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Red Alert

Posted on 02 Apr 2009 @ 11:29pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

868 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M1: Prepare for Battle
Location: The bridge
Timeline: directly after - Reporting in


Rising from his chair he headed back out onto the bridge feeling the eyes of those assembled on him.

"Red Alert."

[Short time later]

Silonez returned to the bridge, he set himself up at a science station, and begin scanning for the Romulan ships. "Sir I have two maybe three impulse signatures, definitely Romulan, One may be Norexan Class I'm trying to cross reference now."

"Very well. Find those ships, our..."

The doors opened onto the bridge 5 stepped out of the door and approached the command area.

Da`nal turned as he heard the footsteps behind him. Upon seeing the recovered borg he stood see how he seemed to be the focus of the man's attentions

"Lieutenant 5 of 12 reporting as ordered sir how may I be of assistance."

Da`nal's brow tightened a bit. ~from the Clinton no doubt.~ See his blue collar he put him to work. "Take the science station. Mr Eircson, take Ops please..."

Jess looked at the new captain half relieved and half irritated that she was being pushed aside.

"...Ms. Logan contact the Station and get me those Quantum torpedoes."

Silonez looked at the mass of readouts, ~what was the third Romulan ship~, as the comparative analysis came up Silonez felt the blood drain from his face, D'deridex type 3, he relayed the information too tactical and began to review the little data on this new version of the Romulans most deadly weapon.

Jessie's face brightened a t bit at the task...while still a supply run it was still a important job. Very important given the situation. "Aye, sir."

T'Pal ran through the shield and rechecked the shield frequencies to adapt it to the warbirds. "There is a D'deridex out there as well," T'Pal informed the intel officer.

"I wonder if there is one or two, and which variant." Silonez said with some concern.

"Based on what we already know there should be a total of three ships. A Norexan, a D'deridex, and a Diplomatic courier vessel, but don't be surprised if there's another ship hiding out there." Da`nal stated matter-a-factly.

"The D'deridex is definitely a type 3, which means it has the Romulan version of the quantum torpedo, we're in the positive for our maneuverability, but that's subjective, the Norexan is of a similar type from the incident on Remus, also it looks as if they're in some kind of holding pattern, don't know why though." Silonez reported.

"Well it's probably best not to stay in the same place too long. Can't out fly them if we're sitting still." DeHavilland replied.

Stepping forward a bit. "Helm clear all moorings and take us out of the docking bay then stand by for a rapid deployment."

"Aye, sir. Leaving the docking bay." DeHavilland replied, his hands flashing across the CoNN panel.

"Once we are clear bring us out into the main dome. We'll be head out upper level bay, entry 3."

"Aye, sir. Upper level, entry three." DeHavilland repeated, more out of habit than necessity.

Returning to the command chair he reached down an tapped a panel triggering the ship wide attention signal. "Attention all hands, this is your Captain Lt. Cmdr Da`nal. You have all accomplished a great deal in a short time to prepare the Freedom for what is to come. When signaled we will be taking position to defend this station and those aboard her. The Freedom is the first of her kind and an untested vessel, but with your efforts I know we WILL win the day! Continue preparations, any station personnel still aboard report to your respective departments or to engineering for assignment. Department Heads report to the briefing room."

Mari's jaw clenched and her lips pursed as her intense gaze focused on the commander for a few moments before she asked, "Is there anything you need of me before the briefing, Sir?"

Da`nal looked to the lieutenant, putting his hand on her upper arm. "Yes, contact the Romulan Ambassador on the station and see if there have been any new developments that could effect how we deploy."

Nodding, Mari said, "Si, Sir. I will check on that now and bring news to the briefing," she stated with a nod before moving off to the nearest open console to establish the requested link and gain the information that they needed.

5 swiveled in the chair and reported his findings "sir if we are entering a combat situation I may be able to exploit a weakness, permission to stay and investigate."

Da`nal was about to shut him down, and tell him to get to the briefing room. However they were going to need ever advantage they could get. "Very well, monitor the briefing from your station." Watching him return to the whatever analysis he was working he headed into the briefing room, preparing his plan and waited for the others to arrive. As he waited he establish a secure link to Station Operations.

Lt. Cmdr Da`nal
Commanding Officer

PO3 Jessie Logan (NPC played by Da`nal)

Lt. JG CJ DeHavilland
Chief Flight Controller

Lt. Silonez Ericson
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lt Mariposa Hernandez Rodriguez
Executive Officer

Lt. 5 of 12
Chief Science Officer

Lt. T'Pal
Chief Security/Tactical Officer


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