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Senate Showdown - Pt3

Posted on 09 Dec 2009 @ 3:59pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,442 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Romulan Senate Chamber


The silence from the Senate was louder than any confirmation could have been and even the stoic expression on Nniol’s face Da`nal could see fear. Da`nal was building his coffin his words…the wood, the evidence…the hammer and nails.


[Inside the Senate Chambers]

Da`nal continued his moments and gestures as he spoke. Nniol’s offences do not begin nor do the end with leading the attack on a Federation facility. During the Dominion War….â€

That’s were the Praetor drew the line, this was now stepping outside the scope of the events at hand. “Commander those events were over ten years ago and do not apply here. I am aware of your loss….â€

“Da’nal took a step closer his irritation obvious. “Are you Fully aware of those events? That Nniol held his strike force back and watch a Klingon ship and crew be destroyed just so he could strik at my House? He allowed the deaths of nearly 500 Klingons to kill one man….my brother. All while we were supposedly allies.â€

Isha head drop slightly, Da`nal had still not accepted her claim that his brother was alive, or had been, and Nniol’s prisoner in the Illialhlae estate. Isha and Nniol exchange glances as Da`nal spoke of the loss of his brother

“This action goes to a pattern of behavior that shows the extremes he will go to in order to achieve his goals. A pattern he continued by attacking a Federation Facility to cover his ambition. During that attack he allow tried to strike at me.â€

Stepping to T’Pal he took the small evidence case and opened it to retrieve the blade used in the attack on his children. “This blade was used by one of the Romulan agents I mentioned earlier, used in attack on my children. An attack thwarted by that woman….†turning he indicated Ayren, “…a woman to whom I am eternally indebted to.â€

Nodding to T’Pal to carry out the orders he had given her before they had beamed down he turned back the Romulans. “Aboard the Freedom are the bodies of three Romulan operatives. The first was taken in the attack on my children. The second was discovered plotting to free Nniol while he was a prisoner, he was captured and later committed suicide. The third was one of the Extremists mentioned before. She was killed by myself while attempting to assassinate The Ambassador, after killing one of my security officers.â€

T"Pal noddeed stiffly and called motioned to the one security officer to join her. She fetched the three bodies and returned with them shortly after.

Just as he finished T’Pal and others reentered the chamber with the remains of the three agents. He moved to T’Pal, whispering. “Begin bring down the rest of the Romulan dead recovered from the attack on the station that we have on ice in the cargo bay 2. and lay them before the Senators.â€

T"Pal's eyebrow lifted in slight surprise, "All of them?" she aslked

“Yes…allof them.â€

"Then it shall be done," she answered, but she could see where Da'nal was going. "They will be here shortly.

Da’nal watched T’Pal headed into the corridor, grinning he returned to his presentation. “Praetor, these are the bodies of the agents I spoke of. I’m sure your own investigation with identify who they are and who they worked for.â€

[USS Freedom]

Seeing Cassidy after getting back on the Freedom, T'Pal walked to her. " I need to transport the bodies in cargo bay to the surface," she said matter of factly. "I will need it now," she added.

"All the bodies?" Cas asked in surprise.

[Senate Chamber]

The Praetor motioned for an aid to remove the bodies and to begin the process of Identification. As the bodies were removed he again address the Klingon. “We will quickly find out who was behind them I assure you, but you still have not answered my previous question. The Ambassador’s earlier remarks mentioned multiple attack on Deep Space 5.â€

“This correct. The ‘instructions’ that Nniol sent to Ambassador t’Illialhlae detailed the order of the assaults. First was the detonation of various sabotage devises to weaken the station. Second would be an external assault by the vessels surrounding the station. Finally a third wave was to follow using ships containing followers of D’ravasai were to assist in taking and holding the station. A sign of the Federation weakness.â€

No sooner had he finished than T’Pal and a series of other crew members began bringing in body bag after body bag.

The Praetor was not pleased. “What is this Commander?â€

“The remains’ of Romulan citizens recovered after the assault on Deep Space 5.â€

As the bodies kept coming the leader of the Romulan government stood and stepped into the center of the chamber on the other side of the row of bodies being layed before him, he breathed out heavily. “Enough Commander….you’ve made your point. How may were you able to recover?

Da’nal look to T’Pal. “That’ll do Lieutenant, thank you. Have the Freedom suspend transport and arrange for the rest of the remains to be transferred to Romulan custody.â€

Then to answer the Praetor’s question. “837 out of what…†looking to Nniol, “…what…approximately 2000?â€

The elder Romulan statesman looked at the bodies and shook his head, ~such a waste.~

“Oh and that doesn’t include those lost when we were forced to defend ourselves when our escort turned on us.â€

The Klingon’s offhanded remark angered him. “DO you have anything else to present?â€

“Yes Praetor tr’Avilh I do. However it’s technical data, scans, engineering reports, computer records.†Da`nal turned to his away team motioning for Silonez to join him. “Praetor, this Lt. Silonez he is my Chief Intelligence Officer, he can see to it that your investigators have all the data we collected before during and after the attack as well as the data available from when the escort opened fire on us.â€

"These include every thing including evidence collection and forensics as well as a catalog of all the physical evidence we've collected, the most notable is the Romulan bodies." silonez noted making sure the images were visable to those near by.

“Thank you Mr. Silonez." The praetor motioned for aid and upon her arrival he got he issued his instructions. "Tirash, this is Lt. Silonez; coordinate whith him on the transfer of their Federation data and phyical evidence."

Nodding she looked at the Federation officer. "If you'll come with me I can I'll make all the necessary arrangements."

Silonez handed over the padd to an aide and stepped back to rejoin the group, he could feel the sension in the room.

"We shall adjourn then while our investigators evaluate your finding. We shall reconvene in 36 hours.â€

Guards came and took Nniol into custody and the assembled Senators rose and began to file out of the room. The security escort that Isha’s mother had provided closed on the away team and began to escort them to their transport site in order to return to the Freedom, but Da`nal stopped and went back to the praetors dais where he stood with other key members of the Senate.

“Can I help you Commander?â€

“Only one question sir. Have your investigators discovered who gave the order to violate your edict of safe passage?â€

“We have the commander of the S’harien in custody and we shall find out, I assure you.†They already had the name of the traitor but it was being confirmed and Arrhae i-Nn'Verih t’Rehu was in a position of influence. They had to be sure before the acted against her.

Da`nal had no doubt the information would be obtained one way or another, and he acknowledge his answer with a nod but there was one other thing that needed to be said.

“Sir, there is something else you need to know.â€


“The Commander of the D'deridex warbird that attack the DS5, we ID’d him from the logs; as Commander H'daen tr’Rehu. And from what I have been told, he’s the brother to Senator Rhiu ir-Ainleth as well as being related to Arrhae i-Nn'Verih t’Rehu.â€

That was the missing key. They had had a difficult time discovering who had been involved in the attack. Those behind it had carefully covered their tracks, but now things had come full circle and they could clean house.

“Thank you Commander.â€



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