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Senate Showdown - Pt 1

Posted on 01 Dec 2009 @ 5:43pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,045 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: In Orbit Over Romulus

[Floor of the Romulan Senate]

Even before the Mosaram had arived in orbit around Romulus the situation had exploded. The Federation Ambassador had filed an official protest. The Senate had called the Commanding Officer of the S'harien in for questioning and Isha's mother was sending those in her fleet scrambling to answer the questions she was demanding answers to.

Behind the scenes Nniol and the radical traditionalist led by Arrhae i-Nn'Verih t’Rehu
& Senator Rhiu ir-Ainleth that supported him, were at each others throats while at the same time trying to distance themselves from each other.

Upon their arrival the Freedom’s Xo had been informed that due to the recent events the hearing had been delay a day due to “internal issuesâ€. That worked out perfectly, now he didn’t have to pull some kind of delay tactic out of his ass and risk a summary judgment. All that needed was for the Freedom to arrive before things got too far along.

During that time the XO was debriefed by the Federation Ambassador and his staff and informed him of what was really going on. The Ambassador looked across the conference table at the Starfleet officer dumbstruck. Romulan and Starfleet officers working together against other Romulans; the idea was unbelievable. Especially considering that there was a Klingon in command of the Federation Starship caught in the midst of this mess.

It was clear the there was a power struggle for control of not only a Romulan House, but for the direction of the Romulan Empire itself. The Ambassador wondered it this Da`nal knew what was at stake.

It was almost midday when representatives from the Senate arrived to bring them to the Senate Chamber to begin the hearing.

As the Federation delegation entered the Senate chamber The Praetor spoke. “Ambassador Evans, LtCmdr Fienneman, be fore we begin let me express the Romulan peoples sympathy at the loss of your ship and crew.â€

The Ambassador had dealt with the Praetor before and while he may have been sincere he knew there were several in this room that did not share his sentiments. “Thank you Praetor. With the loss of Commander Da’nal, an eyewitness to the events at Deep Space 5, I will be presenting the Federation’s case against Mr. Nniol.â€

Nodding the Praetor motioned the Ambassador forward. “Proceed.â€

[Meanwhile - USS Freedom]

Even with the Hed'Not giving them cover Da'nal admitted to himself that he felt uneasy. The task at hand would be risky, but even Nniol wasn't stupid enough to raise arms against those under Senate safe passage right in front of the Praetor.

T'Pal never dropped her guard as she continued to keep her teams on high alert.

Ayren was standing just to the side of Da'nal, very aware of the tension he was feeling.

"Helm - ETA?"

The ensign sittong at the helm turned to reply. "About 30 minutes sir"

Da`nal nodded approvingly "Upon arrival put us in a high orbit, and while we are on the surface contact the Mosaram and beam over to recover the Liberator.

"Aye, sir." The ensign sat there as his stomach tied itself in knots. ~

Tapping his comm badge, "Ambassador, we will be arriving shortly, join us in transporter Room 2."

As the channel closed Da'nal turned. "T'Pal, Ayren, Silonez your with me. Mr. Flaherty, you have the bridge. Once we beam down keep the ship cloaked until you hear from me.â€

"Understood, Sar." Flaherty acknowledged, moving to stand in front of the Captain's chair. He was tempted to take a seat, but quickly suppressed the desire. 'That's not your place, Mac.' He told himself quickly.

"Side arms Captain?" Silonez said wondering if this was going to get messy.

As it was Da`nal was never unarmed , but that was more cultural that anything. "We’re not going down there to start a fire fight. However given our recent betrayals they can't blame us for being cautious. T'Pal and the Security detail carry type 2, though I expect them to demand us to disarm. Wouldn't you agree Miss Kelan?"

Ayren thought for a moment. "yes, that assessment would be correct," she answered. "I would suggest that you declare whatever weapons you take. Don't conceal anything, they would pick it up anyway," she said


Ayren turned and followed Da'nal to the door making way for the tall security chief, and promptly decided that she wouldn't want to be this woman's enemy.

T'Pal handed her station to her subordinate and also made her way towards the back of the bridge

As the team approached in the transporter room, Da'nal spoke to T'Pal. "Is your team ready with he remains of the Romulan agent from DS5 and the two that infiltrated the Freedom?"

"Yes, they were prepared and are ready for transport," she answered

"Good. I have a feeling we'll need them eventually."

T'Pal nodded and placed her hands behind her back as she walked. She regarded the Betazoid walking along, but said nothing. her features had something vaguely familiar, but she couldn't place it. It would come to her.

They didn’t have long to wait when PO Logan’s voice came over the comm. =^=Commander e have entered orbit, transport coordinates locked.=^=

The transporter room operator looked up nodding, “Confirmed Sir. Security measures prevent beaming directly into the Senate chamber itself, but Logan’s targeted the far end of the main corridor leading to the chamber.â€


“Mostly located at entrances to the building and 2 outside the Chamber itself sir.â€

Looking over to Silonez. “Looks you might get your fight after all, phasers to stun. Positions.â€

Silonez put the phaser on level 4 stun, and put the smaller type one phaser he had concealed on level 5 heavy stun, "I recomnend that we use level 4 stun, and any concealed weapons on level 5 incase we need to make a run for it."

"We'll be on the Capital planet of the Romulan Empire, just how far do you think we'll actually be able to get Mr. Silonez?" Da`nal's question was more a statement than an actual question. If they had to fight so be it. He glanced to T'Pal and her security detail. "Approved."

Once everyone was sent he nodded to the Transporter operator.....“Energize.â€



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