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Final damage report and preperations

Posted on 21 Oct 2009 @ 11:50am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,029 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Main Briefing room
Timeline: current

Da`nal had just finished with his 'planning session' with their Romulan guests. As he left the Diplomatic conference room the tapped his commbadge.

=^=Da`nal to Silonez and Flaherty. Main briefing room in ten minutes.=^=

=^="Already there sir"=^=

=^=Very well. Did you catch that Mr. Flaherty?=^=

=^= I'll be along shortly, Sar =^=

Silonez sat in the breifing room, the mountain of PADDs growing with every engineer that entered the room, most of the repairs were going smoothly, the ships main systems were being brought online one at a time but the lead engineer from the Angora was reporting that a trip to a ship yard was needed after this mission, atleast three systems were going to need major overhauls after this. Silonez looked up to see the Captain and another engineer enter.

Da`nal and Flaherty were speaking as they arrived. Once in the briefing room, he looked over to Mr. Silonez. Despite his earlier lapse Lt Silonez had stepped up to do what was needed on more than one occasion, such dedication was worthy of recognition.

"What do you have for us Lieutenant?"

"Two maybe two and a half we could be in better shape to get underway, from what I've seen we will need a few days in dry dock after this is over with, but from what I've seen to this point we should be ok until then." Silonez reported "We'd still be better off meeting with the Angora at this point or we might not surrvive our next encounter."

Shaking his head at the recommendation. "The Angora will have to wait and we will have to make due with what we can do ourselves and what we have been offered by our hosts. Events have been put into play that we must not hesitate in completing. In about two hours the Freedom will be destroyed."

"What??" Silonez shaking his head

Flaherty shook his head "I cannae believe ye just said that Captain." His tone rose in pitch, signaling some distress at the Captain's grim prediction.

Ignoring the interruptions, as he had expected as much, and raising a hand to silence the two officers, he continued. "Take a seat gentlemen."

As the looked at each other questioningly he laid out what was to come. "A ship is already on its way. At the prescribed time we will transport components, debris, even our dead into space. Then we will transport 1/2 of our antimatter into the cloaked ship and stage a warp core breach. We will sent an emergency hail to the Commander's ship that is currently following. The commander, along with the XO will be evacuated on the liberator.

"We cloak, get out of the area, and the antimatter is detonated. Thus giving our enemies what they want; our destruction and the ambassador's death.

"Too risky, if we get double crossed we're up the creek with out a paddle this time." Silonez groused

"I dinnae like th' sound of that either Captain, proximity to aney type of extreme energy outburst will likely shake us ta bits." Flaherty could tell he had already lost the argument, if there was in fact ever an argument to begin with.

"The decision has been made. I am not seeking either of your consent. After we are destroyed we will continue to the repair facility that we are heading to. There we will repair our hull breaches. While this is going on the XO will be taken to Romulus. Once repaired we will cloak, get to Romulus and come miraculously back from the dead when we beam onto the senate floor.

"Mr. Flaherty you are now the Chief Engineer; what I need from you is that cloaking device fully repaired within the next hour and a half. Also have antimatter, the damage debris including our dead ready for transport. Dr. Hemmingway is sure to object but it is necessary to complete the deception.

"Mr. Silonez, I will need your experience to ensure that we remain undetected until time for our resurrection and that we are truly alone when we pull this off."

"Captain with all the power issues I recommend we do little more than drift until the Romulans are far enough away so we can make our escape, one simulation I ran had the cloak failed soon as the warp drive engaged, I'm not wanting to take any chances if the little plan is to work" Silonez said hoping the point would be hammered home finally.

Da`nal's ire was beginning to rise. "Mr. Silonez....if we hide as you suggest our enemies will continue to hunt us and we will have no chance to make the repairs to the hull and other systems. By staging our destruction we not only throw the hounds off the trail but we set the Romulans against each other. If their is a problem I suggest that you two put put your heads together and fix it. You have just under two hours gentlemen....>get it done."

The engineer glanced shortly at the other man, then back to the Captain, "Aye Sar." He spoke finally, lacing his tone with resignation.

As the two men left the briefing room Da`nal spied his XO approaching the door. As he stepped through, "What did you find out from the Doctor?"

"It's what I didn't find out that's troubling." Andrew replied, stepping into the room beyond. "She didn't admit it openly, but she did admit to having treated him for an 'upset stomach' and 'headache'." he said, sighing. "I think she's covering for him, out of some personal interest in Mr. DeHavilland." he finished, looking to Da`nal.

"Well with out her 'confirmation' we have only have one office's work against another. T'Pal told me he had received a private communique before being allowed to leave the bridge. I'll just have to call him in and question him myself...see what he has to say. But I'll do that after we pull off our little stunt."


Cmdr Da`nal
Commanding Officer

LtCmdr Andrew Fienneman
Executive Officer

Lt Silonez Ericson
CIO USS Freedom

Lt. MacCallum Flaherty
Chief Engineering Officer


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