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Familiarity breeds danger

Posted on 13 Dec 2009 @ 4:44pm by

541 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: T'Pal's Quarters
Timeline: Current, set before arricval at the SB

With slow precise movements T’Pal cleaned the new generation Type III HD Marine Corps sniper rifle. Of course it was highly illegal to possess such a weapon unless you were a marine sniper, which T’Pal was not. It had a chip in to confuse most known scanning devices, a very covert Federation advantage. Occasionally these weapons were available on the black market, but those who were issued such a weapon would die rather than part with it, which was the the only likely way they ended up for sale: Kill the owner.

Though capable of doing exactly that, that was not how T’Pal got this weapon. Certain agencies issued their marksman with them and even when T’Pal tried to resign from Section 31, she was not granted that luxury for a long time. She had worked with black ops, the marins, SFI, and numerous other agencies, and also Starfleet overtly. Like this time. At long last she was able to simply be a SF officer, but was it really who she was?

At the time she had joined Freedom, she was not contracted by anyone and had no covert mission. She was simply the Security and Tactical chief. They were willing to let her go or so they had said. The a sweeper that had come to take her out, prooved otherwise. But here she was, still very much alive. A smirked formed around her lips as she remembered Aktuh. He did everything *but* kill her. He was on the ship in her quarters for a few weeks....

When Kretorg had called her months before and asked her to do a personal job for him, she had agreed immediately. She just couldn't resist, reardless of how illogical it was. That together with Aktuh's presence, made her realize that she missed the sinister world she had been involved in for most of her life. To kill was too much part of her and she decided to offer her services to her previous employer again.

Her eyes went to the pictire of a young woman on her padd and her movements halted slightly. However, his was a freelance hit. Though she looked forward to the thrill of the kill, she was not comfortable with this hit. Kre had explained why he had to eliminate his niece, and she had understood it perfectly, but those eyes were going to haunt her. Innocent, clear, intelligent, warm.. even for a hybrid Klingon.

It was not her place to question him and using her highly trained Vulcan mind, she surpressed the uneasyness and focussed on the carefully laid out plan, reading her file again

Name: LietenatX'aedell Kelan.
Chief Counselor/CDO
USS Merlin NCC-84401

Then it hit her. "Hu'tecq!" she swore out load. Now she knew why Ayren kelan/;t featured looked so familiar. She near groaned when she saw the connection in writing. Ayren and X'aedell were cousins.

She needed to get away and fast. When they arrived at the station, she would simply disappear into the world of shadows again.

The uneasy feeling remained like a weight in her stomach even as her hand went to her comm badge to contact Da'nal to tender her resignation.

Lt T'Pal
Chief Sec;TAC
USS Freedom


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