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Conduct Unbecoming - Part 3 "Punishment"

Posted on 12 Nov 2009 @ 12:53pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,377 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Ready Room / Bridge
Timeline: Current

The ship was underway and cloaked once again. As far as they could tell their little shell game was working. Hopefully Lt. Flaherty would be able to live up to his reputation as an engineer and get the ships systems restored to operational status. Now all they had to do was get the hull repaired and get to Romulas without Nnoil's allies finding out that the Freedom hadn't been destroyed everything should fall into place.

Unfortunately while he was congratualing the crew on a job well done an issue sat in front of him that he had to address. Tapping his commbadge, =^=Lt. DeHavilland, Report to the ready room immediately."

=^="On my way."=^= came his reply.

Da`nal held the padd the Andrew had prepared before he had left. No only would he have to deal with DeHavilland but the Doctor as well it seemed. He looked up as the helmsman entered, the grin he normally wore turned to that of a man that knew he was in trouble as he saw Da`nal's expression. Pointing to a spot on the floor, "Stand there Mr. DeHavilland."

CJ sighed inwardly, he knew where this was going... it wasn't his first time. "Aye, sir." he replied.

"Something has come to my attention, something that I cannot let stand. But I wanted to give you the opportunity to explain why you drunk while your post is on the bridge."

"I..." he began, taking a deep breath to find his bearing. "I have no excuse, sir." he replied, now staring resolutely at a spot along the wall behind the skipper. He had no intention of using the loss of his mother as an excuse or reason for sympathy. She'd have turned over in her grave if she knew he had.

Seting the padd down, he pressed for his answer. "I didn't ask for an excuse, Lieutenant. I want an explanation."

"I have neither, sir." he replied. The last thing he wanted to do was piss off his Commanding Officer, but considering the way things had been going the last few days, with Melanie even getting involved, he knew he needed to try and direct that rage at him. He didn't want Melanie getting punished for his misdeeds, even if she had tried to cover it up.

Slamming his hand onto his desk he rose quickly rose, coming around his desk and circled behind CJ before stopping in front of him. "I'm offer you the opportunity to present even the slightest mitigating circumstance that might explain your actions. Do you deny the charge?"

"No, sir." CJ replied quietly. He wasn't going to use her as an excuse. "I do not deny the charge." he repeated, mustering every bit of strength he could find to keep his composure.

"Lieutenant, your actions are court-martial offenses and with your admission of guilt I have no choice but to take action! With your admission of guilt my hands are tied at this point."

"Understood, sir." he replied.

"CJ. You are a hell of a pilot, now, you can of course accept my decision or request trial by court martial. Do you wish trial by court-martial?" Da`nal hoped he was smart enough to take his licks and move on. A trial by court martial could very well end his career and end it badly.

"No sir." he replied.

~Good~ he thought to himself as he nodded slightly. He was glad he had decided to take his licks and forgo trial. Taking position in front of the officer Da`nal too assumed the position of attention. "Lieutenant Curtis Dehavilland, for violations of Article 112 - Drunk while on Duty and Article 133 Conduct Unbecoming an Officer; you are hereby reduced in rank to Ensign.†Reaching up he removed a pip as he continued, “Due to our current situation confinement to the brig is waved; however you will be reassigned to other duties until a review of your performance shows you are ready to resume the role of a senior officer on this ship. When not on duty you are confined to quarters for the next 30 days. You are also ordered to surrender all alcohol in your possession, and are forbidden to consume anything stronger than synthohol for the next 60 days.


CJ saluted sharply and turned on his heel, stepping out the door into the corridor and heaving a massive sigh. Ensign... he had busted his ass to get JG and now he was back to Ensign, like every other probie fresh out of the Academy.

After CJ had left he returned to his desk, tossing the pip onto its surface and updated CJ service record. When he was completed he tapped his commbadge.

=^=Ensign Kristere, report to the ready room.=^=

~Oh, frack! What did I do to piss him off this time?~ Wandella thought, laughing a little at her amazing ability to find trouble wherever she went, =^=I'm on my way.=^= She replied, walking slowly out of her quarters to, well, who really knew what?

-Five Minutes Later, Ready Room-

Wandella stopped in front of Da'Nal's ready room for a second to let her hair down and push her breasts up, hoping if she looked hot enough maybe she could at least get out of some of the trouble she was in, though she really couldn't think of a hting in the world she'd be in trouble for this time, ~Really I didn't do anything this time.~

"Ens. Kristere, reporting as ordered, Keptin." She said, sauntering in as sexily as she could while so distracted trying to figure out what the hell she had done this time, "You vanted to see me, no?"

Grinning to himself as she made her entrance. "I did, take a seat Ensign."

Wandella took a seat as he instructed, figuring since sexiness apparently had failed she'd go with cooperation, ~Why not try something new?~ "Yes, Sir." She replied, "How can I help you?" ~And do I have an alibi?~

"Lt. DeHavilland has been demoted and removed from his duties as department head." Da`nal paused as his word hit her.

"Oh....." Wandella paused for a full second as the news hit her, she was sad for DeHavilland, even though they'd never met and the scuttlebutt was he didn't care for her, but she was happy to find for once that she was not the one in trouble. ~Which is good, because I don't think I can account for myself for every second.~

Glancing down at the pip still on his desk, he looked back up to her to see if her eyes had followed his.

Wandella's eyes had indeed followed Da'Nal's, and she was unsure to say the least. Sure, she wanted to advance, every officer did, but for her to be taken out of the cockpit of the Liberator, not to mention becoming her old boss' boss complete with the accompanying headaches a department head's post came with, ~Frack, this is going to mean a lot of bridge shifts. This thing handles like a pig in mud. Oh, well, if not me, it's going to be someone, at least I know I can fly.~

"Am I to take it you have me in mind for post, Keptin?" She asked, playing the whole thing as cool as possible.

Da`nal nodded. "In a manner of speaking. You've held the rank of Lieutenant J G before. And while you were demoted, I'm inclined to give you a second chance." Da'nal picked up the pip and stood, coming around his desk. "On your feet Ensign."

"Actually, I technically never held rank, they canceled promotion right before I was to get it." Wandella said as she rose to her feet, "Never mind, that doesn't matter."

"Ensign Wandella Kristere, you are here by promoted to the acting rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade and provisionally placed as the Department Head of Flight Control." After placing the pip he stood back. "Whether either of those become permanent is up to you. Congratulations."

"Thank you, I'll try." Wandella replied, a little taken aback by the whole thing, it had all come so fast, ~Well, whatever, you figure something out.~


Cmdr Da`nal
Commanding Officer

Ltjg "CJ" DeHavilland
Former CFCO

Ltjg Wandella Kristere


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