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Posted on 05 Dec 2009 @ 1:02am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,318 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: USS Freedom
Timeline: Backpost - prior to Showdown Pt 1

Da`nal stood there in the transporter room and the transporter operator
spoke. "Sir, their ready. One for transport."


Da`nal stood there as she materialized on the platform.

Ayren felt the slight sting and the next moment she was on the USS Freedom. Her senses felt him before her eyes found him. She bowed her head slightly. "Commander.. Da'nal," she said as she stepped off the plat form. She had her hair long again and it fell in black waves down her back. In her hands she had a silk vest. traditionally warn close to the body by Betazoid men who defended the planet telepathically against invaders. It was to be a reminder of their loved ones.

The light from the transporter padd gave her hair a glow. His eyes took in everything, and as she stepped down he bowed his head slightly. "It is good to see you again...but why did you come out here?"

The question was so typically Klingon in it's straight forwardness, but it cuaght her off guard. She braced herself. and told the truth, "I had received a very deteriorated message from you, And the bat'leth." she halted as they started to head out of the transporter room. "I never heard what you said and I wanted to know.." She smiled a little. "And of course I wanted to see that you are okay,"

As he led her down the hall he saw a glance from a crewmember that had over heard her expression of concern, luckily his quarters wasn't far. Once in his quarters he motioned for to take a seat. "I am honored that you came all the way out here. But you both came all this way because of garbled communications?"

Ayren looked down at her hands, still holding the small packet. "If you say it that way, yes," she asnwered and glanced up at him. "Your father suspected Romulan treachery, having lost one son already that way," she said and then paused. "And as for me, I never heard what you said."

Da`nal could hear the nervousness in her voice. "So you just wanted the rest of the story and that's it huh?"

"You heard what I had said, or are you trying to make me more uncomfortable?" she asked, looking at him closely

Tilting his head slightly, "No.... That was not my intention. It's just that I thought there might be another reason. You continue to Honor me and my House, you first risked your life to defend my children. Now you willingly risk your life again, potentially, to help a avenge my death. I know my father, he could have only one reason for being here; too confirm my death and to end this way or another. But I know my fathers reasons; I was curious as t yours." Da`nal raised an eyebrow as he finished and the corner of his mouth lifted slightly. He thought he least he hoped he knew.

"You made me that bat'leth, which I treasure," she said quietly. "And I think that your message might have explained why you made it. I am hoping that you would tell me," she asked, her black orbs fixed on his face. Her heart was pounding in her chest and unconsciously her fingers tightened around the little box in her hands.

He stared into her eyes and time stood still. His senses detected the changes brought on by physical reactions to each others statements. They both were skirting the topic waiting for the other to come out and say what needed to be said. That only increased the tension between them. Had his complete message made it to DS5 there would have been no need for the game they were now playing. He had only felt this way for a woman once before, and he had never thought he would feel again the emotion that Ayren was stirring in him. For some time now it wasn't Anita's face but Ayren's that would come to him in his dreams.

She wanted an answer but he was Klingon...words could come later. He remembered back to that day in his quarters and the prank they were pulling by him holding her in his arm. He remembered the scent of her hair, her perfume. Breathing deeply those scents again filled his nostrils. He reached out and pulled her to him. His other hand holding her at the nape of her neck.

Ayren became vry aware of the feeings in Da'nal and her heart raced, her breath catching in her throat in a small gasp as he he pulled her close. Her fears were dispelled in a single moment as her mind absorbed his essence, her body his closenes. She lifted he head lightlly, knowing what would follow.

Her face now inches from his he moved closer. He felt no resistance in her as he drew her even closer. His arms coiling around her as their lips met.

She melted against the warrior, feeling a little as if in a dream. Her lips parted as she sotly said his name and her amrs snaked arond his neck. He was all she had ever wanted and she had loved him from the first time they had met.

They remained joined for sometime, but there was things that had to be done and he was needed on the bridge. Reluctantly he seperated from her, but he had another question. "With you here, what about your duties on DS5?"

"I resigned there," she said with a half smile. "I didn't know how long I would be gone and what the outcome here would be, so I followed my instincts..." she answered.

A grin formed as he listened to her. "I see. Well that could be a good thing. I coud definetely use your abilities here."

"Really? How so?" she asked with a quircked brow, her black eyes sparkling with mirth.

"Well I have no diploma..." He stopped as he realized the possible dual meaning of his statement. "Well...I huh...suppose I left that wide open for interpretation didn't I?"

She chuckled. "Yes you did," she smiled. "But the conversation was more leaning towards a work related interpretation," she added. "Although I wouldn't mind to explore other interpretations," she teased him.

"Well would be you be interested in a position here I would be honored to have you?" ~baQa, I did it again!~ "Would you be interested in a diplomatic post here?"

"Are you serious?" she asked, more to give herself time to absorb what she had just heard, because her senses had already answered her question. "Because I would be delighted," she answered with a wide smile.

Reaching up he took her chin between his thumb ans finger as he looked her in the eye and smiled. "Excellent..." He wished he had time to properly welcome her but there was alot he had to get up to speed on before the arrived. "...then we have some work to do."

"Oh yes..." she said feeling a bit stupid. "You kissed me and I forgot... this is for you," she said and placed the silk garment in his hands. "It is worn by Betazoid men in mind battles to remember their loved ones..." she explained.

"I've been told I have that effect on people..." Here, at this moment the were no problems and for the first time in what seemed an eternity he ease. "...I doubt I'll be in any mind battles, but I am honored by the gift, you didn't have to do that you know."

Ayren grinned." You didn't need to make me the Bat'leth either, "she quipped back. She sensed that he was more relaxed and her yes softened more. "I am gald I came," she said quietly.

"As am I."


Ayren Kelan
NPC by Sharon


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