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Under Repair

Posted on 12 Oct 2009 @ 11:48am by

354 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Space
Timeline: *Backpost*

The darkness of space dominated the cockpit of the shuttle as it moved noiselessly through the void. CJ had dimmed the cabin lights, leaving only the glow of the computer panels to illuminate him, casting strange fingers of light over the interior of the shuttle and over its pilot. He stared blankly out at the view for a few moments, letting his thoughts consume him, before turning back to the task at hand. The shuttle Liberty, had been having engine malfunctions. Having spent a few hours crawling through her systems, CJ was fairly certain he had the bugs kicked out. Still, there was only one thing left to do - field test it.

He moved his finger's quickly across the panel and began his basic Warp pre-flight preparations, adding a few extra system diagnostics just to make sure something hadn't come loose in the short trip from the station to his current position just beyond it. Satisfied with the read-outs and with his work on the engine, he powered up the Warp reactor and got set to run the test.

"DeHavilland to zh'Bol." he said, tapping the panel to engage the transmission.

"Janat here, sir." replied.

"Preparing for Warp Jump. Standby." he replied.

Without another word, CJ engaged the drive and watched as the steady pinpricks of light turned into so many streaks moving past the windows of the shuttlecraft. He sighed to himself in satisfaction, the hum of the ship beneath him soothing his mind from the stresses that had been creeping in. He felt... at ease.

All across the board in front of him, all systems were normal. That meant that he'd been successful in kicking out the bugs, but that didn't mean he had to turn back... at least not so soon. Smiling to himself, he dropped out of Warp and let the shuttle float, leaning back in the chair and putting his feet up on the panel; utterly relaxed. Now if I just had a drink, he thought to himself.

Lieutenant JG Curtiss DeHavilland
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Freedom


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