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Posted on 05 Nov 2009 @ 11:58am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Colonel Stadi Andrus

674 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Back post - shortly following Aftermath-Medical

OOC this post will get cAsida back on her feet or at least back to the land of the living.

Cas had been in sickbay during the battle, she had not really remebered much about the accident that put her there, the last thing she remebered was a large explosion. She saw the EMH and smiled.

His attentions were on the last of the wounded. the less serious injuries had been released to their respective quarters. No doubt he would be the one to do the house calls. The more serious were occupying every bio bed an a few emergancy cots had been set up in the medical labs. He had just returned from the lab when he stopped next to Lt. Taylors bed. She had been on a part of his daily routine for some time now and had become almost second nature, even for him. After noting here bio-readings he was about to move on but his subroutines noted a major change in her appearance. She was awake...and smiling. "Welcome back Lieutenant," as he started a more detailed scan of her head.

"What happened to me?"

"You were the victim of sabotage, Lieutenant. An explosive devise had been planted and was set off by most likely set off by a Klingon bio-signal. Luckily for the Captain you were between him and the device. The blast seriously fractured several bones in your body and dangerously factured your skull. You're lucky to be alive, but after a relapse or two you seem to be recovering nicely."

One of his patients from the battle coughed painfully. Turning away, "One moment."

He stepped towards the patient as Dr. Hemmingway came from her office. "Doctor. Lt. Taylor is awake."

Melanie nodded, she had sensed Casiday's mind reawaken. She smiled as she passed by the Da'nal and made her way to Casiday.

As Cas had heard she was lucky to be here... she only remembered lil bit leading upto the explosion.

"Cassie, you are awake." Melanie spoke softly. "How are you feeling?"

"Weak to be very honest... like i have a headache. The Commander?" she asked.

"He is fine...we have been worried about you though. You will be weak for awhile and I will give you something for the headache."

"I heard... Please." her eyes closed.

Melanie prepared the hypospray and injected into the side of the woman's neck. "Better?"

Cas just nodded

The EMH stepped over listening to the conversation. "Doctor, it is obvious that she has been through a major cranial trauma and there could be some memory loss. As our counsellor is amoung those we have lost. I will see to her psychiatric evaluation."

Casiday knew what the EMH was saying that she might go crazy.

"My subroutines include the appropriate programming for analysis as well as counselling." after a brief pause, "unlike some of my predecessor's."

"oh well."

The EMH looked down at the young woman. "Just what do you mean by the Lieutant? My progamming is more than sufficient to provide for you needs. Especially if you intend to return to duty."

"It could have been Worse but i was joking Dr." she smiled at the EMH.

Raising a brow he took the 'joke' and the smile at face value. "I see. Well it will be up Dr. Hemmingway when you will be released from sick bay. I would think she would want to keep you here for observation at the least. During that time we can begin your evaluation. If your feeling up to it that is." Turning to the CMO, "For now I will see to those wound that were released to their quarters." Stepping over to a terminal the ensured the ship holo-emiters were still opertational, Ttere were a few gaps in coverage, but none of his patients were in those areas. Picking a fresh med kit he headed out to begin his rounds.

Cas was gald to be in the land of the living


Cmdr Da`nal

Lt Melanie Hemmingway

Ltjg Casiday Taylor


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