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Lunch Conversation

Posted on 15 Feb 2010 @ 11:54pm by

346 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M3: Shore Leave
Location: Mess Hall
Timeline: 1215hrs


Hannah entered the mess hall and made her way over to the replicator.

"Spaghetti Bolognaise," she ordered. "And a glass of water."

She turned around after picking up her food and realised the room was full. She reluctantly made her way over to the nearest seat, near a Human man she hadn't met.

"Mind if I sit here?" she asked.

Silonez looked up from a PADD he was reading, "Please do." He sat down the PADD "You must be new here, I'm Silonez Ericson the Head of Intel."

"Ensign Hannah Dawson, yeah I'm one of the new security officers. Nice to meet you."

Silonez looked at the ensign, " is this your first deepspace assignment?"

She shook her head. "I was posted to another starship for 2 years before being transferred here." She figured she'd better make some small talk and so replied, "What about you? How long have you been onboard?"

"Since the ship left spacedock, I'm one of the few original crew still on board, this ship has been through alot, and we've always managed surrvive."

Hannah made a start on her dinner as she replied, "One of the reasons I was glad to be transferred here. The Freedom has a good reputation."

Silonez almost laughed "its earned, but we've had our share of problems to."

She smiled. "That's what makes it interesting."

Silonez looked up at the new commer, "the previous security cheif and I had our share of issues, and the Captain and I don't see eye to eye on everything during our little trip into Romulan space we almost had the ship rip itself apart because he wouldn't listen to the cheif engineer or myself concerning a dangerous condition with the ship."

"Would you rather we just drifted through space every day, never having any problems?" she challenged him.

"True enough, the next mission breifing is in a few hours, if your near the intel office come on in." Silonez said as he stood to take his dishes away.

She smiled again. "I'll do that."


Lt. Silonez Ericson

Ens Hannah Dawson


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