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Transfer of wounded / New CMO

Posted on 10 Jan 2010 @ 1:11am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,939 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: M3: Shore Leave
Location: USS Freedom / SB-47
Timeline: On final approach to SB-47


The Freedom was on final approach to SB47 and Da`nal had a decision to make. Not being one to hesitate he made his desicion, he would look for a new Chief Medical Officer rather than making Ltjg Taylors appointment permanent.

Looking over the list of wounded that were to be transfered he opened a channel to the Station's medical facilities. Then the monitor shifted from the Starfleet Medical emblem to that of a person. He introduced himself. "Greetings. This is Capt. Da`nal of the Starship USS Freedom. We are currently on approach for repairs. We also have crew that need to be transfered to your facility."

"Lieutenant Vanya," she replied, "You can begin your transfer as soon as yoy are in range, Captain Da'nal. We've been expecting you. Please ensure that the necessary records are also transferred." The doctor glanced down at a screen, "You're expecing a new CMO, I see," she added with a sparkle in her dark eyes (not that it was likely to be apparent on the other side of the viewscreen). Vanya was merely helping out a friend, not a permanent fixture and if this captain had already reviewed the candidates for the position, then he would pick up that she was among them.

"The position is open yes." Having accessed the list of available officers he was familiar with the name. "Lieutenant, you are not a member of that stations staff are you?"

"I'm helping out a friend in a purely administrative capacity." Vanya said, "If you came to me with a wound it would be against a hundred regulations for me to treat it without supervision from a medic registered at this facility - I'm not authorised to apply so much as a sticking-plaster. Unless it were a real emergency of course ... then the red tape seems to fall away ... no, Captain, I'm not on the staff."

The lieutenant was on his short list for the CMO position and with he on the station it only made things easier. Since she was not officially on duty it would be simple for her to come aboard for an interview. He hated the talking to potential crew members via subspace. You couldn't judge reations the same as in person. "I see. Well once our wounded are transfered come see me."

"Sure thing," Vanya replied.


Casiday was in sickbay preparing the wounded to be transfered to the Starbase. When she recieved a comm from that station....

"Leiutenant Taylor here how can I help you?" she asked as she took the call.

"We're ready to accept your transfers when you're ready, Lieutnenat Taylor," Vanya informed her. "You're coming across too, right?"

"I am sending them over. The most serious is Dr. Hemmingway." she sighed. "Yes I am Coming over."

"When you get here I'd appreciate it if you could run through the most serious cases."

With that Cas began the transfer of the paitents and cut the comm anutl Mel was the last one she beamed themselves over and sighted "Cas reporting as requested."

Vanya raised an eyebrow then shook her head. How peculiar she thought as she began to co-ordinate the incoming operation.

"Lieutenant Taylor," she said as the woman interrupted. "What happened to doctor Hemmingway?"

"Dr. Hemmingwas was injured in a explosion she suffereed nuolof#gical traumar but we managed to stabiles that using modifide nanites to repair the damage."

Vanya noted that in the padd she held before turning to a nurse, "Put her in bed six, keep up the current medication. So what about you, Lieutenant Taylor? Or is it Doctor?" she asked pleasantly.

"Just call me Cas please." she said. "I am acting CMO until the Captain finds a new one." she said a little bit sharp.

That explained a lot.

Vanya smiled warmly, "I'm guessing, Cas, that Doctor Hemmingway was the CMO? Right?"

She simply nodded. It was hurting her deep inside.

"You were friends," Vanya said, the woman's reaction told her enough. "I'm sorry, Cas. The station team will do everything they can for her."

"I know they will. That all I ask is that you do your best." the tears fell.

Vanya opened her arms, "Come here," she said drawing her in, "It must me hard as Betazoid's, to lack that connection that you've established."

"Yeah it has been." she walked into them and cired... "i am thinking of retiring from Starfleet."

"Have a break, Cas, you must have some leave you haven't taken. Visit your friend and make a decision once you've got some perspective; you shouldn't make it now."

"I am planning to... Look i have to go back to the Freedom." she siad smiling "thanks for listening." with that she beamed bak to the Freedom.

"Well," Vanya said hitting her comm badge. "Captain Da'nal, we're all done here if you're available."

Da`nal was on his way down the ramp to the station as he recieved her messege. "That I am, I was just coming onto the station am you called. Any recommendation for a meeting location?"

"I've been here a day, Captain, your guess is as good as mine ..." she paused, "though I did visit a bar last night that serves coffee and the like in the day. Its on level 999 I'll be by the information board, I'll be the green chick in the white coat."

"Well I'll meet you at the information board on level 999,"

"I@ll be there," she replied.

When he arrive he nodded politely. "Greetings Doctor, nice to finally meet you. How are my former crewmembers doing?"

Vanya touched her fingers together, "As well as can be expected," she said giving the expected platitude. "They're in good hands, Captain." She added as reassurance.

Not usually one to hesitate, Vanya skimmed her knowledge of 'not-quite' Klingons, on which there was limited information available, so just n case she ended up eating bugs she changed the venue, and her approach, "I think the public replimat will be the most efficient at this time of day."

"The replimat it is." Motioning her to proceed he followed her to the establishment. As they walk he was immediatly aware of her Orion pheromones. He focused on the needs of his ship and crew to keep his mind on track. Once seated a waiter came over. "I'll have a large ra'taj, not the exported version either."

He grinned slightly, few know there was an 'exported' version of the Klingon coffee. "You got it sir. And for the lady?"

"A white tea for me," Vanya said with a swift smile before she turned her attention back to the Klingon. "Captain Da'nal," she continued, Vanya leaned back in her chair and raised her hand, about to flick her hair over her shoulder, until she recalled that it was bound. She lowered herhand and rested it on the edge of the table. "Have you worked with an Orion female before?"

"I have had some exposure of the years. While I was an instructor I had a few students that were orion females but that was some time ago. Then as now I know to focus on the task at hand. I also know that your race can control certain aspects of their physiology. I assume by your joining Starfleet you have set the more...traditional aspects of your society aside."

"I've never been part of Orion society," Vanya replied, "But I have learned to control those aspects you mention. No amount of control is a guarantee, however, if you're goin to engage me as your Chief Medical Officer I need to make you aware of that," she added, noting to herself only after she had said it that she was speaking as though she had already been offered the role. Vanya chose not to correct the error; she was by far the best doctor free to take the engagement.

He raise a brow but only slightly. Her assuming she had the job impressed him,as that told him she was sure of herself and knew what she wanted. Her past he was curious about naturally, but that could come later. "Well in looking over your service record I saw no discipinary actions so I assume that there were no...incidents. Or did you just not get caught?" He said with a slight edge of humor.

Vanya chuckled, "I think most of us have had personal incidents, but I doubt that's what you're asking about. I haven't done anything outrageous since medical school - helping a friend ten years back to dress and prop up a cadaver in an ancient bus that was due to do a tourist route is hardly an offence, is it?" she asked. "Its kind of a rite of passage in certain parts."

Da`nal laughed as he drank his coffee. "Well, pranks aren't necessarily a bad thing. The one thing I did notice is that you don't seem to remain aboard ship for very long. Any particular reason? He asked the question even though he was fairly sure as to the reason. He was curious to see if how shw would explain it.

Vanya sighed, "There are a limited number of people on a starship in a very enclosed environment. When a guy, or a girl says they are looking for something casual they don't always mean it ... I've discovered its more a code that they are testing the ground," she paused again, though did not break eye contact. "When I say I'm looking for something casual that's exactly what I mean and then they turn round and expect a commitment ... its led to some tension in the past, and my pattern has to be to move on when there's too much tension. I'm looking to break it."

She raised her cup, and finding the liquid too hot against her lips Vanya replaced it on the saucer, "I can make it work, Captain Da'nal."

She seemed determined, that was good. Very well. "I'm sure you can." Da`nal stood after finishing his coffee. "If you'll excuse me Lieutenant I have some other things I have to attended to. It was a pleasure meeting you."

Vanya rose too, "A delight," she said, as she considered whether or not that constituted an interview. "I'l finish my tea," she finished as she sat again, a smile on her lips.

Da`nal nodded and took several steps before turning back. "Don't wander too far Doctor, you should be recieving new orders shortly." He said with a sly grin.

"Oh, I take orders very well," Vanya remarked before she finally took a sip of her tea.

She would probably never know if he had heard that remark or not.

Da`nal had heard her comment but made no comment on it. He wondered what exactly she meant by it....only time would tell. He could have stayed and continued the conversation but the his Klingon sences where all to aware of the allure her Orion nature held over male humanoids. He felt it only wise that he clear the air.

Returning to the Freedom and began the process of having her assigned to the Freedom as their CMO. It shouldn't take long for the transfer to go through.

[The next day]

"Well look at that," Vanya said as she picked her way into the most recent message that had reached her console; she hadn't scared the Klingon off after all. "Result!" she said before typing a brief note and sending her acceptance.

This was it, third time lucky or she was going right back to medical research.


Captain Da`nal

Lieutenant Vanya


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