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A man Down

Posted on 17 Nov 2009 @ 9:30pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,044 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: sickbay

Mel was in sickbay going over a scan of a young operations officer who had recived 2nd degree burns to her hands and lower stomach. Mel had just turned to use the console When of all a sudden the console in front of her exploded she was knocked back towards the young Ensign.

“Doctor Hemmingway.â€

Cas heard the young ensign scream an noticed Mel on the floor. “Mel can you hear me?†cas froze just for a second “Computer Acivate EMH.â€

The EMH materialized to the smell of smoke, burt electronics, and scorched tissue. Turning he saw Doctor's Hemmingway and Taylor on the floor. Dr Hemmingway was clearly injured and as he opened his move she began to have convulsions. Grabbing a tricoder he scanned her. She going into neuroleptic shock."

"Mel hold on hun... We need treat the burns." she looked at the readigs of her own tricoder "agreed."

"Ensign what happened?" Cas asked

Dr. Hemmingway was treating my burns when she turned to use the console and it exploded. Is she gonna be okay?"

"Its gonna be touch and go but its to early to say." Cas sighed it was her first day back on the job and this happened.

Lifting the injured CMO to the biobed. "Her burns can wait! If we don't stabalize her neural activity she'll die."

"Right if you can stabilse her doc?" cas asked "Your more quilifed. whilst I inform the captain."

=^= Taylor to Da'Nal =^=

Da`nal had just congratulated the crew after their bit of deception and the ship was under way to Cariel III to get their hull repaired, when the call came in.

=^=Da`nal here.=^=

=^= Dr. Hemmingway has been hurt serevely =^=

Da'nal exhaled ~this is not the news he needed right now.~ =^=On my way.=^=

When he arrived at sickbay both the EMH was in the surgical bay and Dr. Casiday was seeing to the other wounded that were still bed-ridden. "Report."

"From what i have been told she was dealing with this ensign and she went to use the console and it expoled she has severe neuroleptic shock, but we have managed for now to stabiles her."

As she completed her report the biomonitor keeping tabs on the Doctor's condition began to go crazy with alarm after alarm.

Da`nal, having been married to a doctor before knew to stay out of the way, but watched intently as the EMH once again sprang into motion, scanning the monitor quickly "Caridac arrect, synaptic fuctions are failing...the power flowing through that console fryed her but good. As the cardiac monitor continued its long tone the EMH stepped away from the biobed. "Time of death 17:34."

"Not on my watch." Se walked over and looked at the injured doctor then had idea. "Captain I have an idea but I'll neeed your premssion to do it?"

Da`nal figured she was already things could get worse. Knowing vital time would be lost by asking for an explaination he simply granted her request. "Proceed."

"Doc I need some Damnd modified Nanites atuned to her DNA." she was fuming.

"Nanites?" The EMH questioned. Her approach was risky indeed, boardering on unethical, but he replicated the nanites per her request. Taking the capsule containing the nanites suspending in a saline solution he loaded them into a hypospray and handed it the Doctor.

"Thank you doctor once these are adminstred i want her transfered to a stastis tube? Can you handle that?" she press nozzle against Mel's neck. she checked her tricorder readings and was happy with the readings.

The EMH smirked. The nanites would basically rebuild her damaged systems from the inside out. The thing was how long would it take for her to recover? What kind of damage had the brain suffered? And more importantly, would it be Dr. Hemmingway that woke up...if she ever did?"

Da`nal stepped forward. "Explain what happened Doctor? This treatment I authorized...what is it supposed to do?"

"Well Sir... the Nanites will help rebuild her body from the inside out... it will repair the damaged areas of the brain sir to keep her alive.†She pause “it is too early to tell how long the recovery process will take has her body went into neuroleptic shock which caused her body to shut down in away to try to protect itself, from the lasting effects."

"And in the mean time?"

"In the mean time Mel will placed in statis until we gcan get her the help she need."

"By that I asume a Starbase or other medical facility?"

"Yes Sir."

"Very well. I guess that makes you our Chief Medical Officer. If you feel your not up to the task I need to know now?"
"I will do my best sir."

Da'nal looked at the young woman carefully for a moment, then nodded. "Good, I'll expect nothing less. If you have any repairs needed, get the list to Mr. Flaherty. I'm afraid they will have to wait, but he'll need the information."

"Sir with all due respect there only 10 medical staff leeft including myself and The EMH..." she paused and thought this thought "We may need Sickbay again, but the list is quiet extensive and ready been sent."

"Well you will have to make due. Just like everyone else. We are all operating under less than perfect coditions and will soon be heading into un friendly space without escort. Our only hope of reaching Romulus alive will depend on the reliability of our cloak. As far as the rest of the galaxy s concerned we are dead. If our enemies find us....We will be on our own."

"Understood..." she sat ont the bio bed and sighed "Sir."

Placing a hand on her shoulder. "Don't take the weight of the galaxy on your shoulders or worry about what may happen down the road. Worries about what you cannot control wastes time, energy and creates its own enemies."

“I know but I have alot to live up.†She smiled “I will do my best."

"As long as you do your best...No one can say anything. But you'll have to excuse me Doctor, I have other duties to attend to."


Ltjg Casiday Taylor

Cmdr Da`nal


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