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Romulan Repairs

Posted on 25 Nov 2009 @ 5:31pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

937 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Approaching Cariel III

As far as they could tell his little ruse had worked. They approached Cariel III at half impulse and made their way to the docking facility. Using the frequency provided they transmitted a clearance code and the doors to the bay opened. This would be a first, a Federation ship utilizing a Romulan repair yard.

Isha and the ships new Chief engineer where both on the bridge as they slowly entered the bay.

"I cannae believe we're doin' this, it's almost wrong in a way." Mac said aloud, thinking about whether or not they were going to be able to effect the repairs here effectively or not. The giant bay doors slid past the view screen, leaving the entire bridge crew with an unhindered view of the bay's innards. "How much d'they know about th'build of our ships?"

"At least as much as you do," Isha muttered.

They didn't have a whole lot of time and as the doors closed behind them Romulan repair craft were launched as soon as the Freedom had decloaked.

"Mr Flaherty, how much time do you estimate for the hull repairs?"

Flaherty snorted loudly, as one does when asked a ridiculous question. He realized who asked the question a second later, "Well, I cannae actually tell what their knowledge of th' Freedom's design will be, but I'd estimate about," His eyes snapped upward in thought, "About two days to seal the hull, but that'll be the optimistic estimate Sar, and o' course we'll want a wee bit o' extra time to get our power issues straight." His mind produced the snide comment, 'We wouldn't want anyone else being blown across the room by a conduit rupture, would we?' He stifled the desire to throw that one on the table, realizing it would be in everyone's best interest just to keep that one to himself.

After all, some things were just better left unsaid.

Given the presence of the Ambassador, and the Romulan repair teams starting on the hull, he assumed the snort was for the Romulan, and though he could more than understand the reaction he would have to deal with his...vocalizations later. The time table for the hearing was set, and unless Andrew or Isha's mother was successful in creating a delay, 48 hours would be too late. Have your people concentratrate on the power systems and assign one of your staff tho oversee the hull repair." He glanced to Isha the back to Flaherty, "18 hours would be preferable but you have 24 hours."

Flaherty thought for a moment, "I'll see what I kin do Cap'n, but I make no promises." He moved towards the turbolift, but turned back to face the Senior officer before he entered, "An' as for the hull repairs, I'll be overseein' those maeself, I'll have no mistakes on that part." He shuddered lightly at the thought, having heard rumors of other Romulan acts of sabotage, most having been done with far less access to the ship itself. He stepped into the lift and ordered it to engineering, thinking he may as well put things right there first.

It was, after all, anyone's guess on how smoothly this was going to go.

~Very good.~ Da`nal thought. With Flaherty keeping on eye on the outside and his people, not too mention the rest of the crew with an engineering rating, on the inside he hope to be under way on schedule.

With an edge of humor he looked to the Ambassador, "Isha? They do know how to patch a hull yes???"

"Very much so," Isha said, "Though they are more used to penetrating Federation hulls than patching them," she observed in a bland tone.

T'Pal barely lifted her head, as the conversations were going on around her, her attention was fixed on her console and the different scans she ran, to monitor activity of vessels in their sensor rrange if any. It was important to finish this mission and et back in Federation spcae, bu she had a strong personal motivation too.

"Well we've done our oun fair share of penetrating Romulan hulls ourselves. But this isn't the time to compare score cards. We have alot of work and a short time to do it in."

"If you will excuse me, I have to explain some of the finer points of Romulan communication to the analysts working on the subspace traffic we have been monitoring between our ships and the Empire." By 'our' Isha meant the ships of her mother and those involved with the rescue of her husband's brother. "I will also be meeting with Senator Latasalaem, who has been kind enough to offer you the use of his facilities. I trust that I may move freely?"

Da'nal nodded as the Ambassador excused herself and headed towards the turbo lift. Stepping up to the security station. "T'pal, keep our ECM (electronic countermeasures) high, and watch for any scanning, or break in security no matter how slight. The Romulans maybe patching us up but I don't want them thinking they have a free hand at looking us over."

"I am on it," T'Pal said as she tapped her console to widen the ECM patameters. She was certain they were not to ne trusted, so she kept her staff on high alert.

"Excellent. Scan the hull plating that they using as well. I don't want any surprises. If you find anything I'll be in my ready room writing a report on why I 'destroyed' one of Starfleets newest ships."


Cmdr Da`nal

Lt T'Pal

Ambassador Isha e-Khellian i-Ramnau t'Illialhlae

Lt Flaherty


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