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Conclusion of the Senate procedings

Posted on 16 Dec 2009 @ 2:04pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,915 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Romulan Senate


The Thirty-six hour window was drawing to a close and Da'nal was on his way to see Ayren. He had to admit he presence on the ship was putting him at ease. He felt whole again...something he didn't think would have even happened again. Once they were underway he would have to send for the children, with them on board his family would be complete. That though actually stopped him in his tracks. He actually did think of
Ayren as family. He smiled to himself...his mother would be pleased.

Not long after he resumed he was paged over the ships comm. "Commander
Da`nal, incoming message."

~Another one?~ he thought. Starfleet had not been happy to hear that the Freedom had been 'lost'. However, while they were glad to hear that the Freedom and her crew were actually still around, and they understood his reasoning for his actions, notifying the families of there loss had begun.

"Acknowledged. From Starfleet?"

"No sir, from the surface."

"I'm on my way, Da`nal out."

Da'nal and his XO met up with the Federation Ambasador before entering that chamber. Unbeknownst to the Federation representatives there was a closed hearing in progress. At first they apologized but when the subject of the hearing became clear, all hell broke loose.

What started as confusion as the Starfleet officers entered the Senate chamber erupted into a commotion; a closed session witnessing a tribunal was not something to be interrupted by aliens.

From his dais, the Praetor tr’Avilh, already stung by the knowledge that one of his staunchest supporters was dead wrestled with the waves of anger and emotion that crashed around the room clinging to control the maelstrom.

Da'nal was furious even as the Federation Ambassador protested his fought to control his rage. Nniol had managed to weasel his way out of official blame for his actions and placed his responcibility on the shoulders of others. It took every scrap of dicsipline to retin his control. He had to maintain or all his his statements made before the Romulan government would be wasted and he would not dishonor himself or the Federation in an outburst here. There were other ways to see that justice was served.

Despite Federation protests, Nniol tr’Illialhlae had proven that is was Isha’s son Fveirrolh tr’Illialhlae and his ambitious lover Senator Rhiu ir-Ainleth, governor of Ainleth, along with her brother H’daen and his equally powerful wife Arrhae i-Nn'Verih t’Rehu were behind the plot to attack without state sanction a Federation installation; he had proven also that Fveirrolh tr’Illialhlae was responsible for the death of his father and for the more recent murder of his own mother, and head of his House Isha e-Khellian i-Ramnau t’Illialhale. An ambitious power bid that was almost successful.

The Praetor had already made his verdict and would stand by it.

As the chamber fell into an approximation of silence he signaled for Nniol to continue the speech that the untimely arrival had interrupted.

“I have long esteemed my brother’s wife,†Nniol said, “She has long honored his memory and though we have found it necessary to appear to be at odds I have always remained her closest advisor. The viper coiled at the heart of the Hfirh Illialhlae was her own son, who with the support of Rhiu ir-Ainleth who stands opposite, and her cohorts sought over years to murder Nveid, my brother, Isha, his wife and have me condemned for those acts.â€

Nniol gazed evenly at Fveirrolh, “save what honor you have and end it,†he said.

Da'nal had been rocking his leg back and for as Nniol spoke. The coolness off the blade in his boot only served to remind him of the razors edge he now walked....his obligations to the Federation demand he accept the ruling of Romulan Senate, to file protests and to behave diplomatically. On the other side were the obligations to his House and to the traditions of his people.

At the pause in Nniol's word Da`nal sprang from his seat...surprising the Federation Ambassador who followed him. "The man would lay blame on a boy not half his age! What kind of coward..."

The Ambassador, with a hand on his Da`nal's shoulder. "Commander please.."

Reluctantly Da`nal stepped back as the Federation official, calmly and eloquently reminded those assembled that its was Nniol, not Fveirrolh, that had given the orders at DS5, that it had been Nniol's henchmen not Fveirrolh's that had attacked the Commander's children. But all his word was to no avail.


While her temporary Federation allies caused their storm Isha had prepared herself, gathering the stalwarts of her House around her. They now waited in an ante-room, only a handful of those within the chamber aware of what was about to happen.

To emphasize the gravity of the situation Isha had donned full robes of state accentuated by a display of the wealth of both her Houses on her gown, her fingers and in her hair; all this, for the moment was covered in a plain and somber cloak which she clutched around herself as she listened to Nniol’s speech.

He is good, she thought, tempted once again to conclude this matter differently from what her Federation allies expected, but she had given her word and so she resolved to continue as planned. What a waste she thought, a glance from Mirok her Authenen (Advisor) making her wonder if she had actually muttered the words aloud.

“It is time, hru'Hfirh,†Rianov Mavus said, the Weapons master had supported Isha since she married her husband truly living up to the meaning of her name of ‘stron sister’. Isha nodded in reply allowing Mavus to lead the company into the high marbled hallway.

The doors to the Senate chamber were closed and guarded; fifteen feet tall in burnished duranium a lesser company might have been daunted but Isha’s entourage knew their place in the universe and no structure or person would deny them.

The guards at the door gazed in puzzlement at their approach but as Isha presented her seal they drew aside and allowed the company of twelve to approach the doors.


As one of the few who knew what was about to transpire Senator Latasalaem lounged against the arm of his chair as he listened; very soon an enemy of his would be no more, indeed several enemies of his. Isha had played her part to perfection, even though she did not know it. Allowing the Federation ship to use his facilities had been a small price for this victory.

Hearing the measured thrum that filled the air Latasalaem straightened, three beats as the muttering among the senators ebbed, three more and heads and eyes turned towards the towering doors, but not his. Latasalaem observed the reactions of the recently arrested conspirators, and that of Nniol who was now so certain of his victory.

“Who seeks to interrupt this tribunal?†the Praetor demanded. Those alive were bound by law to attend the full proceedings lest they attempt to escape should the findings go against them.

As the doors parted murmuring once again filled the chamber as the cloaked figure flanked by members of the House Illialhlae processed to the centre of the floor.

“Hru’hfirh t’Illialhlae, Fvillha,†Isha said allowing her cloak to slip to the floor as she bowed with profound respect. “Deceit was required to expose the truth to scrutiny, my Lord,†she said. Isha did not look for the Federation delegation, but she knew they were there, nor did she look for Nniol. Instead Isha’s gaze focused on her son and his fellow conspirators.

Eventually, she spoke, “Though my husband’s brother is guilty of many transgressions against his own House, against his brother, against my person and against my authority he has not been proven a traitor. Treachery has proven to be the forte of his son, Fveirrolh and his friends …†Isha paused as the impact of her words sunk in, she was accusing Nniol of the crime of rape whilst absolving him of treason; one was a matter for the House, the other for the state to deal with, though nothing could reduce the scandal that the revelation would cause.

“Rianov,†Isha said.

Mavus stepped forwards and approached Fveirrolh. Knowing what was being offered the group that guarded him stepped back, though formed a horseshoe around him to prevent his escape. Mavus flipped the blade over offering it to the boy hilt first.

Isha spoke as he hesitated. “Whatever you choose this will be your last act as a member of my House. Regain your honor or die a traitor to the Empire,†she said, none of the turmoil that tangled her guts reaching her voice.

Her actions surprised Da`nal. She was willing to publicly sacrifice her son? What was she up to? ~ He thought to himself.

For several minutes he looked at the weapon then his gaze slipped to where Rhiu ir-Ainleth and her associates were held nearby something in her dark, obstinate and glittering gaze must have inspired him for Fveirrolh straightened and began to speak.

“No,†Fveirrolh said, a simple refusal. “Your Empire is no more. We would shape the future and make the Star Empire great again while you, all of you are content to look at past glories. You, mother bring aliens here … you pander to Klingons and associate with humans. How dare you call yourself a Romulan let alone the head of a once great House. You and my father deserve one another. History will judge me right and all of you, by your lack of action will be judged the traitors.â€

“Get them out of here!†the Praetor roared.


When order was restored and the conspirators removed Praetor tr’Avilh spoke quietly to Isha while everyone waited; they covered a number of matters including her resumption of duties at DS5 “… and what of your husband’s brother hru’hfirh t’Illialhlae?†he asked.

“I have bought peace for my House,†she said knowing what lay in store for Nniol. In their hushed and hurried conversation she had informed tr’Avilh of the reason for the Federation presence and the interest of the Klingon in particular and in return for her co-operation on a matter of litigation the Praetor had agreed that the issues between Isha and Nniol were indeed a House matter to be dealt with at her discretion and without any fear of legal complication.

"Very well, Isha t’Illialhlae your actions as Ambassador were in the best interests of the Romulan Empire, as such it is my pleasure to present to you the Praetorian Ribbon*."

"I am truly honoured," Isha said with humility that would surprise all but her most intimate associates. "Of course my House has made an offer of compensation to the Federation, and the equivelant will be forthcoming to the Empire. With this most prestigious award many matters are laid to rest."

"Agreed. This matter is concluded; good journey to you Commander" With that the Praetor nodded to both Isha and Da`nal then exited the chamber.

*Praetorian Ribbon - For acts of military, political, or cultural merit
in furtherance of D'era** and the purity of the Romulan Star Empire.



Cmdr Da`nal
CO - USS Freedom

Isha e-Khellian i-Ramnau t'Illialhlae


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