by my last name, Kage. New security and tactics chief. Sorry, a little out of sorts here. I was Penal Brigade until recently." He explained, getting it out of the way fast.

Skykin raised an eyebrow, a little shocked but soon regained her composure, "I've herd its best to share things, I guess this is one of those things" She spoke calmly and contently, "Its nice to meet you Kage, and to be honest it makes me feel better that you said that, maybe unintensionally, but still." Skykin spoke genuinly, she had often been in the company of people who were hiding most of their shadowy past. "And regarding the Bolian, he sent me this way too after I asked directions to the holosuites"

"Best to get it out of the way. The rumor mill on the ship will be operating major soon. That part is true, story behind is long." Kage replied and looked around, "Let's try your directions, mine got me to a supply closet."

"Alright, um my directions..." She thought for a moment and spotted a wall console. "Ah, hang on" She moved towards the console and began running her hands over the screen. "Theres the problem, he sent us in the general direction, but if we go up there and turn left, then walk to the end it should, according to this, be there" She concluded turning back to Kage.

Kage shrugged, "Okay, sounds good to me I guess. What were you planning on using the deck for?"

"Just some work outs, yourself?" She asked as they made their way.

"Combat workout. It was our free time, so I use it as exercise and recreation." He explained.

"Great minds think alike" Skykin laughed a bit, "Why not join together, I'm quite a fighter, and holograms get a little dull"

"Okay," Kage said just as they arrived at the holodecks. "You can decide the simulation."

"Certainly" She grinned. Skykin stode to the holodeck console, "How does the Kligon workout number fifty two sound?"

"Sure, I can use a warmup." Kage said, walking inside.

Skykin looked at Kage with a raised eyebrow and a smirk, "This will be interesting" she muttered to herslef as she followed him inside.

Kage barked an order in Klingon and a batleh appeared in his hand, "Ready when you are."

Skykin repeated her companion's words and caught the weapon in her hands, Swinging it strongly from hand to hand, "Lets go then"

Kage raised his weapon in defense and waited, not moving. He didn't even seem to be breathing...

Skykin eyed her surroundings, studying what could be used in her advantage. Raising her batleh she studied Kage's position. Suddenly swinging the weapon above her head she sprinted forward faster than her size would seem possible.

Kage stood still, seemingly frozen in place until about to be hit. Then he was just out of reach and standing still once again...

-Hum, so we're playing this game- Skykin thought to herself with a smirk. She poised herself and waited, dodging forward one side and jumping back she raised her weapon swinging it to gain momentum she sprang forward swiping diagonally down his chest, the loud of clashing metal sounded.

Kage moved possibly three inches in his block and reached out with one hand. His hand locked over hers and she discovered that the batleh was now frozen.

"Ah no fair, genetically enhanced strength is cheating" Skykin laughed and let go of her batleh and slipped her hands from his grasp. Moving swiftly she followed her weapon to the ground, hookng her batleh behind his left leg she pulled hard and felt him lose his balance.

And watched as he landed on his hands and flip back to his feet. "Actually that's an Orion Pirate trick. I should tell you, those of us in Penal Brigade use this simulation as recreation. General Fortune prefers no limit sims."

"Well if you would prefer to play rough, I'm pretty sure I could hold my own" She said as she got into a defence position, waiting his move.

"Um, no. I never do that with non-combat troops. You're excellent, but well...I was raised in this stuff..."

"Then you forfit, and I win" She smirked. "Well if you won't fight me with heart, we might as well get some angry warriors, would you like to do the honors?"

"I forfeit," He said with a smile, "You win. Computer, Fortune simulation 1, basic level."

"Simulation begins," The computer stated and six Kzinti warriors appeared. They were armed with bladed weapons and snarling with fury. Seemingly from nowhere, Kage pulled out a pair of blades and leapt into the fight...

Pulling her own katana blade Skykin joined in brawl, being naturally quick and agile she was hard to catch by the Kzinti.

And a moment later, 6 more appeared...followed by another 6...Kage fought in a completely unorthodox style, each attack hitting the most vulnerable point of the enemy's body and never still for a second.

Moving aggresively Skykin dodged out of reach of the many warriors, while wielding her long blade gracefully as it slit the gullet of the offending holograms.

Fifteen minutes later, the simulation ended. Kage didn't seem to be sweating and the weapons he had originally were gone. Lighting a cigar, he said, "Not bad. You have some skill with weapons."

"I could say the same, but you know that already, and I can't take all the credit, past hosts have been amazing combat warriors, I've just been lucky enough to gain their talents" Skykin had a light sheen on her forehead, She sighed and looked at Kage, putting her hand on her forehead, "We can't all have super powers" she laguhed a bit.

"There was a Trill Major who taught me to shoot, kept me alive more than a few times. He was very impressive, made me practice instead of relying on physical enhancements." Kage explained and handed her a bottle of water.

"Thank you" she said as she accepted the water, "And yes, it shows in your technique thats its true skill, not artificial" She brushed the hair from her eyes and took a drink from the bottle of water. Suddenly feeling the oh so well known feeling of hungar kick in Skykin turned to her companion, not known to skip a meal, "I think its time for a late lunch, your welcome to join if your not busy here" she said as she made her way to the doors.

"I can eat," Kage replied. "And thanks, I worked to get good with skill, not just what I was born with thanks to science."

"I'm glad as I saw a nice looking restaurant while looking for the decks," Skykin said as the doors to the holodeck opened.

"Let's go, I think killing enemies works up a good appetite." Kage replied with a smile.


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