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Cleaning up the mess

Posted on 25 Nov 2009 @ 5:36pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

593 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Romulan Repair facility orbitting Cariel III
Timeline: current

Silonez was under a shattered console micro-coupler in hand, when the console shorted out for the second time, "FUCK!" he shouted "This is hopeless, even if we can get the essentials online we're going to need at least two weeks in dry dock just to fix the systems that we jerry rig back online, Lita take a engineering crew to one of the labs and cannibalize the computers there we need to get this bucket of bolts moving."

"Da`nal was making his rounds checking on the progress of the repairs. Mr. Flaherty was keeping an eye on things with the hull repairs, and give the close working relationship that had sprung up between them he was assuming Mr. Silonez was leading thing aboard ship. He had walking in time to hear a comment come from under the console and stopped.

"If 2 weeks is what it takes then thats what shall be. Mr. Silonez." Stooping down so the man could continue he did as well. "I'm not expecting everything to be 100% in the 24 hours before we have to depart, Right now we need proper power distribution and a cloak that will function and allow us to stay at warp long enough to get to Romulus."

"Warp won't be an issue, its the central Bio-Neural controls, one of those hits we took from Romulan plasma torpedoes may have caused a back surge that is going to make using the cloak tricky, back-up Isolinear systems can't handle the additional workload and EPS is overloading every time I bring the system online, if we had time to install more of these Daedalus back-up controls we might have a chance." Silonez afirmed.

"How much time will that take? If we reduce the work load by taking various noncritical systems offline would that be enough to get us there?"

"If we shutdown all scientific systems, and reduce replicator use to bare minimum we should be able to operate, but we can't get beat around again, most of the back-ups along with additional circuitry can't handle alot of abuse as they are."

"Well if things go according to plan they won't even be looking for us, so that's our edge. Just to be on the safe side the shuttle bay and all transporters will be shut down too. I'll also make sure the EMH stays offline during the journey as well."

"Any word from Flaherty on the hull progress?"

Silonez stoped himself from saying something that could get him in trouble, "Hes' due to check in soon, last report had them finishing up the last of the larger breaches, but some of the smaller ones will have to wait, plus there is some micro fractures that will need attention before long as well."

Tapping his commbadge. =^=Da`nal to Flaherty. What is your Status?=^=

The other end of the communicator was clouded with static from the sound of plasma welders sewing together the hull and new patches. =/= It's goin' rather well Cap'n, we're finishin' th' last of th' engineering hull and we should have that done within th' hour. How well is Mister Silonez handlin' th' inner repairs, Sar? =/=

=^=We're as good as it gets MacCalum, I've got a team attempting to solve the mystery behind some small microfractures in one of the EPS conduits on deck four section D"=^= Silonez paused =^=" I think we'll be ready for the large part."=^=

"Excellent. You both are making excellent progress, and keeping us ahead of schedule. Keep it up."


Cmdr Da`nal

Lt Eircson

Lt Flaherty


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