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When dealing with deceitful

Posted on 01 Nov 2009 @ 10:10pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,199 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations

Everyone was scrambling about to get things ready in the time alotted. Da`nal had laid down the gauntlet as he had before he even took command and as before the crew was performing admirably. This would not only be a test of the crew skill and resolve but of the ship as well. It the Freedoms short life she had been tested twice already, now she was about to be tested again. When this was all over the ship and crew deserved a good rest.

The Ambassador and her mother were in his ready room aand now that he was finish debating with Hemmingway he could get back to the bridge. When he finally stepped out his yoeman was right thhere with several padds for his attention. Looking over the first quickly he handed it back. "Get that down to Engineering, well will still need to be able to make a warp jump while cloake to get out of the blast radius."

"Aye sir", and without anothe word he was in the lift and gone.

Making his way to the lower level he glanced of to his XO who was at an auxiliary station busying himself with his own preparations.

"Everything looks good so far, skipper." Andrew said, not looking up as he spoke, but remaining engaged with his station.

Clapping his XO on the shoulder, "Excellent." He didn't have to tell him to let him know immediately should the situation change. However after he had stepped a way he stopped and turned back, "Oh...Good luck Commander."

Andrew smirked back, "Thank you."

Upon entering the ready roon he saw the two Romulans near the window. "Its almost time to get this started is our decoy in place?"

Isha and her mother exchanged a glance, the aftermath of this charade would be something that they would have to deal with once it was all over. "Tell me, Da'nal," Isha said, "How did the mission of your friend, Captain Patterson conclude?" she wanted to know that there was no-one clamouring for revenge if the incursion of hte USS Merlin had been unsuccessful.

Da`nal raised a brow at the reference to the Merlin's Classified mission. He replied with a subtle grin, "What mission."

"That Klingon appears to be showing evidence of a sense of humour," Llaiir observed. She folded her arms and looked down her nose with disapproval.

"We're all friends here," Isha said addressing both of them. "I will take it that they have acheived their aim and left our territory with alacrity. Time for our own adventure then!"

"You are correct... on all three points." Turning to Isha's mother, "I assume you have briefed your crew?"

It was an unnecessary question, "Those who need to know have been briefed," she replied tartly.

Isha knew that her mother had qualms about the plan, both in Isha's own ability to do her part and in trusting the Federation officers to do theirs. She smoothed her skirt over her knees and sighed, "We're ready," Isha said.

"Excellent. Commander if you will com with me we will prepare your evacuation. Ambassador, you can remain here if you like."

Isha nodded and waved her mother away.

Returning to the bridge he re-introduced the Commander to Andrew. "Andrew if you are ready I will let you take the Commander to the Liberator for the evactuation. I'll need you to leave Ens. Kristere here, but take her flight team."

"Understood. Should I include Lt. DeHavilland?" he asked.

"No, I still have to deal with that issue we had discussed. Kristere's flight crew should be sufficient to get you to the Commander's ship."

"Remind me why I am agreeing to this?" Llaiir asked her daughter, but Isha merely responded with a distant half smile, her thoughts, divided though they were, were a long long way away.

Da`nal watch the two head to the lift and as they left he tapped his commbadge. =^=Engineering, Status.=^=

=^= She's runnin' at seventy three percent o' capacity Captain, I cannae say she'll hold very well, but we'll give 'em a run fer their money." Muffled clanging noises punctuated the end of his sentence, and his transmission continued unintentionally as he hollered at the crewman responsible, =^= HEY, DROP ANOTHER BLOODY TOOL AND I'LL MURDER YE MAESELF!" The communicator sounded staticky as MacCallum's voice roared through it, a result of the small audio amplifier straining to provide the necessary decibels.

Da`nal shook his head as the engineer chastized his staff. No doubt he was venting his frustrations with his CO on those around him. =^=Will she hold long enough for a short warp jump to get us out of the blast radius?=^=

=^= I'm holdin' her together with toothpicks and bailing wire Cap'n, we won't know until ye hit that button. At any rate, I've got her runnin' as well as can be expected, so she should do th' job just fine.=^=

Da`nal nodded as the report came in. Hopefully the short hop wouldn't putt too much strain on the ship. Once they dropped from warp they could make the rest of the trip at impulse. Luckily they were already in the proper system. =^=Understood.=^=


Mr. DeHavilland take us to the coordinates of the decoy ship.â€

Turning to his security officer, “T’pal as. We reach the coordinated beam our debris 1000 meter fore and aft of the decoy.â€

"Acknowledged," T"Pal answered. All systems on her side were a go,

"Mr Silonez while T'pal covers our tracks you transport the antimatter and deloak the decoy as you cloak the Freedom. As soon aa we are cloaked release the containment on the antimatter pods."

"CJ the instant the containment begins to fall get us out of hear. I don't want to stress the ship more that nneded so a 5 second warp jump should be enough to clear the blast them best speed to (planets name).

Jessica was once again at Ops went the ship was get into the thick of things…why did she always end up on the bridge at the wrong time. As she was in the middle of her self pity Da`nal spoke to her. “Red Alert, and get me 1MC.†Moving quickly she activated the ships alerts systems as well as opening the communications to every area of the ship.

As the internal hail sounded Da`nal readied himself. “Attention crew of the USS Freedom. Once again I have called upon you to go beyond. To make those sacrifices that will ensure our success and survival. In this case I have had to ask some very difficult things, but rest assured we will leave no one behind. The next few minutes will be a rough ride for all off us. So tend to your stations and with your skill and expertise we will come out of this successful….Qapla!â€

At his signal the channel was closed. “Open hailing frequencies…all subspace channels.â€

Jess was nervous and it was obvious in her voice. “Channels open sirâ€

~Here we go…..~


Commander Da`nal
Commanding Officer

Ambassador Isha e-Khellian i-Ramnau t'Illialhlae

Hru'hfirh enRiov Llaiir t'Khellian (Isha's mother)
NPC by Louise

Lt T'Pal


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