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In Transit

Posted on 03 Apr 2009 @ 10:07pm by

681 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M1: Prepare for Battle
Location: Nearby Deep Space Five, Danube Runabout
Timeline: Backpost to Before Romulan Attack

She held her cover behind a tree, grasping her Custom Built Phaser Rifle. Unlike many in the resistance, she had customized hers. The Dual-Handle arrangement had been replaced with a stock. The forward handle had been replaced with a modified handle that suited a Betazoid hand better. The Power Cell had been replaced with a Starfleet Built one for more shots. The typical Cardassian Scope had been replaced with a Romulan Disruptor Carbine sighting scope for increased accuracy. The Pre-fire chamber had been recalibrated with a power conduit she salvaged out of a Starfleet Type II phaser. She had even stripped away some of the outside coverings to make the rifle lighter and not as cumbersome. But the Cardassians had built them well, she could drag her rifle through mud and water and it still fired like the day she pryed it from a Dead Occupation Soldier's hands. She then heard a telepathic message. ~Four, North-North East, Two Breen, Two Cardies. Moving along the ridge.~

~Get into position.~ She sent.

They were expertly coordinated, sensing anything around them. The Patrols had grown more infrequent, as more troops were transfered off of Betazed to the Front Lines. Occupation Troops were being slaughtered right and left, and the Dominion even began to use hired Mercenaries to patrol Betazed. Mercenaries or not, Cardassian or Breen. They were not welcome on Betazed. ~In Position.~ A message came to Arri.

~Kill them~ She sent as she took aim on one of the soldiers. Four shots fired at once, taking all four of them down before they could breathe. Four Betazoids emerged into the clearing. Arrianna's resistance cell. Usually with their coordination, they could take on patrols much larger than this. They were expertly coordinated when they attacked the enemy. But war had changed them. Her resistance fighters began to pick apart the patrol's remains. Cardassian Rations were even taken. They tasted horrible, but they were food. Better than eating the local wildlife. What was even more of a windfall was the coolant units on the Breen. Those made excellent bombs when configured properly. Even the uniforms were taken. Nothing was wasted, every power cell was salvaged.

"Place their heads a few kilometers up the ridge." Arri said and two of her resistance fighters attended to their duties. Her group wasted nothing, and even the remains served a purpose for psychological warfare on the Dominion. Also it served as an insult to leave their enemy's remains for the scavengers in the swamp, and there were some vicious scavengers and predators on Betazed that her group liked to attract toward the enemy patrol routes. This was war, and she hated the Dominion.

Arri suddenly awoke, breathing heavily, and with the Customized Phaser Rifle still in her hands. It had gone through another series of evolution since she salvaged it off that Cardassian Soldier. Most of the Cardassian Components were gone. Replaced with Federation components. The Emitter was salvaged off a broke Federation Compression Rifle. A modification was added so she could randomly switch modulations when facing the Borg. A lengthened barrel was added to it so that the energy stream could be more focused as it traveled down the barrel, increasing accuracy. The Romulan Scope was replaced with a Custom Built Scope she came up with in her spare time. But more than that, this was her rifle, and the only way she could sleep at night. She put the Phaser Rifle back into its case and entered the cockpit. She was still in her uniform, a habit from the war. But she did change it every morning.

She had to get out of the habit of rationing now that there was no need for it. She would even try to ration the food coming out of the replicators. She ordered a modest breakfast nonetheless, still adhering to drilled in instinct to conserve power cells.

Dressing herself was also orderly, she had taken well to the lifestyle of a soldier while at the Academy. "Computer, Distance to Deep Space Five?"

"One hour, Five Minutes." The Computer Replied.


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