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Lost and Found

Posted on 30 Nov 2009 @ 1:07pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,982 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: IKV Hed'Not / USS Freedom
Timeline: after leaving Cariel III

[IKV Hed'Not]

They were approaching the debris field and N'shara called Lord Ralnath to the bridge. She knew that she was not going to give him good news regarding his son, but at least they would have glory in the battle against the treacherous Romulans, which would bring glory to her House as well.

Ralnath had just been summoned to the bridge as the Hed'Not dropped out of warp near the original battle coordinates. Taking the command chair as Na'Shara rose, "Report."

"We are within sensor range," she answered. "There is evidence of a destroyed Romulan ship, traces of both Federation and Romulan weapons fire. "There is also a trail of a Federation impulse drive leading away towards Cariel III , and another Romulan ship left heading towards Romulus. There was also a larger craft seemingly following the Federation craft," she reported.

Taking in the details of the report in was clear that a pitched battle had been fought here. He felt pride knowing his son had been victorious, but was tempered with the knowledge that his son had eventually fallen as a result of the this engagement. At least the Romulans had tasted his sons sting, a second time, before he met his end.

He ordered the Hed'Not to follow the impulse wake and sat there....waiting.

"Lord Ralnath, we are detecting debris ahead."

"On screen!" The debris field was on the very edge of sensor range so it wasn't yet visible. "Magnify."

His blood began to boil in his veins as he looked out upon the destruction. The first of his sons to command a starship, the future leader of the House of Varal, the last of his sons, was dead.

Ayren was standing to the back of Lord Ralnath, her heart racing as she saw the field in front of her. Something was not right though...

[USS Freedom]

The hull patched and the power systems repaired as best as possible in the short time allowed they were now on their way to Romulus.

To appease the former CMO, even though she was now in stasis, they were heading back to the place of their demise. Da'nal had been assured that the bodies he had added to the mix would be recovered. Though when had not been discussed.

They skirted the debris field looking to make note of any body in case they had not been picked up, but so far nothing had been found.

He was about to order them to break off and continue to Romulus when a call came from T'Pal

"Sir, I have detected a body," she said.

Breathing out in irritation, the Fleet Commander most have missed one. "Very well. Mark the location, we'll pick him up on the way..."

[IKV Hed'Not]

The ship was cruising over what had been a starship. He knew that his son's ship had been given safe passage by the Romulan Senate itself, only an Illialhlae would have risked violating such an order to strike at his House. So far scans had not found any remains, which was strange in itself. They had detected traces of what they thought had been Romulan transporter beams. It seemed that they had already picked the debris the vultures they were.

A detector sounded from the station to Ralnath's left and before the lieutenant could report Ralnath ordered the readings displayed.

"On screen."

The view of the debris focused on the sensor readings. Floating there was a body, clad in a Federation uniform.

Ralnath took in a slow, enraged breath as he stood. "I claim the rite of vengeance....this Romulan treachery shall not go unanswered! Set course for the first of our Illialhlae targets and prepare for battle." Pointing to the screen, "beam that aboard and engage warp drive."

Ayren senses were flooded again with the strong emeotions she sensed from Ralnath, but she was not in opposition. Her heart felt like ice, thinking that D'anal... She couldn't even complete the thought. ~No!!~ She screamed in her mind. Yet, her senses were picking up something, but what? her mind refused to interpret what she felt instinctively.

[USS Freedom]

Da'nal bolted from his seat as he watched the body of one of his crew beamed away. "Report!"

"I can detect no ships, but... " She double checked her readings. "Klingon transporter Sir!" she announced, half surprised.

A Klingon transporter!? Da'nal had to think quickly. A Klingon ship in Romulan territory, what was going on. He could try to hail them, but he risked detection. His thoughts raced. With options, what if he didn't hail them....

[IKV Hed'Not]

As the Hed'not prepared to leave the debris field, Ayren had tried to make sense of what her senses tolf her. She became unaware of the activity on the bridge, sounds faded as her senses zoned in the area. How could it be?

She shifted her focus to her surroundings. The ordetr to leave was already given and seh saw the helmsman punch in the coordinates. It forced her into action. "Lord Ralnath," she said loudly amd turned to him. "There is something here... I can sense Da'nal... and others.." she said.

Spinning towards her as he bellow an urgent command, "HOLD THAT ORDER!" Dropping his tone a bit he kept the hope he felt from his voice as he 'demanded an explaination. "Explain yourself!"

"I can sense him," she said. "I cannot explain it, " she said, realizing that what she was saying created a sense of hope, but she knew she was right. "It is steady, but maybe some distance away," she explained, with her eyes closed, as she tried to shut out too many other stimuli. When she opened her eyes, the black didn't try to hide the hope in them.

[USS Freedom]

"All Stop" That last thing they needed was to collide with another cloaked ship.

They knew there was a Klingon ship out the but how to contact them without blowing their cover...either one of them. Then again that ship had used her transported and nothing happened If a Romulan ship was in the area investigating they would have detected and reacted. Or where they hiding? Romulans had a long history of hiding behind there borders until they felt they had a superior position. Could they be doing the same now? As he though he felt being watched from a distance.

Quickly working his way to Ops look Jessica in the eye. "Using our communications array I want you to transmit using Klingon frequencies and codes used during cloaked operations."


Having been a Security Officer for most of his career, he knew quite a bit about coded frequencies. "Reconfigure the array to use the Klingon frequencies from the war. Quickly!"

It was like a switch was flipped..."Yes, sir." Jessica's hand flew over her panel. The previous damage didn't make it any easier but she worked as fast as she could.

T'Pal sent her a few algorythms to assist her.

Just as the reconfiguration was complete the encryption codes where there ready for her to use. Loading them into the array she glanced to T'Pal and nodded. "Ready Sir."

"Hail them."

[IKV Hed'Not]

=^=To the cloacked Klingon ship , this is the Federation Starship, the USS Freedom. Respond!=^= T'Pal's voice came over the comm


"Channel is open," T'Pal said to Da'nal off the comm. "This is the Federation Starship, the USS Freedom. respond!" she said a little impatience in her voice.

The moment Ayren heard he word Freedom, her heart leapt. "It is them Lord Ralnath!" she said unable to mask her excitement.

"My Lord they are transmitting on classified Klingon cloaked communications frequencies."

Taking his seat slowly ~I'm getting too old for this~. "On Viewer."

[USS Freedom / IKV Hed'Not]

To Da`nal's surprise it was his father that sat in command. He didn't recognize the other crew members on screen, but he did recognize the bridge of a Negh'var battle cruiser. Their House had shipyards, but none where producing the Negh'var. Where his father got that would no doubt be an interesting story

"What are you doing out here?"

Questions raced through his mind. First and foremost being how he was alive. "Preparing to avenge your death for starters. If you are there on your ship what is all this floating around us?"

Ayren first just stared at Da'nal as his face appeared on the screen. No words could describe the relief she felt. Unaware that she was moving, she stepped closer to Ralnath.

"It's a long story, one that..." Da`nal stopped as Ayren stepped into view. Da`nal's heart pounded, he was glad to see her but also angry at his father for bring her out here. "No doubt I will have several families including Starfleet to explain things to As it is we are rather rushed to get to Romulus. I would be Honored if you could accompany me. We are still far from being in the best of shape and having you and your vessel with us would surely better the odds."

Ralnath knew as did his son that is a fight ensued near Romulus they didn't stand a chance of surviving but the battle would be glorious.

Ayren said nothing, she just tried to regain her composure and slowly her exterior became calm and collected.

"We shall join you, and I eagerly await the 'story' of your resurrection. I will remain here and prepare the ship...but I believe my guest would like to beam aboard." Looking to the woman now standing beside him. She had honored their House by insisting on joining them. She had left her career behind on DS5 for his son...~an Honorable Woman; even if she wasn't Klingon.~

Ayren flicked her black eyes to Ralnath. That she had not expected and wondered how she was going to handle it. She felt a little like a puppy chacing a car and now that it found the car, didn;t quite know what to do with it.

Da'nal nodded trying to think of just what he was going to say to her. "Understood. T'Pal provide coordinates for transport. I will meet her in transporter room one. Once aboard set course for Romulus...You have the bridge."

"Acknowledhed", said the hybrid Klingon. Her Vulcan side was cold and her expression void of emotion, but inside her blood boiled on the prospect of battle.

Ayren nodded quietly and walked with Ralnath to th transpoter room and couln't help to feel apprehension. She knew that there was great meaning in the bat'leth Da'nal had forged for her, but she never did hear that message. She was certain that Ralnath could see how nervous she was again. Her calm of a few moment ago disappeard as she got closer to the padd

Ralnath didn't need to be telethic to sense Ayren apprehension, hell he could smell it. As the entered the transporter room he stopped her. "Why so nervous?"

She looked up at the man that seemed to understand more about her feelings than she did. "What if it.. he doesn't feel about me they way I do about him... what if I mess it up..?" she answered but also to herself. She smiled awkwardly. "Here I am a Betazoid, speaking about me feeling to a Klingon warrior." And she looked at the small package in her hands.

"You had the courage to face death for him. Speak your heart; to do otherwise would only be a dishonor."

She nodded quietly. He was right. she needed to face this as courageously as he said she had acted before. Why did this seem so much more difficult? She realized, in death she wouldn't know she was apart from him, but to face that in this life, would be ..intollerable.


Cmdr Da`nal

Lt T'Pal

Ayren Kelan
NPC by Sharon


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