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Lounge Act

Posted on 18 Oct 2009 @ 10:29pm by

617 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Main Lounge
Timeline: Current

The buzz of noise from the crew around him filled him as he leaned over the bar of the Main Lounge, a whiskey and soda condensating in his hands as he looked about the room. The crew had been on edge, and things were still a bit tense, but the crew was taking every chance to get out and release some tensions just as he was tonight.

As Andrew watched the crowd of Officer's and crew congregate and carry on, he spotted a young human woman at the opposite end of the bar. She was trying to chit chat with her friend who he had seen walk into the Lounge with her, but her friend was much more interested in the Bajoran man on the opposite side of her, leaving the young woman to her drink in relative isolation. She was an attractive young woman, with dark black hair hanging loosely over her shoulders. She was one of the few not wearing her uniform; assuming of course she was a part of Starfleet and not a family member of another Officer or crewman.

Andrew took an affirming drink from his glass and left the bar, making his way around the room to where the young woman was standing and slipping between a few patrons before setting his drink down on the bar next to her and having a seat. He drank his drink quietly for a moment, watching her continue to try and edge into her friends conversation unsuccessfully before turning to her.

"Third wheel?" he asked with a charming smile.

"Completely, sir." she replied, shaking her head, but smiling back just the same.

"My friends and I used to always swear we'd never split up once we got where we were going, but it never failed." he chuckled, "First group of women to walk by and all four of us scattered to the wind." he smiled.

"Andrew Fienneman, by the way." he said, offering his hand.

"I know who you are, sir." she replied, "Rebecca Moore." she added, taking his hand.

"Don't worry, I don't bite." he said, feeling the tension between them.

"Sorry." she replied, "Its not often the XO sits next to you at the bar." she chuckled nervously.

"We're just two human beings here, Rebecca." he smiled back. "No harm in that, is there?" he asked.

"No." she smiled, taking her hair behind her ear, "No harm at all."....

=^='Bridge to Commander Fienneman.'=^= echoed a voice in the darkness, stirring Andrew from the deepest depths of slumber. He stared quietly at the ceiling for a moment, trying to figure out what that strange noise was, when it sounded again.


Andrew rolled over to the nightstand and tapped the badge resting on it. "Go ahead." he croaked, his mouth dry.

=^='Sir, sorry to bother you, but we're having some issues on the Bridge that require your attention."=^=

Andrew sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "On my way." he said, tapping the badge to close the transmission. Beside him, a body stirred in the bed.

"What time is it?" Rebecca asked sleepily.

"Way too late." Andrew replied, sliding his legs over the side of the bed and grabbing his clothes. "Go back to sleep." he smiled over his shoulder.

Rebecca rolled over towards him and trailed her fingers over his shoulders. "Have fun." she chuckled.

Andrew glanced back over his shoulder as he pulled his shirt on over his head and shook his head, "Yah, I'm sure I will." he said, standing up. "Good night." he added as he slipped out of the door into the corridor beyond.

Lieutenant Commander Andrew Fienneman
Executive Officer
USS Freedom


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