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Another Physical

Posted on 23 Oct 2009 @ 10:15am by Colonel Stadi Andrus

450 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Sick Bay
Timeline: *Backpost* Just after departure


Andrew sighed as the doors to the turbolift hissed open and deposited him onto the deck. Slowly he exited and made his way towards the Sick Bay. I hate this part, he thought to himself. It was protocol though, all new crew had to check in with the ship's Doctor and get a clean bill of health. He just hated being poked and prodded by the Doctor for no other reason than protocol.

As he reached the door's to sick bay, he sighed again and stepped inside.

Melanie was trying keep herself busy. She really didn't want to think about certain things. She had sickbay ready for any event and really couldn't think of anything else to do but sit and wait for something to happen.

"Doctor?" Andrew asked, looking over to the young woman. "If you're busy I can come back." he said, turning away. At least he could say he tried if the skipper asked.

"Yes, can I help you?" She asked.

"Help. Well not really sure." Andrew replied, "Regulations require that I submit to a physical examination by the ship's Chief Medical Officer. Though I have no desire to submit to one." he replied.

Melanie laughed. "I get that a lot around here...however, if you do not submit to my scans, I will have to put you on medical leave until you do."

"Yes, I'm sure the Commander would enjoy that." he replied, taking a seat on the bio bed. "Very well, do your worst." he submitted.

Melanie laughed as she picked up the tricorder and began her scans. She slowly ran the tricorder over him as she scanned. Once complete she looked at the tricorder. "Well.." She read the readings. "Looks good. You pass." Melanie smiled. "I will send my report to the Commander later today."

She put the tricorder down. "See? That wasn't so bad was it?"

"Perhaps." Andrew replied. "So long as I don't have to come back again for quite some time." he added.

"So, anything that I can be doing for you, Doctor? I'm sure the skipper's been busy lately with everything going on. I don't want anything slipping through the cracks, so is there anything I might do?" he asked.

"I don't think so...unless you can bring people back from the dead...everything is fine here." She smiled weakly.

"Very well. Then I'll leave you to it." he said, standing up. "Let me know if you need anything Doctor."

"Yes of course." Melanie nodded and turned back to the PADD. "Have a good day sir."


Lieutenant Commander Andrew Fienneman
Executive Officer
USS Freedom

Lieutenant Melanie Hemmingway
Chief Medical Officer
USS Freedom


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