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Family Matters

Posted on 21 Dec 2009 @ 8:08am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

6,629 words; about a 33 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Romulus
Timeline: After the conclusion of Senate matters

Da`nal had been wrapping things up aboard ship getting the last of the remains transported to the surface, etc. He was about to head to the bridge and give the order to break orbit when a call from Isha came in...on a secure channel. "In my ready room," he order as he sttod.

Isha was seated in a large comfortable chair that had stood in the same place in the same office for centuries. All signs of stress had abandoned her as she made her preparations to return to her posting under her own steam. "Would you really leave without knowing the truth?" she asked.

Da`nal was leaning forward towards the monitor on his desk. Standing breathed in. "What truth? That Nniol managed to lay his burdens on your son...that you let him?"

"Whilst for a Klingon you may be almost tolerable, there is a great deal that you do not understand about us. Fveirrolh and his friends are guilty of exactly what they are accused, Nniol's culpability is somewhat more complex. When it comes to my son I am quite as sentimental as my late husband was about his brother, I cannot order his death, though I can lay that burden on the state. I am quite sure that Elek told you much of what I told him about the history between myself and Nniol," she paused briefly. "He is in the custody of my own people and I fancy some rather personal revenge."

"Go on."

"I have given Nniol's former estate to my daughter; if you will join us there you will get a final answer, the one that will gnaw at both your hearts until the day that you die if you do not. What you do about the Klingon is your business, I will not interfere."

"You call the taking of an estate revenge..." He stopped mid sentence, Isha was no fool. She knew that any Klingon that was taken prisoner had no honor and his House would be dishonored as well in the eyes of other Klingons. There was only way to restore that honor. " you plan on kill to birds wih one stone."

As the smallest vestige of a smile tugged at her lips Isha steepled her fingers and rested her chin on the tips," No Da'nal," she said, "I intend for you to kill two birds."

"How Romulan of you....keep your hands clean by letting us do the work for you. Very well, I'll come down and see what you have arranged."

Isha raised an eyebrow at that. "Clean? The responsibilty will still be mine, Da'nal, though it is true that left to my own devices I might prevaricate about ever giving the order. I thought of it more a a 'goodwill' gesture, so that we can allay the conflict that has plagued both our Houses - if you are the executioner, even your father will have to agree that it is over. Come alone or with company, it matters not; my people will not threaten you. The co-ordinates to which you should transport are encrypted in this channel, passage through the security grid is granted. I will meet you in the garden."

Da`nal downloaded the coordinates and headed to his quarters. As he stepped out onto the bridge he issued his orders. "Contact the Mosaram. Inform them that we will be delaying our departure."


"You heard the have the bridge."

"Aye sir, and if they should ask why."

"I don't think that will be an issue Lieutenant. I'll return shortly."

After leaving the bridge he headed to his quarters and changed out of his uniform. What ever was to happen on the surface was not a Starfleet issue. Dressed in Klingon styled civilian attire with a d'k tahg hanging from his shoulder he called for a site to site transport. "Computer, site to site transport to the coordinates in data file...." looking at the data, "...53791464."

Isha too had taken a direct transport from her family seat to what until had recently been the stronghold of her husband's brother. She was accompanied only by her Rianov Mavus who had already taken care of the inevitable details.

"Between you and I, Mavus," Isha said as they waited on the steps, enjoying the breeze from the lake that fought the heat of the dying sun, "I don't understand why this Klingon didn't kill me when he had the chance ... and there have been many, some incidental, other situations that I provoked. We will need to go to the outbuildings, Da'nal should see ..."

"I understand Hru'hfirh, and I have prepared for it. We will go to the pens first, and then we will do what is needed."

"Mavus," Isha said suddenly, "You served both my husband and his brother, yet you have given your loyalty to me ... why?"

It was a troublesome question from a Romulan perspective; Mavus' loyalties could be complicated, but she chose to answer directly, "You encapsulate the old values without being stuffy, you are open to the new values, which any strategist will tell you is an essential. You understand and acknowledge your own weaknesses and do not overestimate your strengths ... why would I not give you my loyalty?"

"Answer my question, Muvus, don't turn it so that I must provide the answer," Isha swallowedknowing what Mavus would say next.

"I want the same revenge that you want," she said grasping Isha's shoulders with uncharactersit familiarity. "I am a servant, and cannot extract it, but you can."

Briefly Isha bowed her head to the tall and rather magnificent Mavus, every inch a Romulan, "Its time," she said seeing the shimmer in the air as Da'nal arrived.

Da`nal materialized at the coordinates provided. Glancing at his surrounding he had to admit it was exceptionally well maintained. Not to his taste but quite a...picturesque setting none the less. Noticing Isha and another individual, no doubt a retainer of some kind, near the edge of the garden he moved towards them.

"Its certainly a Klingon," Mavus muttered, "I can smell it from here."

"Be nice, Mavus," Isha murmured, her lips barely moving, "this isn't the one we have to worry about, not yet anyway. The one in the pen ... it is likely to be a problem, and once our friend here acknowledges that I have been telling him a truth he has so far refused to believe, well, he may not be so pliable - that is why I have not risked this meeting alone. I don't often require your protection, but for once, I require you to perform that aspect of your job." Isha did not trust Da'nal's Federation principles to hold out, particularly not when he had come dressed as he was.

"Da'nal," she said aloud, "this is Mavus, my bodyguard. "I thought that your curiosity would get the better of you and that you would join us."

As he reached he nodded to the bodyguard. The man obviously look at him as a threat but Da`nal had no reason to try and draw Isha's blood. At present there was only one Romulan that need worry about him. "Well you said that my presence here would seal the peace between what is now firmly your House and mine."

"I did. First we will establish the identity of Nniol's slave, and then we will talk with my husband's brother," Isha said, not allowing any of her conflicting emotions bother her - that would come later, and hopefully by then she would be back at her post at DS5 and Rh'vaurek could shoulder the burden of the unpredictable swings between guilt and rage and loathing that troubled her whenever she took an action that went against her conscience. "Its this way."

Isha gestured towards a path of irregular stepping stones embedded into the manicured lawn. They led through a gate in a high hedge into a crumbling courtyard, screened from the house by the hedge. "This used to be stabling, there is a rather elegant riding beast native to ch'Rihan ..."

"Used to be?" He had no doubt what they were being used for now...possibly both.

Isha responded with a look that invited him to draw his own conclusion. "Now," she paused at the doorway - a rickety affair that looked as though a good push might separate it from its hinges. "Things are never quite as they seem ... Mavus, the key please."

Her companion produced an old fashioned key that looked as weathered as the door and the building; its use uncovered a panel inset in the door itself. Isha placed a small flat device over the panel, "There may be no more than alarm, but with Nniol, who knows - he would always have expected some attempt at a rescue and would have prepared for it, there! All disabled and undetectable. A work of genius by a former Ferengi safe-cracker who decided that an offer of employment from my government was a preferable career move to an extended visit to a Federation penal colony. You haven't seen this, by the way," Isha remarked as she slipped the device away, a little reminder that one dismissed her as a pampered princess at one's own peril.

Da`nal merely arched a eyebrow at her statement. If even half of what she had told him earlier was true none of this would have been seen or have even taken place.

With a light push the door swung inwards; the interior of the building was as shabby as the outside, dark, cool and lingering in the air the unmistakable reek of long term occupation. Small quick shadows skittered over the tiled floor as they moved forward, a row of open stalls to their left. Streaks in the tiles indicated that from time to time the area was sluiced down, but with little care.

"The creature's probably been living off vermin," Isha muttered. She was hardly concerned about slavery, she owned several herself but the condition in which one kept one's property was a reflection of oneself, "No further," Mavus said placing a hand on Isha's shoulder.

Isha nodded, "Go on," she said to Da'nal, "the stall at the end."

Da`nal looked to Mavus at his stopping of Isha's movement. "Afraid of what she might see or is there something other than a captive waiting for me?"

"I will not endanger my Mistress. She cannot venture closer to ... it, i will not allow it," Mavus said with certainty. "The Klingon is there, tethered to the wall, nothing else. He can hardly be a danger to you," he added.

He huffed slightly at his reassurance of his safety. He had heard such assurances more than once on this mission. He moved towards the stall. Ste smell was that of an animal that had not been care for in some time. No doubt Nniol's absence had something to do with it, but he could be wrong. He took care as he moved his senses alert just in case.

[In the stall]

Garath stirred at the sound of the door opening and at the voices. His food though miniscule and usually only every other day had been augmented by local creatures he had captured. He had kept his strength as best he could with what limited exercises he managed to do in his small space.

Over the years he had managed to loosen several tiles beneath the filth that covered the floor, that filth kept his calendar hidden. Since his ordeal had started he had kept track of the days as best he could. There had been time when injury or drugs had left him unconscious for days. In those times he only had the hunger to help him guess how long he had been out.

He knew the passage of time was working against him. That know one knew he was alive. That fact in itself allowed him to go on. His family must have thought he had died battle in that battle so long ago. If not that would have sought revenge if only to find him and kill him to restore the families honor. Though he had been captured and dishonored he was still had his pride. His body may be only cold and racked with injury, but he was still a Klingon.

There had been times where he had tried to engineer his death but Nniol was a sadistic keeper and the only medical treatment he ever got was in order to keep him alive. It had been sometime since he had been called on to entertain Nniol and the other tr'Illialhlae or their guests. During that time he had begun to fashion a weapon from a tile he had managed to loosen and that he kept under the stalls wall. At the opening of the door he had shank back into his stall…as usual. But this time he held the sharpened tile ready to strike when the person approaching was close enough. But something wasn’t right.

As the person drawing nearer didn’t move with the same steady, contemptuously confident stroll that his handlers had. Whoever was approaching was steady but cautious; as if stalking prey. Garath crouched ready to spring at the person, his shank at the ready. With any luck he could finally met his death…on his feet.

[Approaching the stall]

Da`nal carefully approached the stall. Isha had said that his brother would be there, but he still didn’t want to believe it. His hand rested on his blade though he already had in mind what he wanted to do for the Klingon that he was supposed to find. When he stepped pasted the wall a form sprang at him, but Da`anl, ready to react to a booby trap, heard the sounds of the chains and gripped the attackers arm twisting him and pinning him. His blade had instinctively come out of it sheath and was ready.

Da`nal was ready to end the Klingon and let his dishonor fade with his life, but he wasn’t about to let any man slip into Grethor when there was a chance to redeem his honor. Speaking as he would to a fellow Klingon,“'uch loDnI' (hold brother).

Garath’s face went pale as the knew that voice. His shame was complete and his House would now have to bear his dishonor. “Da`nal…? Kill me.â€

Through the filth and matted hair he looked in to the Klingon’s eyes. Slowly he released him and a rage built with in him like nothing he had ever experienced as he realized the truth of Isha’s words. But his anger was tempered as solution formed in his mind.

Stepping out into view once again he glared at Isha. “Beam us to quarters now!â€

From behind Mavus Isha spoke, "I take no comfort in the fact that you now know a truth I tried to make you understand, Da'nal," her tone was blunt though her heart pounded in her throat. "My husband could not bring himself to execute his brother - I am sure that you will commit no such hesitation. Do what you must and summon Mavus to fetch us when you are ready."

She was sure that Mavus would have arranged sufficient security and with a nod before Da'nal could reply Isha had them removed to quarters.

Once they had some privacy, though Da`nal was certain that they were being monitored in some fashion. Tapping his commbadge, he hailed his ship.

[USS Freedom - Bridge]

The crew all anxiously awaited Da`nals’ return and when his hail came in they anticipated his request for transport. However they were wrong. “Beam down one medical kit, with dermal and osteo regenerators and one malnutrition pack to coordinates now. Da`nal out.â€

Everyone simply looked at each other in complete surprise. Once the initial shock faded and the Officer of the day snapped out an order, then everyone jumped into action.

[On the surface]

Garath looked at his brother, “What are you doing? By coming here you have only found dishonor.â€

“That remains to be seen…there are things that you are unaware of my brother.â€

Garath’s face held a look of surprise. “Tell me.â€

“In time first lets get you cleaned and your wounds treated.â€

“Since when did you become a doctor?â€

“Oh I’m not, but my wife was.â€


“All in due time. Now get cleaned up and I’ll fill you in.â€

As Garath gingerly moved he stepped into the set the shower for water rather than sonic. As the steam formed and the water heated his body he listened as Da`nal filled him in on the events of the several years.

After the shower he actually felt Klingon again. As his brother continued to inform him of what had been happening as he administered hypo after hypo. Pain killers, antibiotics, and nutrient supplements all coursed through his body. Then he turned to his wounds healing both bone and flesh.

Da`nal stopped his history with Nniols capture after the attack on DS5, as Garath insisted on facing his captor. “All in good time...â€

“NO NOW!â€

“Rest brother, your revenge is at hand. Do not lose your prey at the last minute by being anxious.†With another hypo he put his brother to sleep. “Rest brother and regain your strength.â€

He had maintained his control in order to keep him brother as calm as possible given his condition. But now he rose and headed for the door to find Isha. She had plans and he was going to find out just what they were.

Stepping into the hall, Mavus and another Romulan were waiting. The look from the other individual was that of hatred, no doubt an Illialhlae that had been raised to hate his House. Da`nal could understand his feelings; he shared them for he most part. He…and his brother were in the lion’s den for sure. If it came right down to it he had a card that he could play, but it meant death for him and others of his House. Such a move would leave the leadership of both Houses crippled for quite some time but what a glorious death it would be.

“Mr. Mavus, I want to see your mistress. Now.â€

"You only have to ask, you heard the Lady's order. I will bring her, and when she summons him, I will bring the other." Mavus left with a curt nod along with his companion.


Isha had taken the time to change as befitted the event; her hair was coiled at the nape of her neck, but lacked the spray of jewels that had brightened it at the Senate. Her gown too was staid, a simple, formal grey sheath of silk.

"Da'na," she said as she approached the Klingon who stood rather conspicuously in the hallway, "We may talk in here," she said waving to a doorway. "We will be alone, so I trust that if you intend to tear my head off, you will do me a courtesy and make the attempt now while we are in company so that I have at least a small chance of retaining it."

Da`nal saved his glare for ther mmen standing beside her, his eyes taking in them both. He then turned his gaze to Isha. "Your head is safe. As I mentioned when this journey began that I don't hold you to the same light as I do others. You may know the history of the conflict between our families, but it does not carry the same weight for you as I'm sure it does for your companions here. You married into this situation, and though my House may disagree, I have no reason to kill you.

The door led into a small hexagonal chamber, unfurnished and decorated with painted wooden panels, "This is a dead spot," Isha explained as she closed the door, "in a society where one is constantly watched it is a real luxury to have a spot that is truly free from surveillence of any form. You may speak freely here."

"You stated that you believed I would not hesitate to do what your late husband could not, and you were correct. Unfortunately it cannot be my hand that seals the peace between us. My brother is not only the eldest, but his honor must be restored."

"I chose you to act as executioner," Isha said with a shrug, "the choice of weapon is your own. Still, it is a strange irony that we have this discussion here in this room."


"It was here that I first met the man who was to become my husband, though at that soiree the door was open and the room was stuffed with foliage and cushions. It ends where it began, with two sets of brothers. When I was introduced to Nveid, the intention was that Nniol would marry me; Nveid was only mean to give his support for the match. Since the death of his first wife he had shown no interest in anyone and as you will appreciate, a House needs an heir and if the elder brother will not fulfil his responsibility it falls to the younger ... I am not a romantic, Da'nal, I was bred to marry well and to further the interests of my mother's House. Nniol as the eventual succesor to his brother would have been a great match, but as it turned out, during that brief meeting here in this room something sparked in Nveid, and because his brother wanted it so much, Nniol stepped aside. You know the rest of the story. That one selfless act has twisted its way through our histories; I was the only thing that Nveid ever denied his brother and ever since he has struggled to reconcile that .... I hope that your selfless act, in allowing your brother to take Nniol's life instead of taking it yourself is one that you can reconcile."

"There will be nothing for me to reconcile. It is a matter of personal honor. My brother informed me that he swore a blood oath against Nniol shortly after his...capture. I cannot let my brother die with his vow unaccomplished when it is within my power to aid him in his quest. With him taking Nniol's life he will restore his personal honor...and with his death our family honor will be protected."

"I'm delighted for you and your family," Isha said acidly, "If he were alive my husband would not allow this, and if I had not already agreed I would have Nniol exiled, then you could regain your lost honour without impinging on my own conscience."

"It is not something I expect you to understand...It is just our way. I will need to return to the Freedon to get a few thing and upon my return we should be ready to conclude this matter."

"What a perfect reason for anything - 'it is just our way' - I think I shall adopt that motto. Return to you ship if you wish. I am as good as my word, but be sure to step outside this room, you might be unpleasantly surprised by the effect if you try it from within."

With that she opened the door and swept into the corridor, "Inform us when you are ready, Da'nal, and I will give you the co-ordinates."

Da`nal had left Garath to rest, though thin from his lengthy ordeal he had strength and the medications he had given him would help reverse the effects of the muscle that had atrophied. While aboard he replicated Garath sutible clothing and belted the blade needed for the Hegh'bat ritual. He had held the blade in his hand, straing at it, but there was no other way. Not that either of the brother could live with. Honor was Honor. He also prepared a final meal and returned to the surface.

Together the brothers ate drank and sang. Da`nal filled his brother in on the rest of the his lifes events; his children, his command..everything. Garath took it all in the birth of his name sake, the death of his brothers wife, the battle Da`nal had led at DS5, his brother finding a woman again. His pride in his brother accomplishment was obvious to anyone that was spying on them but he didn't care. He would go to Sto-Vo-kor proud and boastful. He would sing songs of glory and thanks to his brother for all to hear.


Isha retreated to the 'dead space'. She had been quite honest about the privacy it gave and that little room had often served her as a private space in the heart of a world of watchers. She had intended to speak with Nniol, to ask for his understanding, but she realised that even if he did understand he would not acknowledge it, he would twist her, and she had, finally to be free of him.

She laughed for a time, the idea that a Klingon would be the key to her realease, and one hated by Nniol's family for long forgotten reasons frove her to it, until she collapsed into tears; she was the traitor, what Romulan would conspire with aliens against their own ...

Once she picked herself up Isha slipped from the chamber and was ushered back to the rooms she had taken for herself and as her attendants worked to restore her physical appearance, she endeavoured to centre herself; the Klingons would do this, and with that the new peace would outweigh the betrayal ... she was so convincing that Isha almost believed herself ... for a moment.


Once Garath was fed, dressed and ready they stepped out into the corridor. "We are ready."

By the time she emerged into the hallway Isha demeanor was once again at its most haughty and least penetrable; it would not last, but it would be there long enough.

"Da'nal," she siad, not quite able to bring herself to acknowledge the other, though now he was cleaned up the resemblance she had seen was even more striking. "Leave us!" she said, her voice echoing down the corridor and sending all the lurking attendants scattering. "They'll be back," she said with a quirk of an eyebrow. "I am goingt ot return us to the stable yard, my husband's brother is already there," she said, her eyes drooping at the implication. Once again, Da'nal, I ask for your restraint; Mavus is with Nniol and will attend me once we arrive, but I need to be assured that you will not turn on me."

Garath looked to his brother, in surprise at the question. From what Da`nal had told him she was know the Leader of the Illialhlae her death would bring Da`nal great honor, it was even possible that he could escape once the deed was done. He still could not belleve that he had brokered a peace with these...people. However he remain silent, for now, he didn't want to foil his chance to take Nniol's blood. He heart pound in his chest like it would on the eve of battle. It had been some time since he had felt truely Klingon.

A grin formed on Da`nal's face, almost a smirk. "Isha, if I had wanted your blood I would have taken it on Deep Space 5 where this whole thing got started. I had ample opportunity between then and now as well, hell I could have let that assassin kill you and saved me the trouble." A tinge on irritation entered his voice. "Repeated requests of assurance seems a poor way to repay a man that has protected you, lost crewmembers for you, and even saved you life. Does the word of a Starfleet Officer mean nothing? Or did the fact I am Klingon color your perceptions of quality of my word?"

Isha raised an eyebrow, "Your brother undersatnds why I ask you again, and again," she observed, "Though I suspect he thinks you shouldn't bother wasting the time reassuring me. Your co-operation rests on your code of honour, my co-operation rests on mine. Mnhei'sahe is the philosophy that truly divides my people from humans and always will because they cannot grasp the contradictions; I will say to you only that mnhei'sahe may require you to give the last of your water to your greatest enemy, or that you kill your dearest friend - which fits uneasily with your word given as a Starfleet Officer, and even having saved someone's life, mnhei'sahe might demand that you later take it - I think perhaps the Klingon part of your word understands more easily my reticence."

"It does."


The walled courtyard was as deserted as it had been when Isha had brought Da’nal here earlier in the day to find his brother though now the light of the sinking sun cast shadows over the grass and deepened the recesses of the crumbling walls. There was one very subtle change that had been made to the adjacent stable block.

“Wait here,†Isha said leaving the Klingons with Mavus in the centre of the courtyard, “I will return with Nniol.â€

The air inside the outbuilding was cool but still stank of unwashed Klingon. It had been on a whim that Isha had ordered her people to establish a containment field around one of the stalls and deposit Nniol there. Her feet clad in soft boots made little sound on the tiled floor, but it was enough to alert him to her arrival.

“Very amusing, Isha,†he said his arms folded as he leaned against the edge of the stall, “how ironic to confine me in my own prison. My people will not stand for this you know, in a week the Praetor’s ruling will be a memory and you know as well as I that you will release me. What a way to impress your Federation friends – we might as well disband the entire diplomatic service with the way those yikh eat out of your hand. Will you tell me now, or will you tell me later what your real plan is?†he asked.

Isha stood silent for a moment. She had to have this conversation, brief though it would be; “I think I like you better from the other side of a forcefield, Nniol,†Isha said, “I’ll keep you there forever – perhaps I’ll widen the field so that you can get to know your pet better.â€

“You should have found a way to prove me a traitor and then the Senate would have taken me off your hands – it’s a disappointment really, I thought I’d taught you better than that,†there was nothing in his tone that indicated concern over his predicament, just the arrogant assurance of one who knew he would be free to walk away. “I was quite looking forward to the look on your face when I had the decision overruled.â€

“I arranged things this way for a reason, Nniol,†Isha said, retaining her composure despite his attempts to wear at her confidence.

“I know. I always knew you would agree to my proposal, it is the only way. You’ve made your point, secured your little public victory. Now stop playing games and let me out.â€

As she stepped up to the field Isha opened her palm, “all I have to do is push the button, and the field will fall,†she said, her tone teasing, “but I saw what you did to t’Pal when she made that mistake. I think I’ll leave you right where you are.â€

“That freak had it coming to her, Isha. Thrashing you would hardly be a challenge, with you its that acute, calculating mind I need to beat, and I’ve already won that game, or else I wouldn’t be here.â€

Isha swallowed, if it were not for a pair of Klingons and a promise he would have been able to persuade her. “Nniol, I would have shared everything with you but you had to turn it into a competition, one that you were determined to win at any cost. My husband always put you first and he denied you nothing except his title.â€

“And you,†Nniol replied.

Isha closed her eyes. “I’m sorry, Nniol. I cannot forgive you for what you have done to me and my House. I will release you though,†she said turning away and walking slowly to the door. There, framed in the doorway, a dark sillouette against the sun’s dieing light Isha paused and squeezed the control in her hand and stepped outside.

As she had anticipated Nniol followed close behind her but it was Mavus he found himself face to face with, not Isha.

“You should have checked that your pet was still tethered before you came to deal with me, Nniol,†Isha said moving aside before he had time to contemplate her meaning.

Da`nal stepped out into view moving near Mavus.

“You really have lost your mind, Isha,†Nniol said, “bringing this creature here. What do you think you’re going to do? Take me back to the Federation! You have no jurisdiction here, Klingon, run off back to your disease ridden family, what’s left of it.â€

"No I'm not. And while I should kill just for the trouble you've caused you are correct, my family if safe so I swore no blood oath against you..."

"But I did....!"

Nniol’s expression said one thing; that he had never expected this of Isha, and that he realised now her intention in persuading the Senate not to find him guilty of treason.

“You’ve finally surpassed me,†he said with grim understanding, “Even I could never have arranged a twist like this. Still, you might live to realise that you were wrong in doing this, a day will come when you regret my absence.†As Nniol turned to the Klingons there was something in his eye that disturbed Isha, “urru Areinnye, Klivam†he said, go to hell, Klingon.

Garath wasted no time stepping out grabbing Nniol's shoulder he spun him then grabbed him by the neck. ...Qab jIH naghIl!" Garath's blade sank deep into Nniol's guts, jerking the blade to the side for further damage and added pain. Jerking the blade out he stepped back letting Nniol drop to his knees before the Klingon he had tortured for so long. Nniol lifted his head to speak but Garath didn't want to hear his voice...ever again. with a quick move he grabbed the front of Nniol's hair lifting his head and slit his throat quick and deep cutting both carotids. Nniol bled out in seconds.

It was all so brutally quick, Isha thought as her knees weakened, but the strong hand of Mavus kept her upright, “Not here,†he whispered, “You chose this.â€

Her intense green gaze never left the scene. She felt very small here, but also oddly free. “Da’nal,†she said before his incensed brother remembered she was there and chose to do something about it.

Da`nal had anticipated his brothers action and his lust for revenge. He moved quickly to bar his way, "No brother."

Garath was furious. "You protect a tr'Illialhlae, an Enemy to our House!?"

"She is only t'Illialhlae by marriage....not by blood, and it was she that mde the restoration of your personal honor possible. The blood on that blade seals an end to our conflict. If you add to it you will not only renew to conflict but expose our family to dishonor by revealng you are alive."

Garath expression wavered

" have your revenge. But to the our father you died gloriously in battle" Looking to the blade in his brothers hand. "Would you bring dishonor to your name sake and his children by adding more blood to your blade?"

There was a long silince. Finally it was broken by the sound of the d'k tagh's secondary blades folding back into position. Without cleaning the blade he sheathed it and removed it from his shoulder, wrapping the strap and handing the blade to his brother. "For our father,to prove what happened this day. That our war is at an end. That only leaves one thing left to do.....doesn't it."

Da`nal only nodded, his heart heavy with what was to come. Turning to Isha, "We have a family matter to see to."

She nodded, "I understand. I will remain here. Return when you are done," it would be just as hard for him to do this as it had been for her to have Nniol killed, but it too was the right thing to do.

The two brother walked in silence for a while until they came to a hill top. The setting sun had set fire to the sky, a fitting setting to pave the way to Sto Vo Kor.

Garath stopped and face the setting sun, leting his face absorb the last of the heat form the fading rays. When he opened his eyes he turned to Da`nal. "I'm ready."

Da`nal nodded and drew the cerimonial blade from his belt. He then poured an ampule of tradition oils down both sides before handing it to his brother. Together they recited the incantaion as Garathe lifted the blade high. The setting sun gleamed of the blade and without hesitation Garath plunged the blade into his heart.

His hearts struggles to beat only increased the damage and Garath's legs folded beneath him. However his brothe was already there, easing his to the ground. As his brothe's bremaining breaths caught in his throat Da`nal lokked into his eyes. "Sleep brother...sleep. When you awake you will join Kahless and the Black Fleet. Sleep."

As the last of Garath's breath escaped his lungs a low rumble built with in Da`nal building until the life fadded form his brother's body. At that moment Da`nal let out a roar that echoed through the hills as a warning. A warning to the dead....that a warrior was coming.

Da`nal then rentched the blade from his brothers body, wiping his blood on on his sleeve. It was done.


A while later he made his way back to where Isha was waiting. "I will leave you now. I must get my crew home."

"We have achieved something today, despite the cost." Isha said, "I think perhaps I will return to Deep Space Five with my own retinue, we would be trying both our tempers if I were to ask you to return me home," she already felt the deep undercurrents of conflictung emotion gnawing at her heart and it would be too easy simply to project the blame for her own decision onto the Klingon, and just as easy for him to do the same thing for what he had to do to his brother. "Inform your father that our conflict is over."

"I will..." Reaching into his jacket he pulled out his communicator. "...and if that day comes. The day Nniol spoke, call me. I'd hate to see all we accomplished fall apart."

"thei'khaiell ssuin hw'aenevha," she said, wind to your wings, a blessing and a farewell. "For now at least, we are friends."

Tapping his badge it chirped as the link was established. "Freedom, one to beam up."


Captain Da`nal
Commanding Officer
USS Freeddom

Ambassador hru'hfirh Ishe e-Khellian i-Ramnau t'Illialhlae


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