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The meet and great and throw in a physical

Posted on 04 Apr 2009 @ 12:33pm by Colonel Stadi Andrus

584 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M1: Prepare for Battle
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: current

Sighing and grumbling to herself, Mari made her way to sickbay for the mandatory and annoying physical. Why they made them go through it, she'd never know, particularly when they had to pass an extensive physical to get into the academy and fleet in the first place, but it wasn't exactly something she could snuff off or get out of.

The sickbay had finally been put into working order. She was internally grateful to the engineer for putting the biobeds together.

Seeing who she believed was the CMO, Mari decided she might as well kill two birds with one stone and request her physical with the chief doc to get her meet and greet out of the way as well.

"Dr. Hemmingway?" Mari asked, trying to make sure that her assessment was accurate.

"Yes, Lieutenant? Can I help you?" She asked, her mood had finally calmed so the poor ensign that was across the room was no longer afraid of her.

"Si," Mari responded, "I would like to complete my physical as well as make my introduction if you don't mind. I am Lieutenant Mariposa Hernandez Rodriguez, the first officer here on Freedom."

"Welcome to my sickbay." She smiled and showed the lieutenant to one of her newly constructed biobeds.

In a very no nonsense manner, Mari hopped up on the biobed, assessing the CMO with her eyes, "How long have you been doing your job?" she asked.

"As a doctor or as a chief medical officer?"

"Los dos. Either. You pick," Mari responded.

"I worked at Starfleet medical in the research and development, I fought in the Dominion War and served as a Doctor aboard a medical ship, and now I am here as the CMO."

In other words, much more real world experience than herself, Mari thought, "Interesting. Do you like your work?"

"Except the war casualties..." She said sadly. Melanie was one but she wouldn't let on that she was, she hadn't even told her best friend. She would have her job and rank stripped from her...just because she fell in love with a man on the wrong side of the line.

Reading the woman's features, Mari could tell there was more to the woman's story than that but she didn't press it. "Well, what do you need me to do? Just sit? or lay down?"

"Sitting will work." She grabbed the nearest tricorder and started scanning the XO.

Mari sat patiently and waited, scanning the sickbay idly with her eyes.

"Well Lieutenant...according to my tricorder you are perfectly fine." She said with a smile. "I still haven't received everyone's files from their last posting so if there is anything else you wish to discuss..."

"Si..." Mari said, hesitating a moment before saying, "When I entered the academy, I requested a long-term birth control method that I wouldn't really have to it...still in place and functioning properly...?" she asked, trying to maintain her dignity but she kept a very strict "just in case" policy and did NOT wish to end up with an accidental child if some sort of mystical fluke were to happen.

"As far as I can tell, yes. There doesn't seem to be any problems of any kind." She smiled at the woman.

"Gracias," Mari replied, relief clear on her features. She was not in a relationship but in her experience, in Starfleet, that didn't mean much.

Lt Mariposa Hernandez Rodriguez
Executive Officer
USS Freedom

Lt. Melanie Hemmingway
Chief Medical Officer
USS Freedom


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