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Conduct Unbecoming - Part 2 "Verification"

Posted on 21 Oct 2009 @ 11:49am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Colonel Stadi Andrus

760 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Bridge / Sickbay
Timeline: current


Da'nal reurned to the bridge with casualty and engineering reports in hand. When he arrived the bridge stations all had new officers except for T'Pal. He had left the bridge to her, though she could have handed that responsibility over to the officer of the day. However given the situation he was not at all surprised to find her here.

As he walk up down to the lower level he turned towards the command chair as she was already on her feet. "T'Pal, before shift change. Lt. DeHavilland left his post?"

"Yes sir, once we were out of jamming range we received and up transmission. It was marked personal for CJ. He asked for permission to leave the bridge and I granted it. Is there something wrong?"

"I hope not. At any rate, I want you to turn the bridge over the Shift Duty officer and check on our prisoner. Once thats done, get some rest."

"Sir, being part Vulcan I can carry on and cover this shift as well."

"I understand sound like another Klingon/Vulcan hybrid I know. But I want you sharp, we aren't out of the yet."

"Understood sir. I also took the liberty of contacting SB 47 to update them on our status and destination. They had received the probe and were understandably concerned."

"Excellent" He then turned to go into his ready room as T'Pal carried out her orders. When he entered the room it was a disaster. Anything that hadn't been bolted down had been scattered. From the smell of things there had been a blown panel but it was obvious that a repair crew had already been here. While he appreciated the dedication, their were other things that needed to be fixed before his office. He set about straightening up then sat to look over the reports. Damage and casualty reports. Activating his terminal he began the process of reading up in the officers who had died....before contacting their families.


Andrew pulled on the cuffs of his sleeves as he stepped into Sick Bay, all the elements of this incident with the pilot didn't seem to be working out so well. But, innocent until proven guilty. As he stepped in, he looked around quickly for the Doctor and, having caught her gaze, pointed distinctly towards her office and walked into it before waiting for her to join him.

"The door." he said, as she stepped inside.

Melanie met the commander's gaze and slowly walked into the office. Once in the office she locked the door behind her. "Can I help you sir?" She asked, not giving it away that she knew exactly what this was about.

"I'm following up on a report by an Officer on board regarding Lieutenant DeHavilland. I'm hoping you can shed some light on its validity." he said.

"Absolutely." She sat behind her desk and waiting for the questioning to begin.

"When was the last time you saw the Lieutenant?" he asked.

"A couple of hours ago when I left his quarters." Melanie replied. She realized that the moment she spoke it could of been taken more than one way. She hoped that she wasn't blushing.

"Can you substantiate this Officer's report that Lieutenant DeHavilland was intoxicated while still on duty?" he asked.

"I will not substantiate the report. When I saw him I was not aware that he was on duty." She looked directly at him daring him to say that she was lying but what she spoke was the truth, she was not aware that CJ had been drunk.

"But you can substantiate the fact that he was intoxicated?" Andrew pressed, folding his arms across his chest and looking the Doctor firmly.

"I treated him for an upset stomach and a headache." Melanie replied, not confirming or denying what he had asked.

"As a result of what?" Andrew pressed, "Chef's Nacho's and Stress?" he asked, titling his head curiously. Something wasn't right here.

"Doctor. Are you covering for Mr. DeHavilland?" Andrew pressed, taking a step towards the Doctor. "Covering for him is going to make you just as guilty. So now's the time to speak, while I'm still willing to forget the start of this conversation." he said, pausing to give her the chance to reply. When she said nothing, he simply nodded.

"I think we're done here, Doctor." he said firmly. "As you were." he said, turning on his heel and leaving.


Commander Da`nal
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Andrew Fienneman
Executive Officer
USS Freedom

Lt. Hemmingway
Chief Medical Officer


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