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Survival is not enough

Posted on 14 Nov 2009 @ 10:05pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,718 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations

They had survived, now to repair the ship. "Well that will wake ya up in the morning."

Da'nal looked to his left to the empty chair normally occupied by his XO. He had been been aboard only a short time but seemed an able officer, well time would tell. Standing from his chair, "Miss Logan, 1MC please."

Jessica was surprised that she wasn't shaking in her boot. ~Guess I'm getting a hang of this bridge thing.~ No sooner had the order come her way had she confidently replied. "Open Captain."

Da'nal noticed the change in tone andglanced back briefly as he grinned. "This is your Captain speaking. Well done all. Though we had a rough ride your preparations made all the difference. We aren't out ofthe woods yet but now that we re dead, we have the time we need. We still need to get to Romulus inorder to complete our orders so lets get this ship in proper working order. Everyone with an enginerig rating of 5(?) or higher report to Engineering for repair assignments. Da'nal out."

"T'Pal, you have the bridge, I'll be in my ready room."

"Acknowledged," T'Pal said and closed her console so her replacement could take over.

As the door closed behind him he moved to his desk reviewing Cmdr. Fiennman's report on the incident with there helmsman. As he read he became frustrated, as it stood it was still a case of one officer's word agaonst another. Whatever happens will depend on what CJ has to say.

All the while, he was aware of the Ambassador who had remained in his ready room during their death. "So, how long do you think it will be before the Senate makes its inquiries?"

She was sitting in a chair with her legs curled beneath her. Isha's eyes were not quite closed but she seemed deep in thought. As Da'nal spoke she opened them. "My esteemed mother will work herself into an unholy rage and demand action long before she reaches home. I cannot help but wonder what my husband's brother will do ... it just isn't part of his plan. My death, if necessary was always going to be a last resort but only if it suited him. If I know Nniol, which I do, this could cause him to turn on whoever is responsible - he really doesn't like it when others use their initiative and alter the outcome of his plans."

Da`nal smirked as he imagined Nniol's frustration.

"I want to monitor communications traffic, the more I know about what is being said and by whom the better prepared I can be. Yes, yes, I'm sure you have peopele dedicated to the task but they don't really know what to listen and look for," she said with a dismissive wave of the hand.

"Don't assume my reaction before I give it Madam Ambassador...Isha." Tipping his head ever so slightly in her direction; "You can have access to all Interecepted communications. It only stands to reason that the more we know the better we can plan."

Isha's lips twitched into the slightest of smiles, "Good, your own analysts may assist me, indeed for their efforts they may learn something that was never available to them at your academy." She straightened ignoring the lingering aches resultant from the exertions of the last few days as she placed her feet on the floor and smoothed her skirt over her knees. "That will be their reward for co-operating with me, but what will yours be?" she asked.

Da`nal raised a brow at her offer, but replied in typical Klingon fashion. " its own reward." But before his guest could comment on the klingon-ness of his response he continued. "However." The distinct pause made it clear that what was to follow was big.

Isha gave a slight cough. The 'however' was quite enough. As she inclined her head she smirked a little. "Go on," she invited.

"You and I have a unique opportunity."

"We have? I don't read minds, Commander."

"The ending of a conflict that has been going on for over a century. Both of our Houses have been at each others throats ever since Klach D'Kel Brakt. Our Houses have lost family members, ships, allies, and friends, to what end?"

The ambassador allowed herself a pause before she replied reflecting on how both her husband and his brother would have replied; their answer would be one and the same so it was the one that she gave. "The end is irrelevant, the cause is necessity, for revenge. It is one of the few things our Empire's have in common, the drive to avenge down to the last man if necessary - as a Klingon you should know that," Isha said evenly.

"Oh I assure you I am Klingon, but I am also a Starfleet officer. That gives me a different perspective. I have sworn an oath to uphold certain principles; principles that, at times, are contrary to Klingon traditions. Despite that, I still have to honor those oaths. How can I seek vengance and honor whomever while dishonoring myself and my family by violated the very things I swore to uphold?

Since 2271 the Illialhlae and the Varal have been waging a war; a war of revenge that, so far, has been ignored by both our governments. Recent events have proven that we can exist...even work together without killing one another."

"To end a private war?" Isha laughed, "Its all you can do to stop yourself from strangling me, Da'nal, and you go so far out of your way to be obtuse that I am obliged to needle you."

Grinning at her confessed frustration as he remembered his own. "True it hasn't been easy, and it won't be easy either. But Nniol failed in his attack on my children. His compatriates failed in their attempt to stop this ship. Whether their target was you, me, or the both of us; the fact remains that they failed. As a result there is no reason for the my House to seek vengance.

Slowly Isha twisted a lock of her hair around her finger - that was an interesting if unexpected perspective. "That was a very personal attack," she mused, "as though he wanted to personally injure you, which is not quite the nature of our conflict ... most of us, my husband included grew bored with the vendetta some years ago."

"My brother's death was the last in our little feud. Yes his death can be blamed on Nniol holding back his forces. However he died in battle against the Dominion, that is why no vengance was ordered by my Father.

"The next move is on the Illialhlae...on you."

As she stood Isha smoothed her skirt over her hips. This was a difficult scenario, one that the Klingon had been unwilling to countenance in the moments when they had last talked. "Your brother is not dead," she said.

Da`nal felt his anger rise but controlled it. He remained in his seat not giving her the satifaction of getting him to rise out of control. "Last we spoke you said there was a Klingon captive that Nniol had been keeping. Then you were unable to name him but now you stand there and NOW you name him. MY Brother is DEAD....and You have no honor. I make an offer of PEACE in return for the assitance you and mother have shown and you throw it in my face by trying to dishonor my family for 3 generations! "

Isha shrugged. "No Da'nal, I expressed my opinion that there was a resemblance between you and the captive. My knowledge of his name remains the same, but seeing you again I am more convinced as to his identity." She paced away as she continued to talk, "You vehemently oppose the idea that it could be your brother, a possibility that fits all the circumstances in order to protect the ignorance that you mistakenly call honour. I am offering you certainty. Nniol, despite his relationship with my late husband, is a traitor, a murderer ... when this is over his goods and properties, minus what will no doubt be a disproportionately large fee paid in compensation to the government, will be mine; that will include his Klingon slave, then we shall ascertain his identity. I will give him to you whoever he turns out to be and then you, or his family may do what they feel necessary for him to regain his honour."

Linking her fingers together Isha turned back, "I am not entirely ignorant of Klingon custom," the ambassador said, "if I sell him to someone else, or keep him there will be no peace, and if you do not find out whether or not my suspicion is grounded in fact you personally will have no peace, regardless of how strongly believe that your brother is already dead."

He still didn't not want to acknowledge that she was correct, that the captive could indeed be his older brother. "Whether of my House or not vengence, something I know your people practice as well as mine, would demand he take Nniol's life."

Isha rolled her lower lip between her teeth, "I understand that." she said, aware that she was treating the verdict of the Senate as a forgone conclusion and ignoring that they might find against her. "I am not without influence. Nniol's life is forfeit and it matters not who takes it. I can request that the matter be left to my House to conclude. When we leave the Tiibunal we will remove to Nniol's estate and there we will see an end. I suspect that you may be the first of your species to enjoy the hospitality of any of our Great Houses."

"Perhaps. And perhaps one day...." Da`nal was interuped as a voice came ove the Comm.

=^= Taylor to Da'Nal =^=

"Da`nal here."

=^= Dr. Hemmingway has been hurt serevely =^=

Da'nal exhaled ~this is not the news he needed right now.~ "On my way." Rising from behind his desk, "You will have to excuse me Isha, duty calls."


Cmdr Da'nal

Lt T'Pal

Isha t'Illialhlae
Romulan Ambassador


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