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Senate Showdown Pt2

Posted on 06 Dec 2009 @ 3:04pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,466 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations


[USS Freedom]

"We'll be on the Capital planet of the Romulan Empire, just how far do you think we'll actually be able to get Mr. Silonez?" Da`nal's question was more a statement than an actual question. If they had to fight so be it. He glanced to T'Pal and her security detail. "Approved."

Once everyone was sent he nodded to the Transporter operator.....“Energize.â€


[Outside the Senate Chambers]

Da'nal, Isha, T'pal, Silonez, Ayren, and two security officers materialized in the intersection of the massive corridors. However before the cycle could complete three other parties beamed in around them....Romulan troops. They were trapped.

However instead of capturing them the Romulans formed a defensive perimeter.

T"Pal's weapon was trained on a Romulans and she was ready fore at command. She had positioned herself near D'anal and the diplomat, who was unarmed.

Ayren sensed that the approaching Romulans meant no harm. "Commander.... " she said. "They are not here to attack us," she said surprised herself

Not only did he know Ayren...he trusted her, even though the rest of the crew didn't know her at all. "T'Pal...everyone, lower your weapons."

A Romulan officer stepped though the formation. "Commander Da'nal, Fleet Admiral Lliam sends her regards."

Replacing his phaser, Da'nal motioned for the others to do the same. Grinning, "I'm in her debt, but we hurry."

Da'nal and the away team flanked and followed by Romulan troops rapidly made their way towards the entrance. The guards posted there simply stood there ground.

[Inside the chamber]

The Federation Ambassador stepped forward to begin when there was a commotion at the entrance. Everyone in the chamber turned to see what was going on when the door where pulled open wide as Da'nal and party stepped though.

The arrival of those that only moments ago had been dead caused the room to explode into heated debate, accusation, and protest.

The Praetor stood raising his arms high and wide..."SILENCE!!!"

As the room settled and the other delegates took their seats the Praetor addressed Da'nal. "What is the meaning of this?! How...!"

"Praetor tr’Avilh…members of the Senate, excuse the interruption. I am Commander Da'nal; Commanding Officer of the USS Freedom."

Da'nal's words only served to confirm what he had assumed, ~This should be interesting.~ The Praetor thought to himself. "Well for a dead man you look surprisingly healthy Commander, as do you Ambassador t'Illialhlae. However before you explain yourself Commander you people must disarm."

Ayren lowered her eyes to a spot in front of her as she focussed her empathic senses pick up on teh emotions and attitudes that go with deceipt, but sensed none and she relaxed slghtly.

"T"Pal noticed teh sublte changes in Ayren, but she didn't move. Only a direct command from Da'nal would cause her to disarm.

The fact that the Praetor had not included Da'nal in that statement did not go without notice, especially to Da'nal; and a low murmur went through the room as the assembly whispered amongst themselves. There was an acknowledgement of mutual respect as the Romulan head of state didn't insult a Klingon by asking him to disarm. Even though he knew this had been coming he didn't plan to aqueous immediately. "You can understand why we felt it necessary to beam down armed..." Looking directly at Nniol, "...Given the attempts by some to stop our arrival here."

The Praetor's eyes moved to follow Da'nal's stare, but he took in others in his glance as well. "Commander. While I can understand the actions of others have caused losses to both your crew and my people as well; haveI broken my word to you or you Federation?"

The corner of Da'nal's mouth lifted slightly and nodded. "Not to my knowledge, Praetor, but there are those who already have broken it for you."

This Klingon had guts as his eyes again darted to others in the room. "That fact aside Commander, your team must hand over their weapons."

Da'nal looked into the eyes of he Romulan leader, and after a long silence, he turned to those of his crew and motioned for them to disarm.

Ayren simply nodded slowly as she caught D'anal's eyes, as if confirming that there was no alterior motives she could sense.

T"Pal handed over her weapon, which was logical under the circumstance, but she was open about her disapproval.

As the Federation assemblage handed over their weapons the Federation Ambassador stepped forward once again to present his arguments.

“Members of the Senate. A short time ago a coordinated attack was mounted against the Federation. This attack we carried out under the guise of a supposed theft and a ‘Family Dispute’.â€

With a gesture he pointed to Nniol. “Mr. Nniol led this strike force again Deep Space Nine. Mr Nniol claims that this is not so however.†Stepping briskly to Da`nal how had PADD in hand ready to use. “This padd holds not only the covert conversation between Ambassador t’Illialhlae in which he detail the coming attacks and in essence orders her to act as a scapegoat for the espionage that was carried out to disable key systems on the station; but also holes the communication logs of the ships used to carry out the attack. These logs clearly show that Nniol was the one giving the orders.

“This attack not only cost the live of nearly 100 Federation citizens, but the crew of three Romulan Starships. For what….’a family matter?’ There are those her that would like us to think that but the truth is their motivation are far more sinister.

If this was indeed a ‘family matter’ and Ambassador t'Illaehie was truly unfit to serve in her role as Ambassador and leader of her House then why was she not removed from her post and recalled to Romulus through official channels?

“Did this occur? No. Instead a coordinated effort was made. First the station was infiltrated but Romulan agents posing as Vulcans. Then these agents sabotaged key systems. Namely the stations shield, Guardian platforms, and key power relays. Had the Ambassador not acted in the best interests of both the Romulan Empire and the Federation by warning the Command staff of Deep Space 5 it is very like they would have been caught unprepared for the attacks.â€

“’Attacks?.†The interruption came from one of the Senators.

“Yes ‘attacks’. To elaborate on that I call Commander Da`nal.â€

Several Senators jumped to their feet in protest. “HE IS A VARAL!†“THIS IS A CONFLICT OF INTEREST, HE HAS HIS OWN AGENDA…â€

The Praetor stood to silence the objections. “Commander, what do you have to say to these accusations?â€

Da`nal walked the circle of the chamber as he spoke, addressing each member in turn. “It is true I am of the House of Varal. And as such it is my duty to strike at our enemies. During these events I have been closer to the leadership of the Illialhlae than anyone of my House since our …feud began. I could have killed both of them at my leisure during the journey here. Had I done so I would have acted with the laws and traditions of the Klingon Empire. Had I taken their lives my people, my House,….my Father; all would have raised their voice in triumph. Members of my House throughout the Empire would have sang songs of glory and celebrated for days at the death of the Illialhlae leadership. Honor and Glory would have been heaped upon me.

“However….I am a Starfleet Officer, sworn to uphold Federation law and principles. While their deaths would have brought me Honor in the eyes of my people; it would have brought shame in the eyes of my crew, my shipmates, and my superiors. Everything I have stood for and defended my entire career would be for nothing…..You can not gain honor by acting dishonorably.â€

Da`al continued his speech effectively taking over for the Ambassador. “The traitor Nniol…..and that is exactly what he is, a traitor to the Romulan Empire. His actions put personal ambition and lust for power ahead of the Your Empire. What if he and his extremist supporters had succeeded in capturing DS5? It is very likely I would not be standing here and Starship on both sides of the border would be preparing for war. Is the control of a single family more important than the lives of your citizens?â€

The silence from the Senate was louder than any confirmation could have been and even the stoic expression on Nniol’s face Da`nal could see fear. Da`nal was building his coffin his words…the wood, the evidence…the hammer and nails.



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